What many of you are either too unobservant or too new to understand, is that Kek is real. You think its random chance that an ancient Egyptian frog headed god of chaos just started having his name spewed on the most chaotic underwater basket weaving forum that also happens to like to draw pictures of frogs? You think its random chance that that frogs name “PEPE”, showed up on a record from 1986 that has a FROG WITH A MAGIC WAND ON IT by a band with a name that references probabilities. It IS random chance, THAT IS THE NATURE OF CHAOS. You ever wonder why religions and chaos magic have so much in common? Its because they are the same fucking thing. If you have large number of people focusing their energy on a single outcome of some event, that outcome happens. It is using a large number of people distributed around the world to effect reality. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT CHAINLINK IS DOING. Thousands of nodes, focusing on a single task, to allow a previously quarantined area of reality to branch out into the real world. This is literally the embodiment of Kek himself. ChainLink will be the birth of a literal god. Kek is with us frens.
The truth about ChainLink
Other urls found in this thread:
based and kek pilled
source: nothing
Morgan Stanley is drooling all over this latest chainlink development. Check Twitter.
based and kekpilled
Please be true
Everyone stop posting about this right now!!!
secure the perimeter
I agree
Ahh you have found out my plan. I will live eternally on the blockchain as a chaotic force that transcends time.
Ch... checked and Keked.
I don't know if newlinkers are ready for you dropping the big enchilada on them like that
Checked but this thread lacks digits
There's an old Irish story that goes like this:
There is also a story of a man who dreamt for three straight nights of treasure* in a specific location under a stone; on the fourth night he went out with a neighbour to dig for it. The two men used holy water to mark a circle around the stone to keep the fairies out and began digging. The fairies appeared in the form of horses but couldn't approach due to the circle of holy water so when the men found the gold the fairies turned it all into frogs. Nonetheless the men filled their sack with the frogs and when they got home they found the sack filled with gold.
I don't see, sauce?
absolutely based
Never doubt collective autism
dude we are a small group of retards on a random meme board...if the theory is that our positive outlook somehow has an impact on global outlook, then I would argue that there are far larger, far more organized groups out there conducting the same "memetics" as us. And they would be more experienced and established.
I know Link shitposting is next level, but have you considered the capabilities of those who are "memeing" in their own best interests?
Someone needs to illustrate this with Pepe's and wojaks and Monster as holy water and Reddit as the faeries and if course the chainlink block as the stone
>then I would argue that there are far larger, far more organized groups out there conducting the same "memetics" as us
Yes, they are called religions and they have excellent results. May I ask you what year it is? Do you know why it is the current year?
>mfw we are eldar from 40k and these are the days leading up to the birth of a god
Where does Sergey fit into this? Will he be remembered as a prophet?
nigger I was talking within the financial world. And ok yea let's get all autistic now and delve into a debate about the influence of organized religious institutions.
get laid, fag. I was referring to global financial institutions as more powerful movers than your precious meme board if I have to spell it out
It doesnt matter if they are more powerful. There are multiple timelines, in theirs, they rule. The timeline you find yourself in relies entirely on you. Events dont happen unless they are observed. Quantum mechanics calls it Schrödinger’s paradox, or the many worlds interpretation, or if you are a fan of Chris Langan its covered in CTMU. No matter what you call it, the million dollar question is... Observed by who?
1000 eoy, have faith frens
If other individuals are in the same timeline, retain the same ability to influence reality based on mindpower and are collected in mass opposition what is to stop their mental energy from trumping mine?
If we are debating within this paradigm you defining, it re-levels the playing field, or even likelier tilts it against you, rather than putting us dank memers ahead of the game...
and note - I meant more powerful in your faggy ass mental projection terms, not capital or influence.
Because the big guys are memeing with us. They want the same thing, to save and make more money by cutting the schmucks in the middle. They created this network that needs decentralized parties to participate. We are playing our role beautifully.
this I agree with.
Memes are subconcious, and link must spread at a discrete level along already established lines - like a meme - until next thing you know one week your aunt is posting it on Facebook
I believe; praise kek.
There are too many synchronicities to ignore the truth
They have total control, was there ever any fight to.he had?
meme magics. we 1k eoy
We prefer to call him "The Architect"