Is platinum a worthy investment?
Is platinum a worthy investment?
>no whitepaper
Tons of metals futures have been on the downturn.
Maybe buy the dip??
Not worth it.
Silver or gold are much better.
Ive got a heavy precious metal portfolio. Silver is very manipulated but stable.
I thought demand for platinum died out once grillz went out of fashion
Historically it's been priced about the same as gold, it hasn't been there in a while. I don't know if its suppressed or will make a come back.
It's much harder to liquidate though
As an industrial metal it has some virtue. Use gold if you want a hedge against stocks or the currency.
name a metal that is an investment rather than a store of wealth
Besides gold & silver or maybe palladium & platinum?
Every single one.
I keep hearing that silver will breakout for years but it remains stable
Fuck no you'd be buying the literal top
Why buy platinum when they are practically giving silver away for free?
Shorts will crush you into oblivion. You'll be holding until its pure pain.
The achilles heel of the financial system.
I really want to be buying silver like crazy right now but I have had some medical problems and the bills are coming in.
What did he mean by this
sorry to hear that
>not buying for the long hold
shorts make it cheaper to buy
you're not going to make it
Roman currency debasement took ~200 years before you started noticing some serious consequences. Same symptons as our time right now. A widening gap between rich and poor wages is the most obvious. But I don't think we'll see fiat collapse within the next 50 years. Might not be bad stacking them but its kind of a waste at this point. You could keep 1-3% in metals. But anything more and you're litterly hoping for doomsday to arrive early.
>Roman currency debasement happened at the same rate that ours is being debased by
>collecting coinage to be melted, mixed, and recast is the same speed as changing 1s and 0s in the banks' databases
well yeah. ofcourse.