I've been a Bitcoin maximalist since 2012 and about to convert 100% of my holdings to another coin because I'm increasingly convinced BTC is even more manipulated than almost any other coin in top 20. You have a last chance to convince me not to.
I've been a Bitcoin maximalist since 2012 and about to convert 100% of my holdings to another coin because I'm...
>last chance to convince me
Go ahead and sell your 0.1 bitcoin then, nobody cares
>your 0.1 bitcoin
Whatever sum of BTC you sign for me, I'll sign back to you. Deal?
>maximalist since 2012
>smells like discord from 2000 miles
>new fag
>60 IQ propaganda
Yeah definitely not a shiller
dunno man do whatever you want, keep 1 btc in case despite all doom and gloom it hits $1mil eventually!
i'm tired. tired of arguing with idiots. tired of the insane price action. i will just hodl.
Whatever sum of BTC you sign for me, I'll sign back for you as proof . Deal?
Well yeah, no shit. 95% of all volume is fake. Tether printed like 30 million yesterday and the market is run by whales.
And (image)
In any way, any path will be disastrous. LONG Blockchain, SHORT Bitcoin
>Well yeah, no shit. 95% of all volume is fake. Tether printed like 30 million yesterday and the market is run by whales.
Yeah but where the fuck am I supposed to park my stash now? And don't say fiat because I live in the 3rd world and the government will fuck me.
buy mobius sirs
it's not bitfiniexes fault that there are actual idiots on this world that sell btc for tether.
Mines in USDC in an eth wallet. You don't have many options
>it's not bitfiniexes fault that there are actual idiots on this world that sell btc for tether.
Everything is traded against USDT.
Thanks. This is the first good advice I received on Jow Forums.
tfw you got in so early tether could fucking collapse and you would still be up.
Eat shit poor neurotic fag. Buy it or not, I don't fucking care. No one cares.
if u must be in a stable coin thats probably the best choice right now
i would not even trade shitstained toilet paper against usdt.
Second highest volume boyo. Tether IS crypto
like i said idiots
any asset backed crypto is bullshit but one that is only backed by air and empty promises from day 1 is the biggest bullshit ever.
I'd "index fund" if I were you, OP. Just indiscriminately buy 5% of your pot on every top 20 or so coins. This basically reflects "the market" of cryptos and is the safest bet in the sphere that I can imagine.
Yeah this is a good idea. You won't need to worry about your money if you don't have any
It's a lot of work. I'll have to make extensive instructions on how to reclaim in case I'll be ran over by a truck.
I don't think anyone's even buying anymore, it's literally just tether printer working to pump this shit.
400 btc
Where's the signature?
Every other day they print a couple million. I haven't heard anything new about the court stuff but the next hearing is in july.
Which coin, is it BSV? Are you pumping it?