Early bird - smart money

>Pi Network
>flies under the radar
>not hit exchanges yet
>free mining on phone
>small community, the earliest of the early
>accumulate massive bags before mainstream notices it
>requires a code to enter the society
>this will 100x or more once it hits exchanges
>with current 'mining difficulty' you get 1 pi in 24 hrs
>simply have to click a button to confirm you are human thats it.
>accumulating till Q4 2019

currently not traded but devs will time binance listing according to alt season, so basically massive gainz guranteed if you accumulate enough while the community is small.

just download the app, but it requires a code so if you want to get in you could use pepeblot.

>comfiest early bird ever, this will make we rich

Attached: pi network.png (309x320, 87K)

>current mining rate is 1 pi per hour

Sign up with the following code to get a 25% passive Pi mining boost & will also be added to my security circle for additional boost %.

code: LinkCommander

Join before the normie fags and the next halvening.

Attached: 3blue1brown-pi-plushie_df42bd59-cea7-4a39-bd97-fe034b8058c7_1060x.jpg (1060x1260, 107K)

How many pi to make it goys.

wont hit exchanges for quite some time so there is still time to accumulate

Attached: crp1231231.png (502x484, 311K)

>sign up for this to get a mining boost!
>be added to my circle!
>input this referral code!
This sounds like literal textbook pyramid/MLM scheme.

On the contrary.

I won't shill this to your faggot ass. DYOR

Attached: 1539228050489.png (497x497, 260K)

>almost no news articles about it
>site literally has zero (Z E R O) ((0)) information on who the team behind it is, who the developers are
>only information on who's behind it is a literal 1 post forum account from may announcing it with broken english
>you and other shills are spamming this across Jow Forums


Yeah, maybe when I see the team behind it and what color their skin is I'll think about downloading what is probably a trojan app.

use my code pls I’m new

Oh, also
>social media links at the bottom of the page are all dead and link to the whitepaper

your racism will cost you, Jow Forumsack

get cucked you should ave used my code pepeblot to get 200% passive mining bonus...

>muh racism
It's not racist to automatically reject any emails claiming to be an African prince in urgent need of funds.

Similarly, it's not racist to dismiss pajeet or african or chinese shitcoins as being likely scams.

It's risk mitigation, not racism. Also, FYI, I like how you literally didn't answer any of the things I listed in that post Pajeet. Not having any of the team members listed at all on the site is a HUGE RED FLAG and automatic no in my book, this thing is an almost certain scam Jow Forums and anyone who posts ITT talking positive about this is either the devs themselves shilling, or stupid pajeets who want to spread a probably app based trojan.

when you register you have to use a referral code. Sign up with the following code to get a 25% passive Pi mining boost & will also be added to my security circle for additional boost %.

code: k3nnysan

When you sign up, go to Profile - Scroll down to Settings and toggle on Hide Real Name

Attached: streets.jpg (345x345, 11K)

This is a scam

motherfucker, you hijacked my whole sentence from another thread!

Attached: hs5bpm5y5s121.jpg (500x483, 27K)

just use pepeblot and get your 200% passive or stay behind brother

hahahaha pepeblot you magnificent fucker, stop following me on every Pi thread

Attached: mein neger.jpg (680x447, 26K)

who do you think started this thread?

A 3.14 cutie

Use code ‘420anon420’ to get 200% passive income, neetbux and big titty femanon gf

Use code "Camppino" to get added to the biggest security circle around

Spread the love with my referral code. You won't get a mining boost but all the other boosts are fake so yeah.


Use my code for a boost, the others above are expired

actually 200% passiv mining bonus is still active and currently the most efficient community 'pepeblot'

use code "fuckface" to get the biggest boost possible and get into the circle of real sick mofos that wanna earn the big bucks! be fast!

when you register you have to use a referral code. Sign up with the following code to get a 25% passive Pi mining boost & will also be added to my security circle for additional boost %.

code: Dwayde

When you sign up, go to Profile - Scroll down to Settings and toggle on Hide Real Name

usen mi código ”2666” para que los gringos no tengan todas las ganancias y para ayudar mi mudación a los eeuu

scammers have highjacked the original code, only use the initially posted 'pepebolt' and get the passiv mining boost, as a matter of fact due to the infancy of the project I would recommend staying away from secure circles if you are using a phonenumber instead of a facebook acc. for privacy reasons.


