Chain link kikes on damage control

biggest sell signal i've ever seen in my life when your boy jonny is defending the kikes you know the show is over.
deluded faggots.

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Stale FUD. Got anything more fresh

good taste FUD, do you have better one in stock?

I already jerked to this do you have any new material?

A lot of the discord trannies are low key racist af

t. israeli faggot

You're on the wrong side of town buddy boy.

Good thing chainlink doesn't rely on secure enclaves. It would suck if they were truly nerfed, but chainlink does not require TEEs to thrive.

Additionally, if one TEE was determined to be faulty, other competition would pop up and replace it. Sergs addressed this at one of the conventions months ago.

And lastly, *THERE IS NO SAFETY*. safety is a meme. Everything is always at risk of something. Chainlink reduces many of those risks for anyone that wants to use smart contracts.

thats fine just dont mention the jews. dont mention israeli agency interference in CPU manufacturing. Dont mention nepotism in the jew controlled financial industry.
i mean desu this could be bullish right? some kike controlled coin has to make it, if the jews own and control it then there has to be a successful outcome... Right?

I like how the level of definitely not the Jews everything is is so much you cannot even mention something related to them like Mossad, which used to be a very normie thing to agree is bad, or people will ban you out of fear of getting crushed by Jewish power. Which doesn't exist. Because they are the most oppressed people of course.

Look, if there are backdoors to everything, there's nothing anyone can do about it. The house of cards falls the first time it gets deployed. You and i are pawns in a much larger game. Just make sure you also invest in guns, ammunition, women, and children as well as equities and crypto.

Having options is the only facsimile of safety, and controlling value gives you options

Shut up idiot

I never understood the trannies who LARP about being racist and hating kikes

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>haha 80% of the world's computing power is possibly compromized, take that Chainlink!

Can anyone here articulate why they hate Jews? Is it because Jews are generally more intelligent than they are and better at capitalizing off of large systems and they’re jealous that all they can do is go on internet chat rooms to whine about their shitty, poor lives like niggers?

Clown world. Pic related

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>using INTEL for secure end to end tamper proofness

It's because they effectively take advantage of the high levels of empathy developed in european populations as a result of the geography forcing those populations to cooperate in order to survive. It's akin to someone stopping in the side of the road to help change a tire or jump a dead battery, and the person you're helping shackles you with cinderblocks, takes your car, and makes you walk home, all while convincing others like him that you're the evil one

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>Is it because Jews are generally more intelligent
Gee maybe because Jews like you say shit like this all the time? Maybe cause Jews only know how to lie and be evil? High IQ is not true and there is no supporting evidence for this. Jews have been successful yes, more so than average yes, but all data points towards nepotism and sociopathy. Jews literally started usury, no surprise they are still highly involved today. Also jews have tons of caucasian admixture. What happens when you make intelligent(not highly) sociopaths? Just google fucking iq of Israel, not impressive.
For years on pol and Jow Forums in general I have asked for proof of high jewish inteligence and never received it. The few studies there are have crazy low sample sizes and cherry-picked data or they just reference these studies

its generally because filthy greasey kikes all have ingroup tribal preferences while criticising other groups who choose that same ingroup preference and call them fascist, bigot and racist.
Jews are racially aware of themselves and other jews and activiely promote pro-jew "values" and "culture" explicitly because they are "jews" while at the same time they attack and destroy non-jews. They exploit the non jew in a multi layered way, they attack their financial stability to benefit their own (weimar hyper inflation is one example) they rape and brutalize the white female by inciting racial miscegenation and paying these women to promote it via the media and they use the non-jew as a sword against themselves and the enemies of the jews as well as a shield to call to their defence. (not that in ww2 jews were not conscripted by the us government)
there are many reasons to hate the jewish ideology of supremacism for jews

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Pretty sure governments have always been around to destroy freedom. Not exactly something governments hid. Thats what made america such a revolution for people around the globe, some government made some radical ideas about freedom

It's not about jealousy, if they really were just about making money and profits I would have significantly less of a problem with them. Then they would just be like Chinese people with big noses. The problem is they hate us, they've hated us for thousands of years ever since they first encountered the Hellenic and Roman empires. They are still pissed at us for knocking down their temple 2000 years ago. No one pushes tranny kinder library readings on a society unless they hate it and want to destroy it. No one tries to make all of us nihilistic and support demographic suicide with their propaganda unless they hate us and want to destroy us. I didn't used to hate Jews until I started to realize how actually evil they are.

