How long have you been nofap?

How long have you been nofap?

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Good that you ask because im day5 and im already lookin for a prostituite but i dont want to i must hold through. You wont believe what power this is in my balls. If i could use the power now for something good but all im thinking is jerking off or go to a slut help me.

5 minutes

6 days

I fap at least 2 times a day every day for the past 12 years (half my life).
Average is 5~
Max on a normal day is 7-8
Record is 27

10 days

quite literally 1 hour

Attached: 1558540791440.png (1999x2526, 439K)

A few months but thats because I have no sex drive low T

i always did nofap nosex in jail and had nocturnal emissions within 3 weeks every time

That is way too much to read my dude.

Thats because you have jerked off all of your energy

TLDR: fapping all the time makes you weak, stupid, and low T

Actually been a good few hours since i’ve done the old pump n squirt. Boner practically raging. Alert and amped. Just not interested in reading a novel.

just fapped to /gif

I'm on nofap because I fuck my hot asian gf several times per week. Is that what you guys are doing too? Or are you incels that literally don't bust nuts causing low T and prostate cancer?

go jerk off and imagine all the generations of father, grandfather and so on watching you form above literally jerking off all the time instead doing something useful with ur life lol

/gif/ is the most degenerate board on this website.

/s/ is for true patricians

6 days, thinking about fapping to my moms facebook

I’d rather not think of men, especially family members when i’m getting hands on with my schlong.

You kidding? /gif/ doesn’t touch the depravity of /b/, /d/, /mlp/ or /trash/

Avoid the blacked threads and it’s almost normie tier.

You better start because they watching you and every fuck should make them feel proud of you.

how are they watching?
i didnt have an out of body experience when i had sudden cardiac arrest

Not the women i’ve been with. Probably more cringe than the fap seshes.

>cuckold, scat, femdom, trap, “gifs that make you want to suck dick”, gay shit....etc

90% of the threads are degenerate not to mention watching a guy fuck a girl that is not POV is sub consciously turning you into a cuck.

Attached: BAF2482E-0C24-49DF-8D02-B48CE7E36312.jpg (640x927, 276K)

1 hour

Outside of scat that’s all normie tier lmao. Maybe hypno is a little out there.

>can’t self insert in 3rd person

3 months.

have sex

Well normies are degenerate.

>he can’t get off to just naked women
>thinks he is going to make it

>believing in dark age mythology
>thinks nofap is a good idea
This checks out. Maybe you should get off of biz, your pastor wouldn't like it (because this board is for 18+ not little boys)

Pictures are my preference actually. My weakness is for /e/ 2D women but I have plenty of softcore 3D in the stash.

You wont break my NoFap.
Im doing gains here you fappers never could imagine.

Once you become master of your instincts, the world is open to you

Oh I master them all right.

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0 days

3 Weeks
I relapsed after seem a naked 16yo boy on the pool yesterday

A gay pedo is trying to not be so degenerate. Crazy times.

10.000 days

I masturbate to thoughts or still images at most.

Are you american retard or feminist retard?

16 year old boy is pretty borderline, man.

Found the degenerate

American retard then.

In any society where MEN are the ruling class the age of consent is what it should be, like Japan, Korea, Germany and so on.
Only Feminist owned countries like USA they have such high age of consent, to give old ugly women an advantage.

I don’t need morality advice from a faggot lmao


>"argues" on the level of a 14 year old edgelord
>calls himself adult
>most likely refers to the flying spaghetti monster and thinks himself intelligent, when really it shows his complete lack of understanding in regards to spirituality

found the white knight

genuinely ascended people have non-carnal astral sex with their ageless and pure 2d virgin waifu, with whom they bonded before becoming sexual. it truly is hard to imagine for a superior specimen like me how plebs can possibly find images of needy 3d attention whores appealing or in any way erotic. what a pitiful existence...

Attached: 1549381413830.jpg (1253x1770, 951K)

takes one to know one

20 hours

Start of this year. I miss my russian piss drinking porn and anal only porn with russian otherworldy beauties.
Won't go back to this ever and happy

Just when you think you couldnt possibly cringe any harder 4channel autism always comes through

have sex

wtf dude your brain is fucking degenerated i never spoke a word of something 2D or ascending or what the fuck else your degenerated brain is thinking

This is your fapper example guys. Jerking off to 16y/o boys. Choose your path guys. Dont be like him. Thanks for the demonstration your free to leave this thread now.

About 8 hours but if I see a brapper posted I'll reset

About 30 minutes

Shut the fuck up pedofaggot. Hide your shame before we hide it for you in a shallow grave.