just been diagnosed with cancer.
how do i profit from this?
not because i want to roll around in lambos and vaginas, but because i don't want to wageslave while i die.
am i just completely fucked? can this be turned into a profitable thing?
Just been diagnosed with cancer
Other urls found in this thread:
This is what you get for eating processed foods and drinking So-ywater
You should have took appropriate action while you still could
Dead people don't matter
health insurance. quit waging. invest in coins and play the market. several people in my family/close circle have had cancer and it sucks but you can get through it user. stay strong
have you seen breaking bad?
what sort of cancer?
try getting your hands on some sweet wormwood and boil tea from it. Drink litres of it everyday
I've heard some miraculous anecdotes about it
Aajonus Vondirplanitz.
You are going to die. Make your peace with God, and accept your death. Also, do not listen to the charlatans shilling supplements. If anyone them had even a small signal then pharma would isolate it, patent the molecule and make billions. The anons here are arrogant idiots that refuse to accept that they are not "in the know" or "woke" but are just low IQ misleading sheep.
>timestamp on Dark Web
>do hits in exchange for Gernan sniper rifle
>career till end
Take out as many credit cards as possible and live off those til the end
Sucks but if it's fatal you can exit scam.
Get as big of a loan as you can.
Buy crypto
Cold store it
Give keys to whoever
Sorry user
good, alt right incels like you don't deserve happiness or even life in general
le DRUMPF can't save you now
If you have student loans you can get a cancer deferment.
Barring that, I would try everything you can to live. Go on ssdi while you are fighting if you need to. Remember that chapter 7 is always a way out if the cost of fighting the cancer gets too high.
And pray to God. Tell him that you have more left to accomplish.
I will pray for you right now.
Sorry to hear this. Will pray for you fren.
credit cards. dead people don't have to pay for bills.
ask for loans too and buy a bunch of BTC
how much long do you have? I'm sure yiu will last enough to see BTC above 15k
Fight it! Juice fruits, veggies, and a LEMON DAILY! Lemons fight cancer naturally in multiple ways
Gerson therapy. Raw fruits and vegetables. Juiced so you are essentially overdosing on antioxidants and vitamins. Organic obviously as you will be consuming something like 10-20 carrots a day worth of juice. The carotenes are fat soluble and work similar to vitamin C, which is water soluble. You flood your body with these, minerals, and the polyphenols (look those up) found in the fruits and veggies and it optimizes your immune system while providing all the tools needed to combat the cancer. Coffee enemas optional, depends how toxic your body is. If you are overweight or consume shitty foods, this is highly recommended as there are likely toxins in your digestive system that are contributing to the toxic load.
Stay strong brother.
My gf has had cancer 3 times. She's now happy and alive (although she's sterile now).
Be strong man...
Using herbs like wormwood (Chinese sweet wormwood is what you want) also will work wonders. Some others to look into would be Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa), and Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
this is unironically my biggest fear. having to continue waging with a terminal illness. at some point, you gotta live your life user, sounds like it's time. best of luck to you, seriously.
>staying with a woman who can't give you heirs
Not going to make it from a biological standpoint.
cancer isnt a death sentence user, get a grip.
Stay extremely positive by meditating, smoking weed, being surrounded by only your best friends. Get a fucking dog at that. Shine bright and you'll live.
Shut the fuck up you moron
cancer isn't a death sentence. just look at reddit.
cancer isn't a death sentence. You can still rape someone
Can I short your life?
This, also get some essiac tea, OP
There's an older guy at my work doing exactly this so terribly sad. Also some of the strongest motivation you'll ever get.
Look into alternative treatments.
One example: 200 micrograms of selenium daily is known to reduce breast cancer incidence by 81%. I know zero pink ribbon racing doctors / normal people who give a fuck about vitamins and minerals, yet it is my understanding that they reverse cancer and prevent it. Source: I take supplements and eat clean, not dead yet. Also I listened to a doctor who seems like he's smart.
Ps. If anyone dislikes what I wrote, please do everyone a favor and just bite your tongue.
Some supplements and vitamins will increase cancer risk when megadosed so it is not a black and white thing. Like B6 and B12 are both significantly correlated with all cause cancer mortality when megadosed (and most B supps / multis put 10000% your rda of B vitamins in their products). Meanwhile K2 megadose seems to fuck cancer in the ass.
You have a more important question to ask yourself user.
Dry fast nigga
>foreign abrahamic sand nigger religion on a Business & Finance board.