Remember there's only one thing that causes anti-semitism. And that's semitism. They've been kicked out of 109 nations in recorded history yet never stop to ask themselves if maybe they are the problem.

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You’re blaming Jews for all bad things happening like a boogey man. The internet and forms of media are to blame for social degradation. No one forces anyone to consume negative morals.

I like jewish girls

Don’t forget porn

except jews LITERALLY ARE the boogey men you fucking kike. Gates of Toledo? Jews. Killing Christ? Jews. Raping kids and profiteering from it in the weimar? Jews. Black market organ trading in israel? Jews. Sex trafficking gangs? Jews (they even sex trafficked female jews into south american brothels)
the jews are a fucking problem why dont you admit judaism is "toxic ideology" in its purest form?
is that enough faggot?

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And the countries from which Jews were expelled are shithole Muslim countries for the most part...

Jewish ideology isn’t toxic. Have you read the Bible? The Talmud, the Tanya? Anything? Every group of people with a long, documented history has done bad things...

Spend some time on pol. Nearly every rabbit hole ends at a Jew. Pro-immigration (to mongrelize every race, not just europeans), pornography (especially interracial and beastiality), Engels and Marx wrote the tenets of communism, Lenin laid the foundation for communism, Lazar kaganovich starved 3-7million Ukrainians to death in the Holodomor (which we dont learnt about in history, but we learn all about the "holocaust"- most holocaust stories dont even hold up to scrutiny), they are behind the private central banks. Etc etc etc. I can elaborate on any point you like.

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Jews and muslims coexist quite well, actually. Your opinion is the meme they try to feed us

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amd is shit

The idea that they are the one Chosen people and that everyone else is cattle to be used and discarded at will is not a toxic ideology?

Jews are to pol as ChainLink is to biz. If you set out with a conclusion in mind, you will do all kinds of retarded shit to create evidence. How about you spend some time getting info and creating a world view away from a heavily subjective place like Jow Forums...

That isn’t Jewish ideology retard

old fud new year, do better

look at the ovendodger dodging all those better articulated replies
this very strategy was mentioned in Mein Kampf, and that's ultimately the problem with jews. you are wired to be evil on a genetic level
science proves this too: askhenazis are at least 400% more prone to a variety of mental illnesses

No I'm not, it just seriously disproportionately turns out to be the Jews. Saying no one forces you to consume their poison is very disingenuous. It's true in a way, you can just go full Ted and live in a cabin in the woods, but most people are not going to do that. They have nearly complete control of all major media outlets. There is only one person pushing a counter-narrative left and that's Tucker Carlson who will probably be replaced with someone like (((Ben Shapiro))) within a year since Murdoch no longer has control over Fox. They've been at this from the beginning, look at the list of first wave feminists, nearly all of them are Jewish. Same goes for the sexual revolution, gay rights, and now the tranny thing. The first tranny surgery was in the Weimar Republic. That plan got pushed back a bit due to a certain mustachioed man but it's back with a vengeance today. Civil rights too. Did you know in that Brown v. Board of Education was a Jewish teacher's union? The black teacher's unions all supported segregated schools because they realized they were all going to lose their jobs. Same thing today with all the NGOs bringing in our replacements. It may as well stand for "non-gentile organization". They've basically replaced our WASP elites by infiltrating academia with nepotism, running admissions boards, and using affirmative action. Non-Jewish whites are actually underrepresented now in the Ivy League schools. The old WASP elites weren't without their issues but they weren't half as evil as the Jews, perhaps they felt some kinship to the normal people to temper their schemes but the Jews just hate us.

Are you retarded? Do you know anything about the sociopolitical climate of the entire Middle East? Jews and Muslims murder each other daily.

That is absolutely Jewish ideology. The whole "white supremacy" thing is just a projection of their own self worship as the chosen people.

They are way over represented. Picking and choosing from ends of the bell curve is not fair representation. Negroes are 14% of US population and account for 50% of the violent crimes. You cant poi t to a black guy that works as a banker and lawyer and then say "See? They are just like you!". That's not a representative sample.

