Now is the time to buy.
Now is the time to buy
how can we take gilles seriously with such a thick accent. ZE CLOUD ZE CLOUD MON DIEU
kys pajeet
I mean got damn at least sergey speaks impeccable english. Dezzcentrallazed orakcclll. sacre bleu. That woman had no idea what he was saying.
he got tongue destroyed by trannie cocks and drugs
That's not gilles you fucking mong
all frenchies speak the same.
If this is the typical RLC fud on biz I already made it.
think again dummy
how do i know you've already failed? because you're a dunning kruger idiot who legitimately believes rlc is better than link even though objectively it's not even close.
> pajeet exposing "FUD" about a coin that got dumped hard by devs and already lost more than 50%
You made a hot shit on the street, yes
>rlc is better than link
I never once mentioned link, are you projecting your insecurities?
Imagine thinking you made it while holding a coin nobody cares about with
I'm white. Nice try pajeet.
Imagine thinking volume matters in crypto.
The absolute state of brainlets.
RLC is only pressuring chainlink as a side hobby, it's a cloud computing coin. why does it trigger linkies so much?
It's really weird. I never even talked about link but he projected his insecurities on me. I bet link will dump tomorrow.
>I never once mentioned link
RLC sure did.
And they were right about everything. Currently, LINK cannot do anything nor is capable of anything. Until it actually shows proof otherwise the team is correct. They took it down because LINK will ((most likely)), in the future, be capable of those things.
>And they were right about everything.
Is that why they retracted the chart only hours after posting it, saying it was outdated?
>saying it was outdated
LINK still isn't capable of those things. No one has proven the iExec team wrong.
>No one has proven the iExec team wrong.
Is that why they retracted the chart only hours after posting it, saying it was outdated?
>saying it was outdated
LINK still isn't capable of those things. No one has proven the iExec team wrong.
>They took it down because LINK will ((most likely)), in the future, be capable of those things.
If only you could read.
They said the chart was outdated though.
And they took it down.
You're an idiot.
Can anyone ban this imbecile?
It's shilling this fucking scam even after the devs dropped it.
And he keeps on with his lame psychology and
insults against others.
>outdated though
>LINK will ((most likely)), in the future, be capable of those things.
They said the chart was outdated because when they made the chart LINK wasn't capable at the time. Not only that, but they removed it because of faggots like you crying about LINK being capable of something it isn't capable of but just because they acquired TC that means it's going to.
Like I said, the iExec team wasn't wrong. LINK isn't ----capable---- of anything, and until you show me something, anything, I'll continue to believe LINK is full of false promises and scam artists.
back to plebbit faggot
>They said the chart was outdated because when they made the chart LINK wasn't capable at the time
So what changed?
>muh code
Retards like you crying "BUT MUH TC ACQUIREMENT MEANS IT IS!!!11!"
when in reality there's nothing to show for it.
Just ignore this fucker.
He tries a flame with link because he want to keep this fucking shill thread up.
Also, if they only said that shit because Chainlink wasn't on mainnet yet, why did they say Chainlink was a decentralized oracle?
Because it's the main decentralized oracle project in crypto? It's just a description of the project itself, not the actual technical description.
>Because it's the main decentralized oracle project in crypto?
But if it isn't anything yet because of the lack of mainnet, then why is it a decentralized oracle?
> Same retard speaking with 2 ips
Because it's the most known PROJECT for a decentralized oracle.
Nice try arguing semantics and avoiding thisYou can cry and whine about RLC making a "fake" chart all you want, but they were never proven wrong. They simply removed it because of all of you spergs crying about TC, when in reality LINK hasn't shown anything otherwise.
Watch LINK dump back under 10k sats tomorrow/the day after. RLC will pump.
>delusional LINK bagholder that bought my bags at $1.40
take your meds schizo. if you really are this retarded then you will NEVER MAKE IT
>They simply removed it because of all of you spergs crying about TC, when in reality LINK hasn't shown anything otherwise.
If they haven't shown TC, then they haven't shown decentralized oracles either.
You are a raving lunatic.
>another delusional coping bagholder
It's too obvious.
>If they haven't shown TC, then they haven't shown decentralized oracles either.
Exactly, they haven't shown ANYTHING LOL!
This thread is full of LINK bagholders and it shows.
>Exactly, they haven't shown ANYTHING LOL!
So your little theory is shit.
Iexec made fools of themselves, bigly.
Show me something then retard.
I'm waiting little faggot. Show me something that LINK can do that proves the iExec team wrong.
>protip: you can't.
Apparently, be a decentralized oracle.
>still can't show me ANYTHING that link can do.
cmon bro, no youtube videos of it working? Nothing? No proof? You just believe everything sergey says blindly without seeing anything? At least the iExec team actually shows the tech working.