The Doge

Go look at the 1 day charts of Doge. It's scraping along its' support level. One of two things will happen if you buy:

1 - It breaks support and sinks to 16 sats and you lose some money selling when it breaks down past 34.

2 - It slowly starts to rise over the next few days and then launches like it has numerous times over the last 1.5 years for a legit 3x.

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All women are whores.

Your mom is a doge

Disgusting panfaced freakazoid

Beta males love em because they think they're "traditional" but its just lost in translation, they're still women

They should all be arrested

and if it goes down to old support at 15sats you lose 3x your money. total gamble

I dont think about the traditionality, I'm white and everything exotic to me makes me hard. Plus every white man should pass their seed on to every race there is.

> Beta males love em because they think they're "traditional" but its just lost in translation, they're still women

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Neoteny in humans is the slowing or delaying of body development, compared to non-human primates, resulting in features such as a large head, a flat face, and relatively short arms and legs. These neotenic changes may have been brought about by sexual selection in human evolution. In turn, they may have permitted the development of human capacities such as emotional communication. However, humans also have relatively large noses and long legs, both peramorphic (not neotenic) traits. Some evolutionary theorists have proposed that neoteny was a key feature in human evolution.[18] Gould argued that the "evolutionary story" of humans is one where we have been "retaining to adulthood the originally juvenile features of our ancestors".[19] J. B. S. Haldane mirrors Gould's hypothesis by stating a "major evolutionary trend in human beings" is "greater prolongation of childhood and retardation of maturity."[5] Delbert D. Thiessen said that "neoteny becomes more apparent as early primates evolved into later forms" and that primates have been "evolving toward flat face."[20]

top kek, epic cope but don't take it personally i just don't like asian women. i was more mocking white western men that think its traditional etc, etc. surely thats a good thing for you if you're an asian male.

asians are based

That's cool bro.

I am white though, I just love science (cue open mouth pics) and also love absolutely slamming Asian chicks with my big white cock in order to breed the happa master race.
Asian men are based for breeding Asian women. Hell I even know one Asian dude who decided, focused hard on his game, and got a white gf. His future children will live in the crystal space-city of happas.

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Bluepilled and gay
Race mixing is disgusting

What is the crystal space city of hapas? A subreddit of self loathing, misery,virginity, depression, racism against whites, and woman hate? Actually that already exists and it's full of half asian wimps complaining about their small dicks and their nerdy white pedophile faggot dads that settled for a mail order flip

Survival of the brainiest

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hapa manlet dicklet cope
feels bad for you

Also buy 0xBitcoin

We got a bitter landwhale roastie here!

Everyone is a whore if given the opportunity
Gooks make my dick hard because they're rare where I live.

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First rule of biz is talk about making money and asian girls. Leave newfag.

You're the only newfag
>Asian girls
No mate you're looking for

Old fags know the drill

More like Jow Forums as a whole. Leave newfag. Lol

Wrong board faggot

Beta. You'll have insecure beta sons a la Elliot Roger

And you'll have the next dylan roof. Fair trade?