Here is the most likely scenario for Chainlink

Here is the most likely scenario for Chainlink

>Sergey drops the blogpost on Tuesday or Wednesday
>mainnet will go live on the 30th
>staking from day 1
>data providers will be live from day 1
>data providers will include SWIFT and Docusign among others (see video here:
>a list of data providers will be specifically mentioned in the blogpost, because sergey is mostly concerned with developers building their dapps with chainlink, not speculative partnerships) this alone will push us from $1 to $4 over the next 4 weeks
>flood gates are now opened, a steady stream of data providers will be announced as they are onboarded
>realistically, we reach $2-3 this week
>likely one of the rumored partnerships with Microsoft, Samsung, Corda will be announced shortly after
>Coinbase will list Chainlink after mainnet launch
>literally 10's of millions of LINK will be locked up in nodes
>once SWIFT, Samsung, Microsoft etc are announced as USERS of the network and not just providers (Project Bletchley collaboration is made official, chainlink is integrated into SWIFTs core business model as the oracle of choice, Docusign uses LINK to expand their product suite) we hit $20-$50 (probably sometime near the end of 2020)

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I like this image

Stop fucking with me, I'm all in and never selling but there's no way I'll be a millionaire by the end of 2020 by holding these cubes haha

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I believe, let's go the fucking moon!

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Where do I buy this shit?

stupid cubes dont even fit in the coin slot because the slots are round and not even flat cube shaped. i cant even use my links to pay for parking.

lmao staking is not going to be done look at the pivotal

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>Thomas fudding

We better hit $50 by mid 2020

The github says the project is still in Alpha. Deluded linkies are always like
>check the pivotal!
>check the github!
They never checked it themselves.

how many transactions per second does chainlink?

rumor is 1K EOY

3 Big Macs, plus a ketchup packet if you get lucky

TPS is not important retard, smart contract will query thousands of nodes, it must wai for all of them to reply anyway...what's important is that the terms of the smart contract are executed.

chainlink brings trustlessness connectivity and security, it doesnt bring TPS meme

how many links would a chain link link if a chain link could link chain?

Buy eth on coinbase, transfer to binance and buy link through the link/eth pair.

I asked about this in the discord and the answer is apparently only limited by your data infrastructure or something. Like a single node could handle thousands of calls for data in a few seconds if need be.

There will be a big announcement that will pump it north of $2 then we begin the slow bleed back down to $.80 for 12 more months. This is your final chance poorfag linklets.

Enjoy having the schlomos that run it use your money for wash trading for a week before you can touch it

I want to stake my linkies but I'm a brainier and have no lp shares

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I transfer my money off coinbase as soon as my orders clear, are you hard of reading user?

that's enough to feed my village. Thankyou sir

then you won't be able to. it seems as if linkpool will only be available to lp holders for the foreseeable future especially since "staking" itself is months to a year away given how fast they've been working.

Don't know why they hold your money for a week, maybe because you're a low fund bitch? My stuff goes through right away.

oi wanka av seen ya lookin at me piss flaps ya dirty bugger

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

and sir I will continue to look sir. very good pissflaps.

>17bn mcap
Trx got 13bn with no product, no partnerships, fuck all but hype. But chainlink has to go to the moon and back to reach 17bn. Yeah no.

Wow, I can't believe I just read this. Some people are still talking about TPS.

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Kek underrated post

Jesus christ you know the newfag wave is real when there’s so many shitposters admitting their larps even when unasked for

They’re just so excited to interact with their new neet fag friends

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>i've been on the internet longer than you. nothing personnel etc

I see $1000eoy vibes in your id

Lol internets

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>we hit $20-$50 (probably sometime near the end of 2020)
I feel like LINK is definitely going higher than this by end of 2020. Largely due to the btc halvening. At the peak of the bull run it could reach triple digits quite easily, but of course it would crash back down afterwards.

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no sir, i dont get a hard on for reading

user they hold your fund for up to 14 days before they clear. Doesnt matter if you move funds off there