Official Coin Geek Toronto Thread

Only post here if you're going to be there.

Topics to discuss:
> What will Craig be wearing?
> What's the big news?
> Are you stoked to see Craig drunk at the afterparty?

> Open Bar...?

Attached: CG-Ticket-ConferenceWeb1.jpg (460x530, 83K)

I'm not going, but I will be watching the livestream. Do you have a link to the program?

>What will Craig be wearing?
A 3 piece suit

> What's the big news?
Core banking system based on bitcoin
Announcement of big players using bitcoin as datastorage
Craig revealing unknown details about the creation of Bitcoin, but no definitive proof yet.

> Are you stoked to see Craig drunk at the afterparty?
I wish I could. The saying is he's awsome to be around drunk. Pic related

> Open Bar...?
I would think so. After all it is a Calvin Ayre party. Oh and there will be twerkers there to. The team that got jailed after twitter troll accused Calvin of fucking them

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Nice rare Craig, thanks for the bump

Another thing I hope to see released is the high level language they have talked about before. Supposedly they are in the prosess of developing a high level programing language and a compiler that will compile it to bitcoin script compatible code. It would be awsome if they share more details about it

i'm watching the debate between tone and roger and roger fucking mops the floor with this clown god damnit.

How do you know so much?

Could easily be an educated guess.

Core banking system built on BSV sounds like a stretch at this point in time.

>How do you know so much?
I've seen almost every Craig and Jimmy interviews out there. And I have also read many of his blog posts. There's som many brea crumbs you have no idea. 10 times more than with link. If you're a bit autistic inclined you will love the bsv rabbit hole. It is DEEP

>Core banking system built on BSV sounds like a stretch at this point in time.
This is something Craig has said they are working on. If I don't remember wrong he actually bought a core banking system so that he could learn how it is built. The cost of such software is around a billion dollarinos. He has written about it on his blog


Tone Vays will unironically all in SV eoy.

Satoshi will make ALL the announcements May 31st. Swimming against this current will be futile.

During the fireside chat with Jimmy, Craig will lay the foundations for all of his extraordinary claims, which will include posting independently-verifiable documents and evidence addressing some of the false allegations that have been leveled, and transferring bitcoin from an early block.

There will be extraordinary proof that can be independently validated regarding the Segwit flaw. Similarly, Craig will also discuss the fundamental flaws with privacy coins, such as Zcash & Monero. This will effectively kill "privacy coins" as Craig will show you that it is basically as private as running through Times Square with your pants around your ankles.

Craig will also expose the pure fraud that is binance. He will discuss how these bucket shop exchanges are all squarely within the realm of US control. To say so is not a mere assertion, ‘.com’ domains have been considered to come under US territory for decades now. It is well tested in law. All major exchanges, including Coinbase, will be immediately forced to remove the bitcoin moniker from BTC/BCH/BTG/BTCP and all the other scam forks that have deviated from the whtiepaper. This will all be legally enforceable by his recent copyright approval.

During a Q&A Dr. Wright will also be asked about the court proceedings vs Kleiman's estate. At this point he will reveal irrefutable proof that the TulipTrust is in fact real and the accurate name that Satoshi gave to his enormous stash of bitcoins. Craig will demonstrate how he will take sole possession of the TulipTrust in 2020 once the contract reaches maturity.

Listen, I genuinely care about Anons well being. Cryptoscammers have been trying their hardest to suppress the coingreek conference bcuz On May 31 there will be a sea of red across the board, with the exception of one coin that will rise from the red ashes like a phoenix. That coin is original bitcoin BSV.

Banks won't jump in yet. They're all too distracted with making their own private blockchains, because they don't fucking get it yet. I think a major payment processor will be the first to take the leap. Someone like Visa could run cheaper on bsv than maintaining their own network.

this time last year Roger and Craig was on the same team

Attached: that hot joker bitch.jpg (320x240, 11K)

Sure, Tim Draper and BSV connection. Tim Draper investing in FB coin.
FB coin rumoured to be built on BSV.

>What will Craig be wearing?
Only the finest threads, mah nigga
>Are you stoked to see Craig drunk at the afterparty?
I've drunk with him before, he really doesn't get that soused despite the 'lol creg is alcoholic" meme.

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SBI has a rep speaking both days, remember they bought a 10% stake in Ripple 2 years back. I imagine they'll make a bigger stake in Bsv. Jap bankers have a totally different mentality than American skankers.

Imagine not investing in this absolute based Chad. STIFF

I can’t wait to go and rush the stage to punch Craig in his smug little Australian face. No one can really believe this scammer/conman is Satoshi right? The joke is over. Satoshi was a meek little Asian man who likes bok Choi. Not some plain waspy fat who eats bacon and scotch all day. If no one speaks out we’re going to have to take some FUCKING action this weekend.

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I don't get where this kind of aggressive hate come from. Why are you so emotional?

CSW called for Visa adoption of BSV within 4 years in a blogpost less than a year ago.

Bsv will finnaly archive what bitcoin was designed for.
Haters will be left behind.

Thanks for the cringe.

that image... left extremism are on the rise. the line of who counts as a "nazi" will keep moving and the left will keep escalating violence.

and all this escalation in the name of defeating a boogeyman. there was news coverage of a nazi gathering in the US recently and 600 lefties came to protest. the city spent a lot of money on security, many thousands of USD. 9 nazis showed up. 9.

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Pls be bait.