June 1st 4 AM UTC
June 1st 4 AM UTC
alrighty then
will buy first candle
This is gonna dump like fuck
>dump like fuck
fuck your mother if want fuck
Thanks in advance for buying my bags
The hint is in the logo
if everyone dumps first candle, first candle is the bottom
why would this dump? why would anybody sell their 300 USD bag. probably easy 3x after open.
Found the pajeet
you're assuming there aren't a bunch of chinese whales who own hundreds of KYC'd binance accounts
because first sell orders will start at x5 ieo price
they know this has generated a lot of hype after matic, so no one will sell at 2x ieo price, so they'll start selling for x5 ieo price, fomoers will fomo, others will wait, the price will dump
made some money on matic, then lost 35% on rsr and just sold, so I'll play ONE safe, I'll buy 10% when it starts trading, then dca on the way up with stop losses, if it dumps and I feel it bottomed I'll go all in.
I see ONE listed on the exchange now. This is going to go live today maybe
Here's your link to bookmark, goys: binance.com
You realize there is no governance regarding this chink exchange and CZ can surprise us all by opening it up whenever he finishes the giveaway or basically whenever he damn well pleases. You prime ape
not saying anything about harmony i'm talking about you calling him a pajeet
Binance will also open trading for ONE/BNB, ONE/BTC, ONE/USDT, ONE/TUSD, ONE/PAX and ONE/USDC trading pairs at 2019/06/01 04:00 AM (UTC).
my body is ready
Idiot calling others ape. There is a date already
This is going to have a face melting pump jesus... I'm kinda scared I'll time it wrong and I will get fucked
I would buy between 40-80 sats.
Current buy-in price is 36 Satoshi
3,060,096,000*0.003175=9,715,804.80 Marketcap. I doubt a 10x is possible.
initial supply is only 20%
My asshole.
You don't know how to use google you brainlet ?