Anonymous board

>anonymous board
>doesn't like anonymous coins

you are all faggots i hope you lose every penny, unless you buy xmr of course, then i love you

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Other urls found in this thread:

I have plenty of XMR.
People that hate on this coin are retards, probably the same that believe that the Australian clown is the inventor of Bitcoin.

where do you think whales will put their money? do you really think they want you to be notified by whale alerts when they send money to an exchange to cash out? monero is the only one the whale alerts cant track going to exchanges. whales love monero and will send it past the moon all the way to uranus

>likes monero
>hates bsv


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I still mine it on an extra PC I have ( I don't pay for power where I live) difficulty has actually dropped recent

yep, Michelangelo was a nice fella

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what kind of specs do you need to be able to mine it efficiently?

it is the year 2040
>bitcoin is used as the global currency reserve and is worth so much that people that bought even .01 btc in 2019 are now elite
>ethereum is used as the currency reserve for all the wildly successful dapps that run on it and is extremely valuable
>xmr is what the public gets paid in and what they save with- its extremely valuable and people get paid on average .000001 xmr per week with top earners making .0001 xmr per week
>xrp is what the public pays with after they convert their paycheck to global spending currency

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Monero is the oasis in the desert of garbage.

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the CryptoNightR algo is designed to make it difficult to build ASICs for it, so using a vid card is still viable. for calculations. I'm just using a radeon rx 580 3gb I bought right before the dec 2017 peak. I've made my money back on it and then some, did it more just to get a foothold in XMR. you won't get rich with a set up like mine but at least I won't anhero like all the other guys with 20+ vid cards that were inline at the electronic store ahead of me

>unlimited number of coins
might as well be fiat

ethereum has an unlimited number of coins you dumbshit

it's a good thing because then whales cant control the supply forever with new coins always being minted. as long as it's a very slow pace then it's fine. fiat can by hyperinflated, monero cannot

I like Monero, but the wallet is still pretty bad. Had a lot more, but I traded most of it for Chainlink.

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That's honestly heartbreaking that they aren't smart enough to efficiently take care of their waste.

This is going to make me super rich

>trades a revolution for a meme

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Can’t you just store it in your ledger?

Monero is centralized scam run by fluffy faggot
> inb4 muh curved emission
It has inflated the most of the top coins
darknet does not use it
normies neither
not on goybase

spotted the summerfag

what's wrong with the wallet?

XMR is compromised glownigger coin and there is a good reason darknet dropped it.

you were saying?

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yea seriously, some people dont know what hole to talk out of

Thanks just bought an unknown amount

cant use darknet as an accurate gauge anymore since every site is now a fbi/homeland security/cia honeypot. darknet has been compromised for a long long time now and going on that for serious business youre just asking to go to jail. any site on darknet could be under control of the authorities. darknet is unironically condemned now.

I do have it stored on a ledger. Took me several hours to synchronize the wallet yesterday from a remote node. The first time I tried it took an hour, and my ledger went to sleep mode at some point while it was synchronizing, so I had to restart. Then, just generating the transaction on my ledger to confirm/deny took like 15 minutes.

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i dont own eth either. btc only. unlimited supply = shitcoin

couldnt you just save the blockchain data file and then transfer it so that you dont have to constantly synchronize? the transaction generate time to confirm/deny is pretty fucking awful though. i was about to move some xmr into this wallet as ledger cold storage but if it takes that long to generate that really turns me off.

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>the product isn't super seamless yet in the early stages of it's life
>i'm not buying

you will never make it. that's like not investing in ethereum because right at this moment in it's life it can't scale. do you really think eth will never scale and monero will never have a better UX?

i already have monero...its on binance waiting for blockchain sync to finish. but i understand your point and im going to move forward with my original plans to move the xmr into the wallet and cold storage.

It is unlimited in unlimited time only, you sperg.

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i meant to reply to this earlier but dude efficiently taking care of waste like that requires machinery which require maintenance and upkeep as well as constant refueling. places like that arent setup for that kind of shit

Not everyone here is interested in drugs or whatever edgy retarded illegal shit. Privacy is of course nice for other than illegal reasons but no one uses this shit as an actual currency so it basically only matters for the illegal stuff right now. As an investment monero is pretty bad because of the inflation and also it's going to be first one to be banned by the governments if they decide to really fight crypto. You're basically automatically treated as a criminal if you use privacy coins so good luck ever cashing out.

>You're basically automatically treated as a criminal if you use privacy coins
retard tier fud
>youre using incognito mode? must be a criminal
>youre using brave browser,a privacy based browser? must be a criminal
>people are actively discussing increasing levels of privacy for users in fucking courts of law

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Yea I know it's retarded but that's how the goverment/banks see it dude.

also XMR is actually the closest thing to the current financial system today. nobody except the banks knows how much money you have or how much money you transferred. when you do that on a public ledger like btc or eth or ltc everybody knows exactly what you did. but monero takes public as well as bank knowledge away. its unironically amazing.

Buggy, takes many hours because it wants you to download the entire blockchain .

There is a lot more user friendly wallet though that is slightly less autistic about privacy

dude what exactly is different between using xmr to store and transfer your funds and using cash money to store and transfer your funds? both of them are considered private and away from big brother's prying eye yet people rarely if ever go to jail for transacting in cash money.