I do have a world view different from Jow Forums. But on Jow Forums I talk about Jow Forums stuff :D

look at this fucking long nosed man trying to subvert and lead away readers from the real facts. fuck you, you stupid fucking cunt

I truly believe the abrahamic covenant is the root of their evil. The cumulative trauma of thousands of years of chopping the dicks off of every male as soon as they enter the world HAS to wreak genetic havoc. I actually believe that this is why they are the way they are.

t. cutfag

Luckily, the trend is in the intact direction in America. My son will not be circumcized

There's a lot of European nations on that list my dude. Pretty much everyone who ever interacted with Jews ends up either expelling them or wiped out. Let's hope we are among the former.

>look at the ovendodger dodging all those better articulated replies
>this very strategy was mentioned in Mein Kampf, and that's ultimately the problem with jews. you are wired to be evil on a genetic level
>science proves this too: askhenazis are at least 400% more prone to a variety of mental illnesses

based and redpilled

Checked, but taking complex historical events and boiling them down to “a bad thing happened because Jews hate us and are evil” is the laziest form of thinking. You should learn to absorb various viewpoints and develop highly nuanced perspectives on history. Very, very few social events are cut and dry.

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Yes, now that jews have an official state from which to conduct their schemes, even people they historically got along with are beginning to hate them. The saudis still suck israeli cock, though

fuck off, anyone who sides with jews is getting the rope


lmao no, kys

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> Internet and the media are to blame, not the jews!

Rabbi, I...

Yeah except I came around to this realization because I started considering alternative viewpoints lel. You can't just ignore all the crap they've been up to and just be like "it's just a coincidence, they have no additional motives in mind." Really, pursuing the collective interests of your people is the most natural thing anyone could do, Jews just do it in a particularly nefarious way. I think the reason they do these things is something they've kind of developed over the millenia as a self defense mechanism. They are continously afraid of anudda shoah and have an autistic need to control everything because of this, which of course pisses people off and causes anudda shoah.

we're going to eradicate them and anyone who sides with them, cro magnon has already eradicated 99.999999% of neanderthal jews, only a handful of millions left

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This thread is flat earther tier. Keep blaming the big bad jew in the shadows. Stay poor :-)

Ryzen 3 here we goooooo whoop whoop

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If you’re a fat lazy fuck that can’t control yourself, is it McDonald’s fault? Just because lots of media company’s have successful Jewish owners and you think that means they are deliberately trying to subvert the minds of youth with media you hate doesn’t make that the case. It is lazy thinking that is regularly on display here. The amount of absolute brainlet worldview here is pretty amazing sometimes.

It's a result of the paranoia born of thousands of years of chopping males' dicks off as their first instance of intimate contact with another human, combined with their restricted breeding habits that keep their populations at a tiny fraction of others. They feel they have to behave semitically as we know it in order to survive, when that very behavior is what spawns anti-semitism

Imagine thinking that McDonalds does absolutely nothing to get you fat.

Stay un-potty trained.

If you base your worldview on pol, you’re going to eventually believe evil Jews are trying to destroy the world. If you base it on biz, you’ll believe every Fortune 500 company is secretly rushing to implement ChainLink.

my friend, who owns the biggest platforms on the internet and in the media?

Arguing in circles and ignoring previous things you were btfo on? This style of arguing reminds me of something I read in a book once.


I actually base my worldview on Jow Forums. Gun ownership should be mandatory and mosin nagants will be available in vending machines after we reconquer Rhodesia and create a paradise. But I see you've now regressed to insults and assertions about social status than actually trying to argue.

Chainlink > $100,000 end of year.

explain stinkies, why if sergey is too lazy to do a blog post that he promised to investors that you believe that he can somehow work hard enough to create something that will make you rich

>jew-posting in a reddit discord
>surprised when you get bad boy points


imagine thinking that these kikes dont network with each other to subvert people they dont like

I also enjoy psychological torture and lack of agency

>The whole "white supremacy" thing is just a projection of their own self worship as the chosen people
interesting take

Both is true.

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thanks for this. Chainlink is a definite scam

>everything I don’t like is flat earth society
Cringe. You jews are getting sloppy.