What's the best degree to get if you want to make a lot of money? Rn I'm getting a business degree, is that a good way to earn a lot in the future?
What's the best degree to get if you want to make a lot of money? Rn I'm getting a business degree...
a business degree is fucking worthless. you need to make your own money by taking risk if you ever want to get out of the wagecuck lifestyle.
>a business degree is fucking worthless.
Why? The average pay for it is a lot
average pay is meaningless, what is the media pay.
Mechanical Engineering.
unless you are going to harvard a business degree is probably a waste of time. You need to get actual marketable skills. maybe something with data analysis with programming would be better.
I guess if you want to be a wagecuck it's fine, as long as all of the finance jobs dont get automated in the next 5-10 years
surgeons usually make a ton of money but I'd assume you want easy money, in which case aim to become an enterprise dev
Not American, but I go to a uni with about a 10% attendance rate. Idk if that's good or not
>Not American
doesn't change the fact you need marketable skills.
Yeah, but why would I need to go to Harvard for it to be marketable?
Guess medical. Become an anesthesiologist.
Dental with private practice is good and so is Pharmacist but they hate their jobs for the most part.
Alternatively you could get a degree in whatever would land you as a government contractor. I knew a guy that controlled blimp cameras for 400k a year but that's 1099.
If you want something WITHOUT a degree because you value your life and don't want to waste 12 years in college then software is where to be. I went from no degree at 10 dollars an hour to 150k a year in just over 2 years. Aiming for a CTO slot next where the pay is limited by earnings which is what I want.
Business and Engineering are general degrees that wont tie you to a single type job unlike more specific degrees such as dentist, pharmacy, med etc
How did you start?
I had 13k in savings and learned PHP for 6 months while not working and just drinking all day. Built a site with it. Ran out of money so started working at Macy's for 10 dollars an hour. I got to sit in a little office as loss prevention so I just kept learning and building little projects for my portfolio. Eventually started applying everywhere and landed an interview that I did well at. Job was for 19/hr. After 3 months I started applying again. Got picked up for 50k next state over. I liked the job a lot so I stayed for just under 2 years. I turned down a job for 85k and one for 130k(Canadian), but then got an offer for 150k full-remote so I took it. I built a lot of little online businesses for passive income, so being able to talk about them has helped a lot in my interviews with the company owners.
It's been a journey and things moved pretty fast once I got motivated.
>business degree
Why would you go to a college - a factory that turns out wagies - to learn how to have your own business?
Yes a business degree is good. Ignore the redditors that think you need more than 100k/ year to make it. I live on 1200 a month and am comfy. You need to make sure you graduate with the least amount as possible though. Also be a male psychiatric nurse.
Realize too that to get anywhere with a business degree some aptitude in sales is required.
i have a business degree currently making 200k a year plus bonus (work in a bank)
degrees don't really matter, they just get your foot in the door. you have to be decent to make bank.