Hey, let me know if you want to know price of eth!

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fuck off delphi fren

great project sirs
requests the price of eth reliably sirs

Have sex incel

>hates link so much he creates threads on the price action
>follows the project so closely he generates novel and current FUD plot lines
>has the GitHub, gitter, pivotaltracker and blog site bookmarked so he can keep up to date with the project he supposedly hates so much

Hi I don't have any link, what's the price of ETH

That'll be two dolla fiddy, mate. Also show me your price retrieving loicense first. Then we can go and set up link contract for you to get the price

I want to pay 5 dollars in fees to know current ETh price - Said no large business ever

Yes because that is all that link will ever be

Have sex my dude

i will pay u 0.01 eth to know price of eth sir
please do the needful

>5 dollars in fees
What are threshold signatures.

Also, have fun using the USD price of ETH in smart contracts without oracles.

KYC is literally (LITERALLY) optional.

This. That being said I do find this FUD narrative kind of funny. Still not selling.

I'll just use cmc fren thanks

The point is for the price to be used in smart contracts.

you can still query api endpoints in a smart contract, your data is just subject to gaming by the data-owner. if CMC has no reason to fudge your data they probably won't

>google eth price
nah m8 thats not decentralized trustless data fetched and throttled through oracles

>you can still query api endpoints in a smart contract
Not without oracles you can't


>you can still query api endpoints in a smart contract
Using oracles, sure.

You can use centralized trusted third party oracles. It is way cheaper and currently more reliable.

>You can use centralized trusted third party oracles.
Yup, you can use just one Chainlink node if that's what you want.

No that is not possible. It is too expensive and there are none available. Better pay some third party for cheaper and reliable centralized oracle.

>No that is not possible.
Yes it literally is.

Well show me some nodes on chainlinks mainnet. I want to buy some reliable soccer results for my dapp.

>hahahaha! Chainlink isn't finished yet!
Good fud, fren.


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i am dying kek

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What's wrong with just setting up a simple API to directly retrieve the median price from like 10 different exchanges?
It's cheaper than paying a node operator, and it's just as reliable.

>what is threshold signatures

A literal blogpost filled with claims and autist stuff. The code isn't audited nor production ready, so your precious mainnet is as shit as zrx protocol, omg, civic or augur. Threshold are the Lightning network of LINK

>What's wrong with just setting up a simple API
lmao, nothing.
APIs the pastures on which oracles graze, the more APIs the better for Chainlink.

>haha it isn't the future yet, Chainlink BTFO!!!

Based and underrated

>Chainlink isn't finished yet!
Well that my friend is exactly the problem. You can not release unfinished product and expect people to use that shit.

you don't need link to feed external data into the blockchain.
it's supposed to decentrlize the process, but you can easily do it yourself (as i just demonstrated).

You can write your own oracle to call an API and write the response to chain, but then your trustless smart contract has to trust you and your oracle

I wouldn't enter into a tamper proof digital agreement with someone if i had to trust someone's oracle to not be tampered with

>You can not release unfinished product and expect people to use that shit.
Well that's what pretty much everyone does.

>you don't need link to feed external data into the blockchain.
Well you need oracles.

>you can easily do it yourself
Or you can use a node from the most reputable oracle network in the world so people who are not you can actually rely on the produced results.

If you need the price of any crypto don't use link instead call me Rashjesh at Rashjesh and Kumars API service. Our trained professionals are on hand to check the price of any crypto currency day or night. If you need a price and are too busy to search it for yourself Rashjesh and Kumar are here to help.

Attached: 1559278426808.jpg (1024x768, 120K)

>Well that's what pretty much everyone does.
Like who? Other retarded useless crypto projects?

And how do you get the data from your API to the smart contract?

Literally everyone.
From cars to games to operating systems, literally everything starts with a gimped and often borderline malfunctioning product.

Open source projects are often 'work in progress'
You often update linux or apache and get a new feature that had been talked about for months or years

>literally everything starts with a gimped and often borderline malfunctioning product.
Like what? Give me examples.

You make telephone call to me and I search gogole or duckduckgo. You can trust me. If no trust me trust Kumar. I Rashjesh will deliver you service over the phone from telemarketing workplace. Very secure sirs.

actually, you don't even need external data to get the eth/usd exchange rate.
just get the median exchange rate for pax/eth, dai/eth, tusd/eth and usdc/eth straight from etherdelta. even if one of these stablecoins collapse, your exchange rate still remains accurate because it's a median.

Are you insane or something?

No. Please give us some real life examples.

No but how do you get the data on the blockchain?

>doing that
>not needing oracles
How are you going to calculate the median? On-chain?

Also, DAI for instance uses oracles.

yes, on-chain.
don't tell me that eth isn't capable of calculating the media of four (4) different values

I'm only humoring you because I honestly believe you actually have mental problems.

Attached: werner von braun.png (1402x564, 966K)

>How are you going to calculate the median? On-chain?
Ethereum's VM can do some math. Believe it or not.

My cousin sajeet he run blockchain I will give to him no problems sir. Our way best in India

Well both Satoshi himself and Vitalik have advocated for off-chain calculations/consensus.

>straight from etherdelta
So a single source for a single use case that is done better with oracles.
This is your fud?

Also, the DAI stablecoin for instance uses oracles.

