Quant Network - The next 100x

>What is it?

Overledger is the first blockchain operating system that connects the world’s networks and facilitates the development of multi-chain applications.

>What is the problem?

The major limitation of modern-day blockchain technology, is the inability of blockchains to communicate and working with one another i.e. lack of interoperability.

Consider this: why can't a smart contract executed on Ethereum be recognised by the Hyperledger blockchain?

In order for blockchain technology to unlock its true potential, it needs to allow seamless communication across multiple blockchains as well as recognition of transaction across blockchains

>What is the solution?

Enter Overledger - The first interoperable blockchain operating system that facilitates internet-scale development of decentralised, multi-chain applications.

- Overledger has the ability to unlock and distribute value and applications across current and future blockchains.

- Overledger is an agnostic platform that connects the world’s networks to blockchains and ensures you’re not limited to any single a vendor or technology.

- Overledger is the only platform that facilitates the development of internet-scale development of decentralised, multi-chain applications.

>What is the vision?

Overledger will address the major limitations of current blockchain technology that limit its true potential.

- Enable connections between blockchains
Enable interoperability of blockchains and existing networks.

- Create a platform for multi chain applications
Overledger will be the only platform that facilitates the development of decentralised, multi-chain applications.

- Connect the Internet to Blockchain through Overledger
It is predicted that in the next few years, much of our digital footprint will be run via a blockchain without us even realising

Attached: quant.jpg (400x400, 27K)

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>Who will use it?

Empower businesses with the flexibility to connect their network to blockchains without burden of being locked into an existing technology or vendor.

By facilitating multi-chain interoperability, Overledger will enable businesses to access new markets, increase resilience, and de-risk investments.

Facilitate human-to-human and machine-to-machine trust that ensures safe and secure transactions with one another. Provide individuals with a level of access and control of their personal information we’ve never experienced before.

Significantly increase the security, privacy and interoperability of health data. Revolutionise global health information exchanges (HIE) by making electronic medical records more efficient and secure to the benefit of individual patients as well as the scientific and healthcare community.

Deliver solutions for governments that minimize the bureaucracy but enhance transparency and collaboration between governments, business and citizens. Provide the opportunity for collaboration between the public and private sectors that were never thought possible.

lol biggest scam in crypto

>Why Quant Network?

London-based Quant Network is set to revolutionise blockchain technology with the development of their blockchain operating system Overledger. The experienced team are determined to fulfil the original vision of the internet by creating an open trusted network for people, machines, and data to operate securely and safely.

In 2016, Quant Network CEO & Founder Gilbert Verdian joined forces with leading experts technology innovator Colin Paterson and digital economist Dr. Paolo Tasca to form an unparalleled team who share vision and are dedicated to developing the blockchain operating system of the future. No other organisation has the determination but also the combined technical experience that spans the globe as well as diverse sectors.

> CEO Gilbert Verdian

“With the founder’s and team’s background and experience as professionals in the industry. We have helped deliver some of the largest IT projects around today. To create the platform, connectors, API/SDK, App Store, the enterprise and middleware MApps we’ve calculated the team and effort needed to do this over the next 5 years and we are accurate in our assumptions based on our experience working at HSBC, Deutsche Bank, EY, PWC, Government etc. This is what it takes to deliver projects of this size.

We’re building an Internet-scale platform to create an ecosystem of next generation multi-chain applications. Polkadot has undertaken a similar challenge and they raised $143m with a less scalable technology and without such a robust business model. Comparing Overledger to other ICOs in the DAPP arena whilst appearing to be a good yardstick is not looking at the whole picture, as we are producing a whole framework and ecosystem and not just a single application.”

> Resources












what is chainlink?

> Multiple Fortune 500 and FTSE100 companies partnerships/clients under NDA
> Working with Mastercard on blockchain service
> Partnered with Chinese Government Ministry of Commerce
> Partnered with Indian Government of Andra Pradesh
> Partnered with Armenian Government Ministry of Technology
> Partnered with University College London
> Partnered with Hamburg University Germany
> Partnered with Cognizant & DXC
> Partnered with Accord Project
> Partnered with AI Nexus
> Partnered with Alchemmy
> Partnered with AUCloud
> Partnered with Mobility Open Blockchain Initiative (MOBI)
> Integrating Overledger with Zapier
> Held talks with Lloyds Bank
> Held talks with USA Dept of Homeland Security
> Held taks with DARPA
> Held talks with Samsung
> Held talks with Fujitsu
> Held talks with Global Japanese bank
> Held talks with FTSE 100 company who wanted to acquire Quant Network
> Held talks with 2nd largest Venture Capitalist firm who wanted to invest
> Held talks with UK tax office HMRC
> Held talks with largest logitisics company in the UK - Royal Mail?
> Meeting with one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world
> Announcement with large US bank coming soon
> Huobi/Bitfinex coming soon
> Building Enterprise Blockchain solution to compete with Hyperledger
> Building upstream Power Exchange, allowing for P2P Power networks (like Powerledger) to cross-exchange with other P2P Power networks
> Possibly building Decentralised Exchange (DEX) or Digital Bank
> SDK already released which connects Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Hyperledger, IOTA and JP Morgan’s Quorum blockchains. Stellar and Corda on the todo list. Possibly Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin next.
>CEO worked in Downing St, HM Treasury, Cabinet Office and Ministry of Justice. Holds role at US Federal Reserve
> CEO founder of TC ISO 307 (46 countries and organisations are working on developing global Blockchain ISO Standard)
> Cofounder is blockchain advisor to European Union and United Nations

>> Held talks with Lloyds Bank
>> Held talks with USA Dept of Homeland Security
>> Held taks with DARPA
>> Held talks with Samsung
>> Held talks with Fujitsu
>> Held talks with Global Japanese bank
>> Held talks with FTSE 100 company who wanted to acquire Quant Network
>> Held talks with 2nd largest Venture Capitalist firm who wanted to invest
>> Held talks with UK tax office HMRC
>> Held talks with largest logitisics company in the UK - Royal Mail?

Fundamentally, This is no better than the Apple sticker on the OmiseGook skateboard. 'Holding talks' with people doesn't mean shit.

>'Holding talks' with people doesn't mean shit.

For those with buy things that have promise
> before they moon
> while it is still speculative
> sell to idiots like you who wait until the top in order to be certain it is correctly valued.

Daily reminder, also:

Market cap is currently 25mil or so. There's no way this isn't a top-30 project as it grows. That essentially guarantees a 1bn++ market cap down the line.

You can literally fucking give someone a guaranteed 50x or 100x+ and they will prefer to hold their NEO and PRL while complaining that these next-gen projects aren't massive YET.

Dude just stop lol. QNT isn’t a scam and it’s not nice to fuck with the brainlets on here



>it’s not nice to fuck with the brainlets on here

I agree, Quant bagholders are brainlets.

I will fuck with them until it hits zero.

Sigh.... D- and C for effort

How heavy are those bags? $83k real volume. Literally nobody cares about your shitcoin

Weak FUD attempt. I give you 0.5/10 for the effort.

Try better next time. Have a nice life.



You will eventually start chasing once it moons to over $5 when 'everyone' jumps on the hype.

Thats why you're poor user.
>doesn't accumulate when its dirt cheap.
'muh low volume' 'muh scam'

Get the fuck away


> Quant has the clients described
> They are outright LYING, brazenly

I know which I'm betting on, with muh fat $200,000 stack.

Ohhhh yes gon' hit 8 figures with this shit.

QNT will literally be top 20 within a year, so ignore the fucking fudders who are just filling their bags cheap. Believe.