Daily reminder

Imagine not buying the real bitcoin under 150$

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Other urls found in this thread:


>he missed out on BitCoin

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Not going to be under $150 for long. It's already $144.


$150 just broke. The opportunity will be gone in moments.

>Buying the top

Imagine buyed this scam when a real coin like bch is highly undervalued losers all you and your prof fraudstus

This is only the beginning.

BSV is Bitcoin and it will supplant ponzi core coin in price soon.

Stay poor schizos

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fuck off imbecile

Welcome back you fucking loser ahahahahaha

now worries m8 i never went anywhere and i don't know who the cashie retard is either.

How does it feel when your coin just keeps on dumping and dumping?

Imagine buying this fake bitcoin for $150


The price literally TRIPLED within 2 weeks.

Core shills are like
>I-Imagine b-buying this coin... hehe..he..


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But I bought it for $60 Opie, and will dump it for fiat when the scam runs out of steam.

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bch did the same shit in april 2-3 that didn't change a damn about it being an absolute shitcoin.

When BSV flips BTC will you promise to kill yourself? What possibly reason could you have with carrying on with life afterwards

Imagin buying some wannabe bitcoins. I will stay with satoshi nakomoto, the inventor of btc.

why do you buy bsv from craig wright then

I didnt say, but i like it that your brain thinks like satoshi nakomoto=craig. Makes me bullish on bsv now.

>what possibly reason

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Too late now! I hold 4.75. Hope this is enough to get some nice comfy gains over the next week.

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also what fucking ridiculous discord circle jerk thread is this

The coin is literally rallying retard.
>durr why coin go up have people talk about it

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CW is bitcoin creator and BSV is bitcoin

I did already 649 $ interest
Comfy as fuxk

What exchanges do you guys use?

- Frank

India has no right to exist

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20 king here

Although I coulda buy 148 I was too retarded to buy

Wow! A thread full of imbeciles who got scammed! Great job Craig Wright! Excellent marketing!

I don't think it's a bad time to buy still. It's gonna rally hard tomorrow I bet, too. Then once it pumps, sell the top.

Is BSV backed by the jews?

Because with jews, you win.

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Core cucks BTFO once and for all

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Ye but ain’t gonna risk it I gonna wait for it to dip

nice 20 x 50,000 you will be millionaire bro

Lol made half of money in one day
-lol scammed

21 okay to make it with frens?
(peer to peer)

I wish dude
I honesty bought because of this same thread
Bought at 101.5
If I ever become millionaires that’s because of this thread

117.52107842 BSV sitting in FloatSV and I'll buy more soon.

Some people in bitconnect made money.

21 is the minimum amount to make it, we all know the rules. If you have only 20, you won't make it friend.

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>people unironically buying this bs


i keep buying till 1k

>muh world computer

Core cucks are going to get rekt lamo.

When BSV flips BTC I am going to be so happy.

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why buy this one? anyone can make a shit copy like this

Totally sustainable organic price discovery and definitely not Calvin's MM pumping the price while the conference is ongoing

>npc noise

Do your own research retard
BSV has not strayed from the White Paper.

All the other (((bitcoin))) forks are going to get rekt once they get copy wright'd and sued by hoards of pajeets

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that's not gonna happen but if it does i promise i will never touch crypto again.

Literally just a 10% hedge is all you need if you really want security against the stiffening.

Eventually you will see the light of Craig SATOSHI Wrights cock

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I’m on suicide watch lads.

Lol then I am one of those guys.

we need new thread its already $185

Lol we all made at least 20 of our money.
That’s if you bought around 100$

I wish...but real bitcoin is now for about ~8.7k$


It’s 170$ now
People who didn’t bought! Get your rope ready!

>people who didn't bought.
this board smells like shit lately.

I was gonna buy a few just for insurance but payday came and my bank account felt too low, so I decided to wait 2 more weeks. RIP

Same thing happened to me user. It’s over for me.

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Hehe sirs didn't bought they forgot about the needful

not touching cregs pee pee sorry

Same here fren. Took the STIFF pill a few days ago, but no fiat for another 14 days. I will be left behind once again

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Don't keep your coins on an exchange friend. Not your keys, not your coins. Friendly reminder.

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You still don't understand fundamentals. BSV is literally Bitcoin. 170 is just the beginning, it will swallow the entire crypto market and more in time.

If you had a time machine, would you go back and have bought BTC back when it was $170 in 2013?

If the answer is hell fucking yes, then you know what I am going to tell you. BSV is your time machine, the second opportunity is now. Same goes for everyone else who think they missed the boat already.


Or stay poor I really don't care.

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thanks creg i will be accumulating the real bitcoin from now on fren

But I even got RIP in my ID, you can't argue with Kek.

Is it a fork?
Can i get this shit for free like any other previous BTC forks?

Daily reminder that Craig Wright is a psychopath and you'll get burned hard if you let yourself be sucked into his reality distortion field

When will it reach 8k?

>IN plus RIP

What did he mean by this

Only ir you have btc on an address before the first bcash fork, or held bcash before the bsv fork.

I bought 20 but I coulda bought 150 .
Feel retarded

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Post punished Craig picture

>imagine not holding since the fork

no you corekeks are fucked because you dumped your bcash like your blockstream masters told you

No one cares

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Where to keep them fren



the thing i did try to a certain extent, but the first 2 wanted hardcore ID documents to register. Fuck that. I would already have bought if it was easy to do so.

kucoin no kyc

Cold/paper wallet, or you can re-purpose an old laptop or better yet an old phone as a hardware wallet as described in detail here:


Good phone wallets I've used:
>Centbee and HandCash.

Good PC wallet:

Not your keys, not your coins. Remember this, it's the first rule of crypto.

Bch(((abc)))? Literal CIA. And then the other one is the Jews. Guess Vishnu is all that's left. I'm with the Russian myself

>I'm with the Russian myself
ouch. ETH will be nothing but a sidechain of BitCoin BSV, run by a handful of autistic NEETs for nostalgic purposes to play with their antique 'smart contrats' and 'chain links' like so many neckbeards with N64 emulators.

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Is this pumping because of the Coingeek conference and talk of announcements?

>"They would just carry on"
>Does not just carry on and instead feels threatened enough to FUD
>Unintentionally demonstrates why all the anti-BSV shills are retarded.

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Did you even see the patent? You're in for a rude Awakening bucko.

It's pumping because the Chinese have fallen for fake news

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genious move by CZ pumping the price of BSV before any significant news from coingeek conference just to dump it in time for the news :)

>trusting Chink Scammer
just kys

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No news or announcements of any sort. Parabolic pump. Go back to eating Creg's asshole.

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