Didn't know that rockets were commercial products that anyone could buy. Well I think you made your point very clear.

Then you get back to the cost argument

An oracle call is cheaper than calculating median on chain

>So a single source for a single use case that is done better with oracles.
Better, easier and cheaper.

Maybe for a crypto kitty trading dapp, not for trade finance smart contracts

>commercial products that anyone could buy
Look at those goalposts fly.

Attached: phon.png (1099x485, 740K)

I dont see any finance trading smart contracts? Do you?

Yes, done better, easier, and cheaper with oracles.

The initial mainnet release was yesterday, calm down lmao.

Both of the products in your image were perfectly functional when they were made available for the public.

Your point again?


>Both of the products in your image were perfectly functional when they were made available for the public.
So is Chainlink's initial mainnet release.

>Your point again?
That the initial release of new tech is always limited.

150 year gap between the two images and it'll be 150 years before sergey's fat ass even starts attempting to fix the 'oracle problem' that he dreamt up to scam retarded neets out of 32 million.

At least you're not butthurt about it or anything.

I bet you $100 the price of eth will be > $500 on 12am EST December 30th.
Lets use link to get a reliable price, cost will be $0.30 and we can be sure of the data integrity.

>So is Chainlink's initial mainnet release.
No it is not. It is too expensive to use. Node operators are losing money if they want to provide data.

You must think that losing money is good thing, do you?

>No it is not.
Yes it is.

>It is too expensive to use.
Not really, but so were the first phones for a very long time.
It wasn't until 50-60 years ago that regular people had them.



A decentralized oracle is an unneeded extra layer. It moves the trust problem, doesn't solve it. The real solution (used by literally every large company) is using trusted sources based on reputation and proper risk management.

Then tell me. How much does one API call currently costs?

>don't use oracles, use sources
When you know nothing about the subject matter, but you must absolutely post.

Stop asking me to post shit.
It's annoying and it never ends well for you.

> don't use decentralized smart contracts
> have corporations trust other corporations
wew lad


>You can use centralized trusted third party oracles.
uhhh yeah, like chainlink
or oraclize, which now uses chainlink
so yeah.

Lmao fuck you Rashit

Jesus Christ, you're retarded


Seriously, how much does one API call cost currently in mainnet?

the logo of assholestretchery

More than a linkies self esteem

Why do you keep asking me about shit you should be able to find easily yourself?
>what are threshold signatures

Well I find API calls to be too expensive. Very easy to find out.

And threshold signatures are theoretical, not tested, not implemented and not usable.

Thus the mainnet is usable piece of shit. Congrats for the team for successful product launch.

You do realize the initial release was yesterday, right?
ETH and BTC were similar upon initial release.

Keep posting about Chainlink though, really shows how important Chainlink is to you.

>ETH and BTC were similar upon initial release.
You are saying that ETH and BTC were too expensive to use upon initial release? Seriously. I mean seriously. Come on..

At least BTC hasn't changed it's protocol. Not sure about ethereum as they've had hard forks.

Do you have any idea what you're talking about, or am I just talking to another moron who's just parroting "threshold sigs! threshold sigs!!!11"

>You are saying that ETH and BTC were too expensive to use upon initial release?
I'm saying they had limitations as well, being initial releases.

Keep posing more words about Chainlink. It's probably the most important thing in your life right now, based on how much you care and how emotional you keep getting.

>I'm saying they had limitations as well, being initial releases.
And they still have those same limitations. Seriously, you don't have a single clue. Do you?

Chainlink is very useful as an example of failed product that was hyped among community which will eventually cost a lot of money to them. There is a reason why financially educated people do not invest in shitcoins. I'm trying to see and learn what they know.

Chainlink makes this learning process very clear and easy to understand.

>the truly innovative technology is the one we've been using for thousands of years!

Yes they are. They've stand the test of time and are still as useful as they were at their time of invention.

Finally someone get's it. Most of the innovation is shit.

>hey, let's use hexagonal wheels
>but that's retarded
>lol you're afraid of innovation, stupid boomer

Financially educated VCs invested in Juciero.

>Median of 4 values
You do realize you're going to be taking the average of 2 and 3 right?
And what is volume of these trade pairs on etherdelta? How much money do I need to momentarily pump or dump two (two pairs guarantees your median value will be way off from prices in other big exchanges) of these stablecoin pairs to competely fuck up your smart contract?

>And they still have those same limitations.
Some, some were fixed.

>Chainlink is very useful as an example of failed product
Yeah, like Alexander Graham Bell's contraption was a failed product.

Type more words about Chainlink, the number one thing in your life right now.

B-but Tom Gonser!

10/10 magnificent

But why would you know how many ETH to pay for an API call to interrogate the current ETH price? What if ETH has big green dildo'd?

>Threshold are the Lightning network of LINK

that was cold-blooded, wow

They still have the limitations. There is a reason why bitcoin isn't global currency and why no one uses ethereum in their business.

I am actually trying to post more in this thread. I might stop when I have more posts than chainlink has nodes on mainnet.

I'm not far away, am I?

Reminder that literally no cryptocurrency/platform works in any way whatsoever.

>They still have the limitations.
You think every single limitation from BTC and ETH's initial releases was left unfixed?
Stop broadcasting your psychosis this publicly.