Basically Jow Forums but with the autism but without the arrogance and delusion.
>posting anything which is easily disproven from Google results in a 3 day ban, e.g. college on average costs 100k. The constant lying is imo the worst problem on Jow Forums by far >Racism, homophobia, sexism etc is strictly banned. HOWEVER this only refers to actual meaningful stuff, joking around or using stuff words like nigger, femoid and so on is allowed. Just no spamming constantly retarded threads >every board has 2 "modes", mode 1 is blue board and serious discussion. Anything else is ban. Mode 2 is shit posting and anything vaguely related including porn allowed >more advertising without pop ups, actually pay the jannies and make it possible to report your thread for being incorrectly banned
>easily disproven from Google almost stopped reading there >Racism, homophobia, sexism etc is strictly banned. definitely stopped reading here. kys you gay nigger-jew Jow Forums is for Aryans only
user, this will be impossible to moderate and make a profit. But you can attempt to set it up and see what happens. Get a good web host.
Oliver Anderson
Aaron Cruz
A new channel on redddit? Nice
Levi Jones
Nice idea. Go work on it for five years, so you can release it along with LINK mainnet.
William Taylor
Things which would result in a ban
Obviously made up information e.g. college costing over 100k, 10k a month being the cheapest rent in California, anything which disagrees with us census without reasoning
Things which wouldn't Stuff without good hard evidence, or the above but with reasoning as to why the statistics are wrong
I'm doing a PhD at a great uni and some of my friends work with world leaders in stuff like machine learning (I know fuck all about computers). Some of them may be able to help out, but I'm going to admit I'm just brainstorming at the moment.
Andrew Hughes
only a subhuman shitskin would make this shit thread because he struggles with his inferiority complex everyday about he isn't White SAGE
Caleb Morales
You might wanna check out what is trying to achieve; basically a trustless, immutable and decentralized imageboard using ethereum and ipfs.
How is that what's he trying to achieve when this sheltered faggot is trying to censor non npc thoughts, words and arguments?
Luke Jones
Can we have a system where one might give 'points' to posters? Call it an.... 'upvote' system, if you will.
Luke Young
Nigger nigger nigger
Ryder Collins
was just about to post that. here's a markup of the board more recently released.
>decentralized chan >decentralized moderation (all users are potentially mods) >doesnt collect user IP's >literally a chan built around smart contracts >can never be censored by ISP's or govts
Bannable if brought up completely unrelated. Acceptable if not.
Similarly triggering statistics from the left (young blacks in the UK doing better academically than whites, link between alt right and virginity) would be banned on mode 1 boards.
Yeah. I've been here for 7 years and swear it was so much better before the election, although maybe it's just cause I've grew up while the user base has stayed same age
Ryder Edwards
Essentially the faggots OP thinks people want his sissy-chamber when in reality even Jow Forums is too oppressive and people are already looking to build free alternatives. Was just going to drop this to tell OP what a cuntnugget pajeet he is.
Ayden Watson
And how would i shill matic fantom holo and fech than ffs?
William Mitchell
Luke Reed
>disproven >Racism, homophobia, sexism etc is strictly banned kys
Parker Foster
Chase Murphy
user, you already posted this thread: Stop spamming the board with your butthurt over racism. Please go back to plebbit.
a better Jow Forums would ban 20 years olds from posting i've been on the internet for two decades and they're consistently the worst posters. it's a combination of >iq around 110-120 >middleclass upbringing, suburban or citycuck >severe dunning-kruger from extrapolation based on the retards around them >goes to college >gets a taste of the bigger world around them >immediately thinks they have all the answers and their tenured professor is really onto something with this communism thing every single faggot who behaves like this ends up wearing glasses, balding and in a childless relationship (not married) to a woman who look just like them by their 30s it's not too late to change your ways, so consider if that's really the road you want to take opee
Xavier Watson
add countryflags pls, screen for vpns too
Kevin Murphy
>>posting anything which is easily disproven from Google Google lies and manipulates data. This is like how facebook uses CNN and politifact as "fact checkers".
Elijah Howard
This is all 4channel needs. Biz would be fucking great if it had flags.