You retards need to realize Sergey refused to use blog post as pump as to not overshoot the price and cause a mainnet...

you retards need to realize Sergey refused to use blog post as pump as to not overshoot the price and cause a mainnet dump and instead waited for the price/hype to come down to not kill the integrity of the project with -50% dump by retards like you browsing this board and reddit npcs.

Attached: 1559002217187.jpg (1536x2048, 412K)

only fag with iq over 50 here

What about when nothing is released on mainnet? Will that also be 4D chess or are you retards just defending the king retard.

Attached: 1549244829622.gif (1512x1584, 2.52M)

Imo it is extremely short term bearish Sergey has not released the blog post by now. If staking was ready, NEET nodes would need to be prepared when mainnet launched. No blog post means thar preparing NEET nodes is clearly not sergeys intention. So maybe no staking yet.

Can someone please use Photoshop or whatever to correct ops pic so it shows sergeys actual size?

this is a barebones mvp out of beta testing, there wont be anything but barebones, your brain is still thinking this is TRX/ICON mainnet launch like a retard. there was nothing on ETH when it launched, barely any devtools or documentation.

their entire github solidity code is open source, there is no staking yet.

Its already been discussed here a bunch, there will not be staking at first, not for neets, but for large businesses/banks.

Attached: JustNerdStuff.jpg (1236x1908, 1.09M)

Interesting. So what would the blog post even need to contain in y'all's educated opinion? Sergey wouldn't announce partnerships or whatever unless it served a purpose.