Oldfags: What was Jow Forums like before crypto?

Oldfags: What was Jow Forums like before crypto?

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Check the archives. The first thread ever was a thread with losers larping about stocks that they supposedly held.

>being this new
biz is unironically a crypto containment board

Dropshipping, drugs, forex, seo/ad scamming. Same people looking to get rich quick and losing money.

Warosu.org to look at biz archives.

This. It was created because other boards where spammed with crypto shit

I really miss the old Jow Forums where we discussed real businesses, stocks, property and scams. Crypto ruined this board. And now after the dumpening, the board is filled with gay bloggers and nigger lovers. I fucking hate what this place have become!

Any other oldfags here?

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before the scam of crypto it was all about buying up iraqi currency before the big re-evaluation. Still probably more viably profitable than the entirety of crypto

>The Richest Man in Babylon

It was a good place to sift through piles of shit to find gems of truth. I still have the sales and bread nigger posts saved.


About 10% of threads were crypto when I first started lurking. I got bored and came back in mid 2017 when some guy in my hostel in Tokyo started shouting holy shit guys Bitcoin is worth $2000!!

biz was created as a containment board for the retards shitting up Jow Forums with crypto threads. it has always been like this, but a little bit less cancerous since there werent many alts

blah blah

Jow Forums was created to protect Jow Forums from all the bitcoin talk.

dont forget to buy panda coin

does it make me an oldfag that I remember back when crypto threads were crippling Jow Forums?

it was called Jow Forums

just take a minute here and think about it, all those autists on Jow Forums would rather spend their time discussing Richard Stallman instead of hopping on the bitcoin train in the early days

hahahaha, gotta feel bad for them

u can taste the years of hard compressed thick solid salt when you mention btc over there

Dropshipping post as frequent as all the shill posts.
Sell me this "pen" posts ad nauseam
people with little to no money management skills and heavily in debt coming here because they thinks its like Jow Forums and coach them into financial well being

Even in the early days of Jow Forums, nocoiners outnumbered crypto enthusiasts
They come back every now and then after a big dump, as though to say “see? I was right all along!” Meanwhile they were talking shit about Bitcoin when it was worth $100

I was still in college at the time and was too poor to put money into buttcoins (though during the 2017 bull run I had some money and made a comfy profit off of ethereum). Barely anyone put money into BTC on Jow Forums because it was a running joke for a very long time, even when it reached $1,200 it was still a joke.

Also no one discusses RMS anymore because of St. Terry. This however is for the best IMO.

>why didn't you buy bitcoin user in 2013
>I was too busy discussing if Stallman ate something off his foot

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Jow Forums was specifically created to get the Dogecoin threads off Jow Forums in 2013-2014, and has always been majority crypto. Anyone who thinks otherwise wasn't here. During the bear market in 2014-2015) there was a higher percentage of non-crypto threads, but Jow Forums has literally never been less than 50% crypto threads even in the deepest bear market.

Mostly a bunch of kids asking if they should get an MBA or refinance their expensive car or some other hustling bullshit. Think of it like a ghetto linkedin discussion board.

install gentoo
turn 360 around & walk away

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It was Jow Forums