Things are returning to how they're supposed to be. Muhoracle fags back to a dollar, Skycoin on its way back to $50

Things are returning to how they're supposed to be. Muhoracle fags back to a dollar, Skycoin on its way back to $50.

Next productless shitcoin to crash: holo.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-31 at 9.47.04 AM.jpg (1458x1746, 270K)

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so you're saying sky is going to do 2100%?

>steal a bunch of money
>claim I got kidnapped
>redditors and OP believe me

why sudo have 27m in bitcoin if skycoin's so good?

More like 4200%.

Don't take their word for it, look at the court case:

All your eggs in one basked is fucking retarded.

wow a scribd document. couldn't possible get one of those with some spare change from the dump. you're gonna get rekt. you're running on vaporware without a consensus algo. i've got a piece of shit skyminer running downstairs but i'm banned form all the telegram groups by the faggot sudo because i wanted to discuss metanet and metered wi-fi using bsv as competitors. it's just a fucking (((echo))) chamber of synth's retarded rambling in the groups anyways but i felt like someone ought to know the reality of the market.

>appeal to discrediting the hosting platform a translated court document was uploaded to

Weak attempt.

Fucking lol, make no mistake: you got banned for being a faggot.

weak attempt... lel
it's a fucking chink bit of paper and when i said haha that'd be hard to fake sudo goes "NO IT'S GOT A STAMP ON IT"

No, i got banned for speaking the truth in your fucking (((echo))) chamber as all the faggots in their yeet yeet about $800 sky and talk about netflix and muh hardware sales.

I believed in this shit in the beginning as i said, i have a miner down stairs. just no one can handle even discussing any other platform that does everything sky can do except with a fucking consensus algo.

SKY to zero with the binance round up. get rekt

Attached: architectcraig9mm.jpg (840x348, 259K)

is that why link is down the most and hot down the least

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-31 at 10.32.26 AM.png (532x462, 88K)

I guess the only to know for sure is flying to Shanghai and learning mandarin to go through court documents. Anyway, there's more than enough evidence to point to what happened.

>does everything sky can do
Only Sky has a deterministic full fledged programming language with blockchain integration.

WoT is coming this year. You're more than welcome to send me that Skyminer, but I get the feeling that you'll be capitulating and thanking god that you still have that thing plugged in.

Holo uses ico funds to pump the price and has marketing grad students post cat pictures on Medium rather than pay for actual development.

That's why they've mailed holoports to a bunch of family members and paid them paltry sums to post vaguely positive things about them under NDA. Holoports are nothing other than servers and clients just like any other server on the internet, but slower.

you linkies need to try and pump your coin than deflate ours, have fun watching hot move into the top 10 this year

Have fun staying in "private beta" for the rest of the year. They'll produce a hyper-basic webapp and you retards will lap it up will people with money start dumping.

Link has already released their nothingburger. They'll continue to slide.

Skycoin is on its way to the top ten.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-31 at 11.26.32 AM.jpg (454x232, 14K)

better get your money out of that centralized piece of shit

Attached: holocuck.png (963x3099, 430K)

Lol, this is awesome. Thank you for sharing.

I knew their payment shit and lack of coin meant huge problems, but I didn't know it was this extensive.

Hahahahahaha. Holy shit. HOLO BTFO

SkyCoin has been doing great this last month. From the charts alone it is a buy

Its Skycoin you fucking goober


can you click the button at the bottom please, to make it dark mode

More proof idiots here can’t tell the different between Holo and Holochain and HoloFuel.

It’s actually sad we have been here a year telling these idiots to do just a little bit of research but they refuse. They still don’t get that Holo is a hosting company on top of Holochain. And Holochain can be used on its out without the help of Holo or their “centralized” platform. This will cause adoption of the Holochain framework and drive normies to use the main Holo network for hosting when they don’t have the ability to host their app without the help of Holo.

If you have your own “network” around the world/community that can host your app/service using the Holochain protocol then you are more than welcome to. You could even setup your own community where you pay people who host for you in a currency other than Holofuel. All this will cause Holo to be more in the spotlight and drive more people to pump HoloFuel bags till we reach a stable hosting price.

>company competes with its own users
>sure, all you have to do to set up your own stuff is just build your own centralized payment validation system

Still doesn't deal with the fact that you can't detect double spends or resolve them in a reasonable manner.

It's literally just a bunch of shitty servers and clients with a crypto gateway hurdle. More work than just firing up a Docker instance.