You hate us because you ain’t us. We are the epicenter of all technology, culture, trends, music, fashion, and money. Stay in your inbred states faggots.
You hate us because you ain’t us. We are the epicenter of all technology, culture, trends, music, fashion, and money...
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You seem to be projecting, user. Your tax mules are LEAVING California
Nice Larp! Screencapped fren!
>Business & Finance
there wouldn't be endless hordes of people leaving california for oregon/washington if this were true.
kek anyone who is truly the best doesn't care or feel the need to make the claim
ahh yes where a paradise for homeless people
NYC is cheaper and has far less homeless street shitters thanks to our winters. Plus outer borough whites are pretty fucking based. Lots of outer borough districts voted for Trump.
Ironic even your ID color is shit
Your state is literally a pile of Mexicans, niggers, Chinese, Indians and Jews. It is fully subsidized by white people. The moment we start doing things for ourselves and cut you califaggots off, you’ll have a category 10 chimpout.
Most of this productivity is fake. People getting paid to email and hold meetings all day. Tbh everyone is calling crypto the tech bubble 2.0 when that bubble is actually unfolding in the form of VC money funding startups for the past decade. I'm only here so I can be at ground zero for DOTR
Kys trump nigger
>what is population percentage
hillbillies really are uneducated inbred tards
California is trash. The cost of living is too high and it's full of Mexicans and freeway traffic
I voted for Gary Johnson faggot. Doesn't mean I don't like Trump supporters though.
No one outside of California cares enough to hate. Lol, loser
how about you instead
earthquake soon
learn to swim
uhh, user... his chart is literally colored by percentage range. maybe get those eyes checked
Have you tried watching sports? You seem like you would dig the part about taking credit for the extraordinary traits of strangers and undeserved feelings of superiority.
You're only a cool place to live because NYC has validated your coolness. You're the second hottest girl in the class. That's fine-- just don't piss off #1.
>We are the epicenter of all technology, culture, trends, music, fashion, and money.
And you have nothing to do with it, Carlos
I would rather be a hillbilly living in a forest than live in literal sewage filled with third world disease and brainless virtue signaling retards that keep voting for more poverty and corruption because they don’t want to be meanie wienies. And I’m Asian ffs
>One-quarter of homeless people in the U.S. live in California, despite Californians making up only 12 percent of the population.
> I’m Asian
You’re already third world disease
If it were still 1985, I'd agree with you.
>can’t even keep up with us
Nigga are you even trying?
You’re just jealous you can experience indian culture in your flyover state
You must be an illegal beaner OP. I spent 8 years in CA and other than the weather it's the biggest hell hole in the country. NYC cucks LA and SF so hard.
Don’t call me a nigger you dumb gook.
Sweetie, I...
California is weird.
I've been to Palo Alto for a few days, loved it.
I might change my mind if I ever spend more time there.
I used to live in L.A, it's a disgusting city with disgusting city.
But if you want to "make it" in NPC entertainment and maximize profits it's the place to be.
Still disgusting city.
*disgusting people
All of your people are flooding my state. Please tell them to return back to Cali.
>Stay in your inbred states faggots.
You stay in yours you retard commie fuckstain.
Sure. You too
Mind taking some of them back? We don’t want them
t. Texas
California is pretty cool desu
blond thots with a tan is my fetish
kys you nigger
Californian here. These lefty idiots.... Have no idea what makes this state great is exactly what they HATE.
"hurr durr we have all this tech and cool shit"
And don't even get me started on the homelessness and disgusting cities. I live 45 mins from SF and have been there maaaany times as well as down south to LA. Our cities are disgusting and the people in them are mostly liberal douches.
it's the greatest country on earth
Based, same. Wish the libertarians made the ballot though, think we only needed 5%
we need you in texas user
based Chang
I prefer Nevada, but in general yes, I would much rather live in California than the midwest.
This is unironically my ex gf where’d u get the pic?
Well, she is mine now
>California Taxes
>California Traffic
>Leftist women and prissy men
>Rent is at least half your income
>Cost of living is the highest of all states
I can’t tell if those are contacts by my ex looks just like that but with brown eyes and darker hair
I think she lives in Cali now but is a photographer from nyc
>Dating a thot
Did her cum breath taste good ?
Saying people are leaving is extremely misleading. UNEDUCATED people are leaving, there is net migration for people with just a generic bachelors.
Basically, drumpf states are taking all the retards who simply can't compete, educated people are going to Cali making drumpf states even more irrelevant than they already are
It's expensive cause everyone wants to live there.
Pay debt
Nah I had her super young before she was thotted out like that. broke her in
Ahh, cool. Girls get to about 17-18 before the thot train fires up
Fake News gobblers BTFO
It's colored by percentage you double nigger.
>statistically dumbest state despite hosting tech companies
>tech nerds can't even save it from dropping below 100
I immediately saw two dumber states here just at a glance, and you didn't see them despite having this image saved onto your hard drive. The absolute state
within the next 20 years half your population and businesses are going to relocate to las vegas due to your expensive housing and fucked up taxes. thanks for ruining my city
Been living in this state for 30 years. How are you enjoying the homeless encampments user? This state will be a 3rd world country in no time.
New York City is better than the entire state of California in every single way.
CA is top 3 states in US to live no doubt but dems ruining it. It literally gets worst every year to stay in CA unless you living in the car and saving up on 300k salary. Boomers and out or control immigration ruined the state
Remove google&co boosting iq and you are the dumbest state. The fact that you cant reach even 100 despite that just shows how garbage the avg normal person is.
The rich parts of San Francisco, Marin County, and Parts of LA are nice. Other than that California is basically just another rural shithole
im livin it up in Miami laughing at your ass as you walk thru shit covered sidewalks, drug addicts shooting up in public, sky high taxes, cucked car emissions laws, and general overall literal fucking faggotry and the rampant spread of HIV.
but yeah, im proud to say i'll never be a low IQ subhuman californian
typical trumptard, can't type 3 words before being wrong
>Remove all the smart people and you'll be left with just dumb people!
Wow, clap clap
libercucks may as well suck the orange cock
So you admit your kind in cal are all retards and only google immigrants keep you from reaching clinical retarded on avg
>State where all the poor peasants and homeless can barely survive while Mr. Nosestein rakes in the nice cash and lobbys for rich Democrats fighting for the "poor"
>Remove all the smart people and you'll be left with just dumb people!
>retards with asinine degrees migrate to the historically romanticized CA expecting to get a job or to otherwise "make it" not knowing that companies are literally fleeing in droves
>they end up contributing to the homeless population instead
>"and it's a good thing"
The absolute state of Cuckifornian damage control lmao
Your turn soon faggot, I hope you like your new neighbors~
Based af
I pay $850 for a bedroom in a safe white neighborhood faggot how much is your rent in Cuckifornia?