175 BSV

>175 BSV
>1 BTC
will i make it?

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Get rid of the btc now and go all in bsv. BTC has probably reached the top and bsv is about to go on a moon ride. Coingeek conference starts tomorrow

im so retarded, i sold like 80 of my bsv yesterday LITERALLY RIGHT BEFORE THE PUMP just to hedge

80% or 80.00?

80 bsv

how did you get that much money

its not that much. i only have 175 bsv and 1 btc. its all left over from 2017 bull run

could I make 10 Grand from 500 bucks?

yea but you have to choose the right coin like 3 times. pretty hard tbqh especially now. 2017 was easy, 2019 is difficult

is bsv good? I own 4 of them

yes it will pump until tomorrow at least. then its up to you if you want to sell them

how much will it reach?

not sure

it will go to 360.

>buys the two shitty bitcoin forks
>misses the one with actual development
You won't make it in crypto and you won't make it elsewhere either because you're dumb as shit

its a yikes from me


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precisely why i hedged my n**ger

so is going down now?

Stop loss hunting, were making another leg up here soon

ahem, bitcoin private...

what is a loss hunting

30k isn’t enough to make it. Will 50$ turn into 10,000?! Lmao. Good luck.

Bsv is a sham. The creator is going to lose his meme appeal soon and it’ll be sub 30$. Sell at a profit you dumb fucks and hold your fucking btc

Bitcoin isn't going to stay at 9k

nice ID fag hahahahahahahahaha

Christ you're needy

I thought I would be right




Sell all and go all in on XRP and OMG...buy these or stay poor

>appropriate ID

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nice ID fag hahahahahahahahaha

Yeah, it's gonna rocket to $100k

Brainlet, BSV is a scam and anyone who truly believes it and is not memeing is retarded

I'm confused, you are simultaneously recommending an absolute shitcoin (XRP) and a top gem (OMG)

True NPC opinion

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