Wow the economist says crypto is useless

pack it up boys its over

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And this is why you need a credit card

GIANT buy signal.


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People actually get paid for this (((work)))

marketsold all my eth
i'm finally free
thank you based kikes

Banks will never be useless. -t. Shekels Bankfeeberg

I unsubscribed from this piece of shit magazine when I read an article which had the phrase "dead white men" in 3 weeks in a row in reference to contributors to economic theory.


they want more readers so badly.


What is his last name?

Buy signal


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>For blockchains, the jury is still out

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>solution looking 4 poblem

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>mfw it's real (but 2018)
>mfw there are people in /smg/ and elsewhere who consider these sites legitimate sources of financial news
Word of advice: either trade/invest under the tenets of clown theory or don't trade at all

>Users must wrestle with complicated software and give up all the consumer protections they are used to

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>The internet will never catch on, its too complicated for the average person

People actually believe this horseshit:

definitely not jewish Jews want you to be rich so you'll do more business with them. How can money grow if only a few people have it.

>not knowing that these articles are for their own self-interests
Not going to make it

>Jews want you to be rich

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>definitely not jewish Jews want you to be rich so you'll do more business with them. How can money grow if only a few people have it.

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Economist is a bunch of fucking Oxbridge graduate faggots that have never worked in business ever pumping out undergraduate-tier essays. Literally got this shit delivered weekly for 2 years and it juat got worse and worse.

So much globalist propaganda, anti-Russia, anti-Iran, anti-crypto, pro-IMF, pro-EU bullshit. Also so much focus on shit tier pajeet women's rights in the workplace and all that shit literally no-one cares about.

>want you rich

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Imagine being this much of a pajeet and stacking bricks of literal shit to build your home and washing your hands in sewage runoff so you could properly collect cow urine to bathe in.

>that projection
let me guess, you shill BSV here for a living

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Just tell them to retract. I hear they do that on occasion.

lemme guess, you think you're going to make it because you put all of your allowance into Link.

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And people ask what Craig Wright’s motive was to reappear? Btc and the assorted cartels like finex and binance have ruined the name of bitcoin.

>falling for the link is a meme meme meme

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kikes are getting nervous

I just gave my crypto away.

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"for blockchain, the jury is still out".

Bunch of fucking boomers at the economist.

I don't give two shits if crypto is useless, I'm making money here