Would you really be gambling your life savings on shitcoins and penny stocks in the hopes of “making it” if you had a gf and friends to hang out with?
Be honest
No gf but I have plenty of friends. Is it wrong to not want to have to work until I die?
I'll get a girlfriend when I'm rich
I'm married mothefucker that's why I'm here having a woman is expensive if you'd ever had one you wouldn't even be asking this question.
Enjoy your epic divorce rape
This. The urge to make it only increases when you find a woman.
I would do it much more. The presence of a woman makes me want to do stuff
>The constant nagging to make it only increases when you find a woman.
op u nocoiner cuck
yeah, i do. and i still do.
If I could make a decent living by working I wouldn't be doing this, but I can't so here we are
jej not in this clown world
If I was capable of getting a decent job and it was easy as fuck no.
I have a wife but no friends. So yeah?
Based have a child through surrogacy like Ronaldo
kys manchild
How much, user? I’m thinking of doing this...when I getting gains, I’m afraid of get rape by divorce.
With me it's the opposite. I think if I didn't have the resources to constantly be trading I might cope by trying to go out and make friends.
other way around
had no interest in shitcoin gambling until i met my gf
now i want to give her the best
and no, before some mong spergs about it, shitcoin gambling isn't even close to the sole way i make money
but you'd have had to be stupid to not get in in early 2017 when it was obvious sentiment was at an all-time high. literally leaving money on the table
of course, how else will I escape wagecucking?
Having a gf and friends to hang out with caused me to not cash out the top. My birthday was just a day or 2 before the Dec 2017 top, I wasn't paying attention to crypto for those few days. Cost me tens of thousands of dollars
My deepest apologies for the offense m’lady. I’m sure the constant nagging is in the best interests of all concerned.
Have a 9/10 gf, good job and some friends. Still took out a 25k loan to gamble on a 2M marketcap coin. Why? I don't know. But its exciting as hell. Either I'll make it or I'll have to wageslave even harder for the next years.
thanks for sharing ;)
with the faggot larp you must be larping about lition too