He still invests in alts

>he still invests in alts

Attached: Screenshot_20190527-225805__01.jpg (1080x860, 165K)

>He fell for the HODL meme.

I hope he actually did this and it's not a paper exercise

He really did. Though he is some vc investor so this is probably play money.

Attached: Screenshot_20190527-235138__01.jpg (1080x930, 153K)

Pretty selective bullshit. If you didn't sell during the fomo of 2017 that's on you. If you did you're way fucking richer than you ever would've been simply holding BTC.

>let me post a tweet on 4channel and that's news for muh plebbit tier discussion

imagine if he just bought link

I sold and bought new listed stuff

topkek he turned 50 into 8.5
i turned 6.5 into 40
it's like he transfered his btc over into my wallet

>hodl portfolio since late 2017

hodl isn't for when you buy the top of everything like a retard

if i held from the beginning i wouldve been richer

That dude brough the top 'late 18', so that's a bad example of telling people not to buy alts.

Don't buy the top, is the tale.

Even if he brought BTC only late '18, he would still be down.

You could have bought lots of alts in the summer, you'd still be in the negative

Imagine having to get rich off internet funny money.

> since mid/late 2017

Attached: ede2b35ab00e4365be8e199112a17567.jpg (363x550, 23K)

most alts are fucking garbage though, you could play shitcoin roulette in 2017 and make it but doing that shit in 2018 is retarded

>2017 2018
>2019, guys look xD

>Not using an index fund like CRYPTO20 or CRYTPTO10 to gold alts
>Thinks he's gonna make it

Of course shit is gonna fail if you dont rebalance fags

How stupid can you be? You only ride the pump and dumps of alts, never hodl them. Most alts will slowly fade away and be replaced by new alts.


I've been holding link since 2017 and I'm 500% up
works for me bro