Unironicly why couldn’t the US instantly end world poverty by giving everyone $200k of new USD?

Unironicly why couldn’t the US instantly end world poverty by giving everyone $200k of new USD?

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then everyone has 200K and prices will rise, negating your 200k

Just imagine
>every single lottery ticket sold out
>all Newport cigarettes sold out
>every pair of air Jordan's sold out
>every KFC runs out of chicken

Ultra autismo discovered

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Why not everyone get $5 billion and then nobody has to work?

If everyone has 200k then no-one has 200k.


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I think we should just up the minimum wage to $100/hr. that should be enough for most people.

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>everybody gets emuny
>everybody speculates it on stocks/crypto/boomer property
>bubble continues
>everybody is still in poverty

More money same supply means inflation rises.

> It's okay to print 3000 billion USD to save investment banks
> It's not okay to print 3000 billion USD to end poverty

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Zimbabwe. WWII Germany. Venezuela.

No amount of money distributed to the poor would end poverty.

If you gave everyone money at once, the value of the money would stay the same but the figures would increase exp.
An example of this was what happened in Nazi Germany; Hitler printed lots of money and as a result bread costed a good 330 German Mark

Why not make it a trillion dollars each?

you dont end poverty by printing a ton of gib me dats, why you think no one including venezuela etc has done this yet? back to high school with you m8

It would be worse , half the nigs would spend the entire check on a car. With no idea how to keep up with insurance or maintenance or anything

Leftist cucks like this want to cause hyperinflation and dilute everyone's life savings to zero. This is what BTC was made for.

good goy

Attached: good goy.jpg (600x600, 49K)

3/10 bait

great rebuttal

because the point of money is to have more then othr people. u need underlings to not kys when u realize all your hard work was just for some paper. giving everyone the same moneys would make the rich sudoku cuz they no longer have an excuse to look down on us. basic economics read more faggot

unironicly pakistan

It could, but Drumppf is a fascist meanie.

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>Unironicly why couldn’t the US instantly end world poverty
Because we are not a charity case you basedcuck libtard

no that wasn't ok either and ultimately it's what will cause cryptocurrency to disintermediate all of the institutions who committed that crime

>make the rich sudoku
you say that like it's a bad thing

Laugh at the brainlet, everyone!

>what is inflation?

Jesus fucking Christ.

its summer, expect to see a lot of high schoolers here

Hope you get to starve in the commie country you crave.

because then your 200k usd becomes as worthless as one dollar
pic related you u derage newfuck

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> implying hyperinflation will ever happen to a global superpower like US

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Alright, let me actually explain this to you. If you owned a pizzashop and knew that people were suddenly willing to pay more for a pizza ( everyone has 200k now ) you would raise the prices. All prices would be raised like this. This causes inflation. You can read up more about why inflation is bad somewhere else.

Because the prices of goods and services act like a sponge. Print more money, everything becomes more expensive because of the ratio of money to goods and services. It's all about supply and demand, money is a "thing" like other things.

That's a great idea, but have Germany do it with their currency instead.

idk why but this gif triggered me