BTC getting shreked
Lord farquad is over
CSW is soto shuttle naked Moto
It's literally ogre
Dyor look at metanet
>Ehtwr up btfo
>BTC btfo
>Tron btdo
>BNB bwahahahahaha btfo
>CZ cucked and jailed nigger dick
It's orgee
BTC getting shreked
Lord farquad is over
CSW is soto shuttle naked Moto
It's literally ogre
Dyor look at metanet
>Ehtwr up btfo
>BTC btfo
>Tron btdo
>BNB bwahahahahaha btfo
>CZ cucked and jailed nigger dick
It's orgee
King of Pajeets, true
I will not sign the genesis block because I do not believe that code is identity.
If someone holds the key that doesn't technically prove shit because core cucks will find a way to bitch about it
When people are invested in something, they will create some kind of contorted logic to fit the narrative that suits then. I watched the conference and it was obvious he was lying, the Asian guy questioning made him trip up. At one point Craig was like 'come on man' in the kind of way that a person telling a elaborate would when tested.
If you are too poor to buy Bitcoin I am sorry for you, but this scam will not make you rich.
If he would have just signed in the beginning people wouldn't have bitched. Now that he's basically made everybody hate him, they just want to destroy him.
The whitepaper and his worldveiws dont match. Also why come out now? Not when things were changing to not be his vision? Maybe because it's worth a ton of money now? No that couldn't be it! Why not just sign? Maybe because he can't? No he just doesnt want to. That must be it.
It's not a scam!!!!!
it's a start, first you sign then provide any other proof of actual involvement. no signature nothing to talk about.
satoji miss spelling his own creation
>The whitepaper and his worldveiws dont match.
Yeah satoshi was a libertarian, not an anti white cuck like csw.
Craig sanjey right is a indian in disguise
Uhh, CSW is literally a libertarian.
he is an anti white big government cuck
and a ridiculous fraud. I think he learned to be twisted after getting cancer at such an early age.
Satoshi literally named himself after a fucking jap and you think he was goddamn 44/88 or something? kys.
You are poor and deluded yourself into buying worthless fraud garbage. Like scientology level delusion.
You are delusional if you think Satoshi was some "heil mein fuhrer, glory to the white race!" asshole too. Bitcoin was made for everyone from wealthy westerners to dirt poor Africans.
You are a fucking normie sjw that probably came in 2017. Bitcoin was never meant for people like you.
He isn't ant-white you sperg, he's just a CivNat small government boomer.
Rule of Law. Republic over Democracy. Skincolor doesn't matter.
Close to being based, he just need to take the race realism pill to get all the way there.
>normie sjw
I think you're the sjw and that's why you can't stand Craig. You despise him because he despise people like you.
>All the major social platforms, Twitter, Facebook, and even Google, have been infiltrated by social justice warriors seeking to destroy meritocracy and bring banality to the world. They call it diversification
I'll hammer your cancer you stupid little tether prostitute
Hey Genderqueer, based Wright trashed Welfare during his chat last night. His libertarian credentials are firmly established.
>I think you're the sjw and that's why you can't stand Craig
Requesting the tweet screenshot where says western civilization isn't about white people because of some black emperor or something. Typical sjw normie moral posturing wank. Plus he is a big government incohrent twat, his politics are alien to Bitcoin.
only the most restarded amerishart could believe this obviously larping, unsophisticated, shallow, moral posturing, normie australian
Edgy teenage....thats cool.
Lmfao, as normie as they come. He is all about posturing, making big proclamations forcefully, which all boil down to the wanky opinions of a college sjw. I mean I will not sign the genesis block because CODE IS NOT IDENTITY,,,,,,,, WANK
Wow, people wants to take a pic with the creator of bitcoin. That means he must be a bad guy right? riiiight? lol, you are awful at this
Read the whole transcript, he is bitching how SJWs are trying to throw out hundreds of years of legal law as now irrelevant because in their minds it was created by "white males" and actually saying no, that is bullshit there WERE minorities involved in the basis of these laws. It's actually a defense of western civilization that is under attack by modern SJWs.
