>orange man GOOD
Market crashes
>duuhhh snowflake!!
>market crashes more
>duuurrr splllff
Orange man GOOD
>the president is directly in control of the stock market
>it's not on decades long cycles largely moderated by the federal reserve's interest rate policy
>it's not absurdly and dangerously overvalued after 10 years of EU/JP ZIRP, negative swiss rates, historically low rates in US and a corporate culture that for the past 6 years has put corporate share buybacks above everything else
>orange man bad
the markets are crashing because investors and banks are fucking libshits who think every trump policy is bearish
Dumb meme posted by literal wage slave npcs
>the president has no impact on the stock market with his economic policies
>the president has no impact on the stock market when he implements tarrifs with the trading partner the country is entirely dependent on
>the president has no impact on the stock market when he starts a pointless trade war
>orange man good
I want to join
> A president only has the power to fuck things up
> Presidents can no longer help any situation
> This one is really using his power
>being so fucking stupid in economics that you don't understand paying 5% more for products from one of your largest trading partners will destroy profit margins
Unironically kys
u mad? stay poor faggots
>but muh muh muh scheduled gains stock market only goes up
commit suicide after you lose everything
t. $500 net worth neet
the american taxpayer will have more money from not buying chinese products and profits should go up.
Op is a fag
When the economy plunges I get mad, as does every one of the retiree voters.
He gonna be impeached. Noone gives a shit about russia but they do give a shit about their net worth
stock market goes up
>this is just Obama era policies finally catching up
stock market goes down
>wow, this is a direct result of DRUMPF! ORANGE. MAN. BAD.
When it bounces back and makes a new ATH, it will be Obamad economy again.
Orange man good
Why are you left pol fags trying to get influence on this board? Seriously we don't give a shit about your pro or anti Donald Trump belifes. Go back to pol and troll the butthurt retards there.
Orange man good
orange man good
clinton bad
isreal is greatest ally
i will fight for jew
Israel good
Israel is greatest ally
Yas queen let's turn this board into pol 2.0
>never have first vagina
>first black man talk good
>first black man go on funny TV show haha
>no first vagina?! Everything bad
>diversity answer to all things
>endless tantrum
the right can't meme
>t. kike
>the left can't meme period and admits it by adopting right memes
>t. npc
Holy fuck is this what the brainless unironically think?
you just unironically proved his point
so the jannie can do his job for once
Imagine considering yourself rightwing and supporting trump lmao. He policies are literally leftist degeneracy and anti free market tariffs bundled up in such a way as to be palitable to the right. He's literally destroyed the right as we know it and his only legacy will be as the man who ushered in a decade long post trump leftist runberbanding effect. We're unironically fucked
He has both increased taxes on most americans and disrupted free markets with buybacks tariffs and stipends.
He is worse than left. He is authoritarian and bad at it.
>jew jew cum good
Dude, you have to be pants on head retarded if you don’t think the market going sideways for more than a year has nothing to do with the uncertainty created by the numerous trade disputes. America has had record low unemployment and gdp growth in that same period.
I don't get it...isnt Trump owned by jews?
1 post by this id
Absolutely correct. This is the redpill, that trump cucks are too afraid to swallow.
Here’s the reality about Trump. Trump was a spy-op to pacify the whites. Whites were beginning to get irritated during Obama and (((they))) needed a neo-con that would appear anti-establishment and btfo the globalists/swamp. Candidate trump said all the things whites wanted to hear and then by some sort of miracle he won. We got our guy! Unfortunately it was all planned and calculated. Hillary was no more but a piece of the subversive charade that is the election process. Our white civilizations are controlled by those of different blood originating from the desert and they only care about strengthening their tribes global oligarchy. Everything is always done in accordance to Jewish agenda. Everything we see and hear on the media, what we learn in school, our political system. Literally everything is designed to benefit Jews. We are goyim, we are cattle, we are nothing to them except slaves. Whites however are their ancient enemy because we have been the only ones to stand up against Jews and have done this many times throughout history. It’s why they want us all dead and are trying to genocide us through mass 3rd world immigration and miscegenation. Their end goal is to perfect the goyim into a muttified nigger race that’s docile and stupid but not too stupid to work. To forever live like kings while we slave away for them.
checked. Based and redpilled
Based. Going to vote Kamala Harris to ebix pwn the jews.
The only people who have skin in the game for stock prices are fatass boomers who want the market to get bailed out.
Here is the recipe. Stocks go up 300% and boomers cheer. They drop 10-50% and boomers get a bailout. They repeat this cycle for 3 decades and by the end of that young people have been completely priced out of asset markets.
Queue you, still at the tail end of this boomer bubble and brainwashed into thinking that skyrocketing stock prices are the measure of economic health. Here are why stock prices are this high
>Fed manipulation of interest rates
>Plunge protection team
>Corporations borrowing money with interest to buy back shares of their own stock, essentially cannibalizing companies (corporations are the #1 buyers of stock in America since 2008)
>Pensions piling into stocks because the Fed cut bond yields and insolvent boomer pensions need higher yields (pensions have been the #2 buyer of stocks)
>"Fed put" has boomers self aware enough to understand they can keep buying up stock shares at any stage of the business cycle and will be eventually bailed out
Incredibly low IQ post, user. I am very ashamed on your behalf