How can i make money in this shithole

how can i make money in this shithole

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Are you a human or a shitskin/chink?

Buy crypto, you clown. Our money is quickly becoming monopoly money.

All in LINK

Did you not buy LINK? Its like $1.85 in aus

Smart men, fellow melbourbians trapped in the inner city let's unit and create the LINK society minimum requirement 1k.

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Make money?

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Buying fantom is possible anywhere no matter the shithole

how'd you know where I am cunt? making me paranoid here. But yeah.. I've been thinking about wearing some LINK merch to find the others

>pic related

But they only pay 45/hr+9.5% superannuation + 1 month of paid holiday a year + paid leave + a paid day off every fortnight + they py for my tickets

Also no linker

How fucked am I?

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Rob a mosque at gunpoint.

Lads is Australia redpill me on Australia.

Britfag here and it used to be a meme to emigrate there in the 90s and early 200s but I think it is dying off now. Is it worth moving there over an Eastern European white ethnostate like Poland?

What would they have to steal? Bombs?


It is still a great country - but Sydney and Melbourne are pretty fucked now, unless you've plenty of cash.And the economy will shit itself in the next year or two. I'd take it over Poland any day though
t. Sydneysider

Get a metal detector and dig for gold. One Aussie fag just went out a mile from some major city and found over 6oz of gold nuggets in 20 days. You fagstralians can make money easily.

>tfw AUD shitcoin can't even buy you one (1) linky for $2 anymore

Why are we such a fucking joke country?

Scab ciggies off cunts at the pub n sell em to other cunts for 2 bucks a pop.

ive been hearing this shit but doesnt make any sense. why the fuck people dont go after golds but working 16$ per hour

Not to scare you too much but I have convinced lots of people to buy LINK which naturally means I am keeping tabs on others.
I'll know if you hold LINK...I'll Just know. Linkies don't tend to blend in well.

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fucking banana republic

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You should've bought link

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Melbourne was a mistake

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Crickey you didn't buy link???

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Kys incel scum

aren't you home to the largest mining company in the world in an overheated market?

Buy LINK and short everything. We're going to cut down and dig up everything of value in this country, sell it all overseas, and then stand around the remaining wasteland in blue singlets saying "fuck, it was probably SJWs what done it".


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Satoshi will make ALL the announcements May 31st. Swimming against this current will be futile.

During the fireside chat with Jimmy, Craig will lay the foundations for all of his extraordinary claims, which will include posting independently-verifiable documents and evidence addressing some of the false allegations that have been leveled, and transferring bitcoin from an early block.

There will be extraordinary proof that can be independently validated regarding the Segwit flaw. Similarly, Craig will also discuss the fundamental flaws with privacy coins, such as Zcash & Monero. This will effectively kill "privacy coins" as Craig will show you that it is basically as private as running through Times Square with your pants around your ankles.

Craig will also expose the pure fraud that is binance. He will discuss how these bucket shop exchanges are all squarely within the realm of US control. To say so is not a mere assertion, ‘.com’ domains have been considered to come under US territory for decades now. It is well tested in law. All major exchanges, including Coinbase, will be immediately forced to remove the bitcoin moniker from BTC/BCH/BTG/BTCP and all the other scam forks that have deviated from the whtiepaper. This will all be legally enforceable by his recent copyright approval.

During a Q&A Dr. Wright will also be asked about the court proceedings vs Kleiman's estate. At this point he will reveal irrefutable proof that the TulipTrust is in fact real and the accurate name that Satoshi gave to his enormous stash of bitcoins. Craig will demonstrate how he will take sole possession of the TulipTrust in 2020 once the contract reaches maturity.

Listen, I genuinely care about Anons well being. Cryptoscammers have been trying their hardest to suppress the coingreek conference bcuz On May 31 there will be a sea of red across the board, with the exception of one coin that will rise from the red ashes like a phoenix. That coin is original bitcoin BSV.


move to ballarat if ur in melb

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You know how the Soviet Union and communism pretty much gets rid of all the productive people and replaces them with criminals and or retards? well Australia is kinda like that, except we have an aristocracy that keeps "the boys" aka the local braindead cloats in their place (usually trade jobs and such) because we are rich BUT thats slowly changing and once we aren't rich anymore mentally deranged packs of bikies and local footy players will take over the joint once they all get fired from their Cro-magnum tier jobs, essentially turning Australia into a state run by local footy players. construction workers and bikie gangs, personally I'm planning to get the fuck out before all the erh, "red pilled, woke, stoic heroes" come out of the wood work and fucking destroy this country, basically people like
think they're going to save this place but they will actually destroy it, personally thinking of hedging my bets and getting some property in NZ and maybe a dual citizenship in a European country, any recommendations? Should I marry a Nordic grill? is the UK any good? Would prefer Netherlands desu

> all in link
> also, get an apprenticeship as an aircon technician
This god forsaken shithole will always need aircon techs.

fuck off we're full

all my mates who are from ballo are absolute legends but they all have PTSD from living there.

Ermm.. Centrelink?

Pretty based and truthpilled post for the most part. Tradies are absolute scum too.

Yeah mate its alright but the job market is shit. If you already have money or have rich parents ur set.
Everyone here blames their own problems because of where they live, its the same anywhere in this shithole country.

>aircon technician
do not do this. fucking shittest job.

Spot on. Watching the disintegration of my country sucked, but then I found link. The meek will inherit the earth and I'll be bailing from this shit show. I'm going for EU dual citizenship, gf can get Portuguese passport. No taxes on crypto.

Buy shack in East coast Tasmania and watch the world burn on live tv

leaving the country is a CGT event and you cant hide from the 5 eyes

tf can ya get a shack for 15k in tasmania? You're delusional

Move to NZ, I hear Australians achieve great things there

he's got 15k link which will most likely buy quite a nice little Tasmanian shack

>15k link
yeah righto. make's sense

There is some cheap shit in the west and it sounds like a good idea until you realise all the water is contaminated. I knew a guy, his plan was to move to the west and had a huge sperg when I pointed out western tassie was ruined by mining, is polluted and has bogans riding around on dirt bikes at 3am high on meth, plus it's cold as fuck, which is why it's so cheap.

Honestly, this country is fucked, thank fuck I put most of my autism bucks into bitcoin

>bogans riding around on dirt bikes at 3am high on meth
Queenie! kek

What exactly are you doing mate


UK is a police state m8.

Best bet in Europe is:

Poland - ethnostate, based government
Hungary - ethnostate, based government
Czech / Slovakia - ethnostases, great gun laws (can open carry)
Baltic states

The only Western European country worth it would probably be Switzerland which is absolutely based - you can negotiate your own personal tax treaty with the government and gun ownership is high. Have to be rich though.

Also just to note Switzerland won't be based for long. They came off the gold standard in 1992 and ever since then are slowly being absorbed into the globohomo Tribe banking cartel

Pretty much. AUD is fucked. Link will save us.

Can't you tell by the kneepads?

Why not just all in BTC.

Is anyone here planning to buy moar link after mainnet? I want moar link, but not sure if I should buy now or wait to see if I can snatch a fatter bag from whales dumping on mainnet.

hunt some dingo and sell meat.
learn to craft clothing from animal skin
buy link

regardless of what happens i will continue to buy link, just to be sure

yeah. I think I'll 50/50 split.