>gov and bank wants me to have no privacy
okay no privacy for me then

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>slightly less autistic about privacy
but if youre willing to compromise your privacy by forgoing certain features of XMR, then why even hold or use it?

ETH is weeks away from having zksnark mixer contracts

not fungible and no one will use it. people only use privacy when its defaulted in

It's still plenty private. The normal wallet by default just wants you to run your own node which protects against hypothetical corrupt nodes. The chance of a bad nose specifically targeting your tx despite not knowing anything about it because of ring signatures is slim.

People would want to forego it because it takes many hours or even days to download the blockchain and not to mention bugs. It's just a pain in the ass process

I mean goverments are already harassing exchanges about privacy coins even though cash is more anonymous and better for illegal stuff. They're basically retarded and afraid of new things. It sucks but it's true.

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I don't use bitoasis so I don't know what the fuck is going on exactly but I think there were other exchanges that were delisting privacy coins completely.

fair enough but nobody said progress was smooth. i really want to run a full node so i can contribute to the security of the XMR network. and id rather have "zero chance" than "slim chance"
good. if the governments hate it and want it to stop then i know i want it.

coinbase is fully compliant with SEC rules and regs and they list and trade Zcash...

Because Zcash is a honeypot.

that much is obvious which makes xmr have lots of value

i've never had that experience. takes 30-40 min for me to download the blockchain and ive never ran into any bugs. i use windows 10 on a high performance gaming computer

and HOLO?

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(((They))) are actively fudding Monero RN.
It's the #1 privacy coin RN and will continue to be.
When ETH or BTC actually implement privacy features I may re-evaluate my positions but so far it's always just been "right around the corner".
Monero has huge first mover advantage here. If you don't have at least a small stack of it you're a brainlet.

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vitalik been saying he wants zksnarks for years now but doesn't ever follow through.. it's all talk

If I want a good untracable privacy crypto I buy SpectreCoin.
Hell I already bought Spectre and lately even more since privacy seems to more important now.

Better hop in while it is

#1 on CMC but not on tech und privacy

>traded the only legit privacy coin for a 100% traceable coin
lmao Jow Forums always has been the lowest IQ board

No and BTC doesn't have the fastest transactions, and ETH doesn't scale as well as others.
Longest chain/First Mover advantage always beats better tech in crypto. Biz hates this.

Darknet glows like fuck now

I know DM dropped it because they had their hotwallet cleared after not updating their software for months, with an exploit in CN that allowed deposit spoofing on exchanges. They then tried to blame it on Monero losing probably hundreds of users like me in the process.

Handz of steel here
Not selling til 5k in 2021


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Smug user predicted 31k usd.

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>good. if the governments hate it and want it to stop then i know i want it.
these people will make it

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i only have 1 xmr but i want to buy cheaper

how long til $10k

a short term gamble that wont be around at all in 2040
easily. we all know BTC is going to a million dollars. buy btc and xmr

$93-$95 is an amazing price for XMR investing. its never going to go back to $5-$20. anything under $100 is robbery. im buying enough for investment and enough for spending and will spend when the time is right

probably 10+ years but accumulate as much as you possibly can and mine it whenever youre not doing anything intensive on your pc

BTC never 1 mill

maybe 10 years for xmr - it got tail emmission

can I buy and sell this and be 100% anonymoose?

if you stay off network yes

why is the volume so low?

can't really use it to buy stuff from merchants in the white world... yet

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I just want to swing trade it. What kind of future development is everyone waiting for?

Go swing trade something else retard


Why? Like you said there's no volume. Try swing trading something more volatile

What percent? I have 1.45% at the moment


too high of a chance of it getting banned or declared illegal software with the new fatf regs this year

never happening. even if it does happen how exactly are they going to enforce the ban lmao. "you better jolly well uninstall your monero wallet or else!" if anything a ban would just make monero more valuable.

it also comes down to, monero does the exact same thing private cash transactions does, but digitally. if you were to outlaw monero you would have to outlaw ever making a cash transaction in private.

That would be the most bullish news in all of Crypto cuz that’s exactly what BTC was made to do

99% of my portfolio is Monero but you act like lawmakers have to justify the laws they make logically or fairly...

god i hope they ban it. that would scream "this is a threat to governments" and it would be fulfilling it's purpose exactly as designed, making it even more valuable.

when they banned guns the prices of guns and ammo went through the roof

nobody cares about anonymity or your bullshit philosophy and dumb politics. Business and finance is only about making profits and a shitcoin that will most likely be banned for its use in money laundering is probably not a great investment

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newfag get lost and go buy RSR so you can go -50%

How much u holdin?

but you're forgetting about how would they even outlaw monero? sure, you could force exchanges to take it down, but good luck doing that with every exchange. and how will you stop node operators? if its illegal in the US to run a node, 1. people are still going to do it and 2. people in other countries can still do it. you'd have to make monero globally illegal and theres zero chance of that happening and even more zero chance of people just shutting down monero nodes because somebody said it was illegal now.

Government regulation will eventually wipe this coin out. I wish it weren't the case but it is.
>engage libertarian ancap cope

I feel you brotherman

>wipe out something literally designed to resist this

they may try but they will fail. it got delisted from bitoasis and went up even more after

Literally who?

On poloniex, there is a buy order of 6666 xmr at 18,666 USDT. the jews want to get in.