>“I don’t know about you but I find that important,” he continued, still yelling. “I find this whole world, a thousand years of common law, important. I don’t think ‘code is law’”—it’s unclear what he was talking about here—“is good. I think it’s shit! I think ‘code is law’ is the lowest attack on modern society, the biggest social justice warrior attack, trying to rip down everything we have that is good. It’s really about taking away everything we’ve built over hundreds of years and going, ‘Oh, it’s just, white males.’”
He paused, revelatory: “Well it’s not, I’m sorry. Western Culture isn’t white males.”
Your analysis is true, but to be honest it's still a bit cringe considering Augustine of Hippos was a white roman dude who just happened to be born in Africa.
I understand what he is trying to communicate, but western civilization and philosophy WAS basically all white males.
You are a normie that came in 2017 that just bought into another fraud because you can't afford Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a protocol described in the white paper, the exchange ticker is BSV. Cope with that.
When people are invested in obvious dog shit they will become deluded as a cope.
the whitepaper and bchsv don’t match. it is supposed to be ‘satoshi’s vision’ and ‘as the whitepaper intended’ but is instead just one big shit data dump and not peer to peer cash at all
Yes BTC holders need to get their head checked lmao
World's biggest pyramid scheme
“one coin to rule them all” = “our coin to rule them all”
>World's biggest pyramid scheme
You got in late so you are trying to make your own pyramid scheme. Loser normie bum bum.
correct, and there is no response to this.
So you don't deny that BTC is a pyramic scheme?
Please, Satoj. Just shut up. I'm so tired of these desperate posts from Raj and the Loo Raiders. It's the same shitty pictures and rhetoric.
We believe you,
We believe that you have the keys and just won't use them
we believe that you made bitcoin even though yoh don't know how to program
we believe that your actions will speak for themselves even though this is the nost inorganic shilling I've seen since CTR
We believe you, just go away
Guys, guys listen!
I'm Satoshi!
I swear!
I'm Satoshi Nakamoto creator of Bit Coin.
I don't care if you don't belive me.
But listen I'm Satoshi. If you don't belive me you gonna be so sorry!
I will bankrupt you!
Because I'm Satoshi.
And Bit Coin is turing complete... Yes it is. I'm not gonna prove it you just have to take my word on it!
I made Bit Coin. You will fucking listen to what I say!
I will not prove it because I don't owe you anything!
I don't care if you don't belive me!
Honest to God! I don't give a flying fuck.
But listen here! I'm Satoshi Nakamoto. Do you understand motherfucker.
I will bankrupt you if you don't listen to me!
But I'm not gonna prove shit because I don't care if you belive me or not...
I made Bit Coin it's mine! My intellectual property and you may only use it the way i see fit!
If you try other forks I will bankrupt you motherfucker!
I'm Satoshi. I can't prove it but I am.
Satoshi Nakamoto motherfucker!
That's me.
Don't belive me! See if I care!
You will be so sorry.
Sanjay's Vindaloo is the real Bit Coin!
The original.
We introduced new opcodes that make no sense.
I can do that because I'm Satoshi!
No I will not prove it!
No I will not sign.
Fuck off!
I don't owe you anything!
I'm Satoshi!
I don't care if you don't believe me!
I'm Satoshi! Motherfucker!
You buy, you hodl, anything at all, I will bloody bankrupt you!
I don't give a fuck!
You don't have to believe me!
I don't give a fuck!
I don't care about you!
I swear I don't. I really really truly don't care.
I'm Satoshi! Do you understand motherfucker?
Have a Nice Life!
As much as gold or any other investable assett is.
I really hope January 2nd rolls around, the trust expires, and Craig sends a transaction from the genesis block. That shit would be the most clownverse which Is why I'm thinking it'll happen.
Why the fuck are you even on biz then. Retard.