Why aren't you farming snails? It's pretty lucrative and requires very little upkeep

Why aren't you farming snails? It's pretty lucrative and requires very little upkeep.

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they will kill me

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If you’ve been on this board for longer than a month and don’t have at least a suicide snail stack, you are never going to make it

you saw the snail thread mate.
nice try.

I'm still setting up my maggot farm

this is a shrimp board
get out

I have been accumulating 120 snails so far. How many to make it?

For reference, I own 2 acres of land (almost 1 hectare, not going to tell where, snail farmers are easy to find) and just let snails live there freely in a controlled area. They require very little upkeep except for bringing in green for them to eat. I get about 15 tonnes of snails, which sell for like 35k euros give or take. Initial cost is like 20k to get enough eggs, set up the environment, fix nets all over and some electric wires to repel birds and mice and such. Half or 25% of 20k is like the eggs themselves and after a while you can get that back by selling eggs yourself to new breeders. So revenue is around 35k, cost for food, labour (highschool students farm them when they are ready) etc is like 15k. Netting me 20k or so. Been doing it for two years now and am already profitable. Looking to expand into more land as it scales perfectly.

It really is an easy business once you find out how it works and are able to manage it. Like a passive income actually. Snails are also delicious and I eat them often.

Fucking NuSnails had literally millions of years to accumulate and then come here and want spoonfed

My great grandpa owned land which previously housed a snail farm. Place was absolutely infested with massive snails. As a kid I had a ton of fun "catching" dozens of them in buckets, having them escape overnight, and catching them again the day after.
when I make it, I will buy that place back

post a timestamp picture of at least five snails or bullshit.

Attached: that smells delicious.jpg (480x360, 13K)

no because shrimp

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Isn't it a lot of work to pick up the little fuckers to sell? You said 15 fucking tonnes, that sounds like a lot of work, not "passive income"

I have Snailcoin ICO next week remember 1 snail= 1 snailcoin always.

DM me for more info

I pay people to do this for me. Just hire them through some intermediary company offering students. You pay them like minimum wage per hour, with some extra incentive per amount they collect. In a few days, the entire field is cleared and other than doing initial instructions, paying and negotiating with the intermediary there is no manual labour.

Um OP. The snails will kill you.

How often do you have to provide food for the snails and how do you go about doing this? Also, what do they eat and how do you buy it and where.

Do you guys know anything about truffle farming? I know there are some in the south who've managed to farm truffles in some woodlands after a few years, and i know that different regions have different types. I think that would be badass to be able to do in the US.


you could pay me $10M up front to farm snails and i still wouldnt.

they're also pretty tasty if you cook them right

Attached: snails.png (977x896, 1.48M)

Snails eat pretty much everything green. I do everything bio and just take care of the land proper. It has trees, lots of vegetation et cetera. Twice already I have completely recycled the soil as they do shit a lot, some die et cetera. Too much dirt on the soil will result in pesticides and improper bacteria but I have had no major problems so far. Though minimal, effects of snail population in the ecosystem is visible as vegetation etc is slowly decaying. Maybe in the coming years I should swap land or leave part inhabited so the vegetation can return, plant seeds etc. For now there is still plenty. When it gets warmer, I have to use sprinklers occasionally to humidify and cool the soil. There haven't been any bad winters yet.

i dont get it

They... will kill you.

How can they be so strong to wear their house on their back all day?

>posting about snail farming on a shrimp farming board

Get out now

I suppose you live in a country where they eat them a lot? France? Either way thanks for the info, user, it's always good to know you can make a living in this way.

cool. where abouts in the world snail user? what climate do i need

I bet snails have better ROI and enviromentally friendlier option.
This bullish thread has inspired me to buy plot of these.

I'd breed her snail if you know what i mean

I guess a humid place that doesn't get too cold. The european coast on the atlantic ocean should be fine I suppose.

who in their right minds eats snails?

taste bad
look bad
not cool


is this a hidden message?

i'd breed her snail trail if you know what I mean xD

amazing source of protein and minerals, and they don't taste so bad if you cook them right

Rusfag user here.
Are there any frost resistant breeds of snail?

Because if they touch me I die a terrible death

Snails are kawaii