Let me guess, you are an amerimutt?
This board is so depressing. Everybody is either losing money, dying or planning to kill themselves
>everyone is either an autistic atheist or a jew
a jew viewing things in a dualistic manner, how original.
Which one will you pick?
Cancertutor.com . Thank me once you're healed.
>rent free
I had cancer when I was 26 and got the all cure when I was 28. It fucking sucks. Your mortality hits you like a tonne of fucking bricks, something he average normie literally never even contemplates. The temporary fleeting moment that is life is cast askance and I went under some deep fucking depersonalisation and depression.
If you are real and not LARPing, show some proof of your diagnosis and I will legit send you a few Bitcoin. Been there, it fucking sucks but came out better on the other side. I'm turning into a 30 year old boomer this year.
He's right your gay dude
no larp. don't have proof though, only this.
thanks for all the responses everyone. i'll look into alternative treatments. not posting btc add because it's "strictly forbidden", as it should be. didn't come here to shit up this place by filling it with dying beggars.
legit fucking terrified right now, but i guess everyone dies, right? at least i get to die while i'm young enough to endure it...?
yeah, that'll be my mantra i guess. if i was older it'd be harder.
fuck me. really scared, but i suppose life couldn't exist without death. and that little shit is coming for me now. i'll kick him in the balls for you all.
going to go and get drunk i think. can't handle this shit, it's too much.
adios Jow Forums. it was fun.
Read some philosophy, then try to become a motivational speaker. There's a lot of money in that if you can get it. Even if it's just small gigs for small companies, you can still make a living.
Or chase whatever dream you've always wanted to go after. If you think this is it, you might has well go for it.
I'm sorry, bud. That's awful. Good luck.
Can I have your cryto? Also does the cancer smell? I have heard cancer bois have a distinct odour
Did a doctor tell you that you only have so long to live? Or are they recommending chemo?
Remember that cancer isn't necessarily always a death sentence but you gotta fight. If a doctor said chemo wouldn't work and just gave you an expiration date, go get a second opinion. Half these people we trust with our lives are just as retarded and trying to get thru the day as a McDonald's employee, except they have more rote facts memorized than one. If the doctor you saw says it's hopeless, you may find another doctor thinks it's not, and he may just be right.
If I was going to die, it try and use some dmt to figure out why. It's alright desu, everything is going to be fine in the end. It kinda sucks but like you said no one lives forever. And this life is temporary step in reaching enlightenment. Think on that dmt idea. And might as well do good to some people before you go out. It's fine user, it will be alright. We'll meet one day.
This better not be a larp I got a bit teary eyed going through this thread user.
are all unironically based as fuck. Money does not matter fren we are all degenerate gamblers here. make peace with God, say things you wouldn't normally have the courage to say in normal day to day conversations, etc. Godspeed user.
steve jobs died from doing this
Posting an immunity dog for you op. He will cure you.
Stay strong brother, fight that shit with everything you have.
Also what made you get checked out?
>how do i profit from this?
make a facebook moneygrab thing and say you're going to travel the world
which you might want to do anyway before passing on
Maybe it's time to consider the single best hedging strategy OP. Good luck.
You don't profit from cancer, you get lucky and survive. You can try to tug on heartstrings and such, but fuck sake, have some self respect.
As a two time survivor, the biggest advice I can give to OP is to take it as easy as you can during the workup and treatments. Unless you are advanced stage 4 fucked, modern medicine will keep you alive for a while. At that point it is not the cancer and its treatments that fuck you, it's the overwhelming depression that usually follows. Cancer tends to realign your perspective to a "why the fuck does any of this drudgery matter" view, which does not mesh well with continued employment or schooling.
Shit my anxiety is really bad with those posts. What made you do a checkup?
>coffee and vegetables will cure your diseases
do brainlets really think this? Both of those things are toxic.
This. Type of cancer and symptoms?
My best friend who passed from cancer was collecting some government gibs in the end. He worked until he could no longer work as he genuinely liked his job.
stay hydrated homies
Get deep into the remotest woods.
>if ET fails to catch you (and maybe heal?)
>something otherworldly exciting may
That is seriously what I'd do I imagine...
Or become a hitman of my own and carpet bomb a few fucks.
Megavitamin therapy, gerson therapy, B17
Do something you've always wanted to do. Something that you've been thinking about deep there but never had balls to do it. It's time now. I missed my chance and will regret it till my death. Don't do the same mistake like me.