Whale Purchase 30,000 Linkies Purchased

It might just be a dolphin definitely not Mobey Dick but is a marine Mammal with Tits
it is a 38K dollar purchase

Attached: LinkWhaleTits.png (1315x590, 44K)

for the love of god, how can I get to 10k LINK. I only have 3k

If that's a whale then my blubber be in demand

Fuck you I only have 1400 Should I go all in or is it to late ? I have another 1000 dollars sitting in Binance

I said marine Mammal with tits


You've convinced me

> You had two years
Imagine buying now and spending so much on link when they were literally pennies a few months ago

Kek 30k is a whale now?

yep. Hes an idiot, thats still going to make a lot of money. Will probably lose it all too

came here to say this
what the fuck OP, you could have bought that much link for a few grand a couple months ago

Lmao, this isn’t what I was promised when they said they’d call us whales

>t block 478 with 35k

Small seal

do everything possible to get there as if your life is on the line, if you dont do that you will always look back and say you didnt try as hard as you could have.

you start buying 1 year ago...

Link was never 10 cents

And yes, 30k link is a whale now. Do you have any fucking idea how much POWER a person holding 30k link has????????

I-i have power?

i don't have many more than 30k myself but that's not whale status

Explain pls

fuck off OP you poor newfag piece of shit

And to think I bought my 50k stack around $0.24. These are good, comfy days.

>they don’t know

Attached: WDS.png (685x93, 8K)

I bought it for $0.09. Presale bitchesss

>30,000 link

Attached: pepe.jpg (500x500, 33K)

I'm a dolphin with 10k

Attached: taptap.gif (540x501, 1.56M)

Wtf I'm still trying to get to 100 link.
I've been putting everything I can spare into link but I only have 20. What does it feel like to break 100.


sitting at 350 and it feels bad to not be in the thousands

Well, I must assume you are 15 years old. In that case firstly fuck right off you underage brainlet and secondly get a part-time job, idk do some lawn mowing, cleaning or handing out leaflets.

I only have 8.3k :(

100 link is currently $126. How can you not afford that?

I have a 140k link. I am still not satisfied, greed knows no ends

>what is credit

I have only 4k link been spreading memes since pre sibos.

Attached: -Sad001.jpg (500x322, 35K)

Lmao i have 34k link and i feel like a shrimp

unless people are e statting how is it going to work that all these people on the board will have roughly a million dollars worth of link in a few months to a year? when it gets sold where does that money come from?



reddit/normies fomoing in
even just the next btc halvening bull run will see the crypto market cap in the multiple trillions

>faggots throwing smug shade at a 30k LINK whale when they got shitty 10k suicide stacks

thanks user

Fuck off rich fag. I just broke 1 link last week and i'm seriously fucking wondering how anyone has the resources to buy 5 whole links.

It will come from latecomers and businesses who need to buy link.