Celebration thread
Close to 1K jobs done
Other urls found in this thread:
>celebrating pulling eth price 1000 times
wew linkies are special arent they
more activity in 24 hours than any other project in the past 2 years.
This. And checked
>celebrating getting a machine to say "hello world"
wew programmers are special arent they
>Look mom, I know what the ETH price is again
if a company used its 30mil dollars it raised to build a machine and all it could do was hello world wouldnt you be saying scam
>Look mom, I flew a couple of yards again
man the linkies are going to end up like the request holders from last year
it feels bad but i do look forward to the memes
for her it didn't take so long to get 1000 jobs done
This. We're headed down to sub-.01c. Remember that REQ hit $1 at one point. In the future we'll say "Hey, remember that LINK hit $1.50 at one point, anything is possible for a scamcoin."
>Ethorse asked for the ETH/USD price 954 times the past 24 hours
Checked, Remy is more my type, just as naughty, but can be super adorable.
>pulling the price of eth is worth 350 million dollars
no one can be this fucking delusional. whatever, im gonna love to watch this shit bleed out to sub 10 cents over the course ot the next months
>"big whoop! wright brothers?! more like ohh brother!!!"
A fucking sick horse
A legit an respectable company
just a couple dudes who invented powered flight.....nbd
my sides
every shitcoined mooned during the speculative bubble you brainlet. what climbed during bear? what project has a product every single company on earth would adopt RIGHT NOW if it were possible?
Activity for what tho? Is this organic or just sergey bots? Has any user here requested data on link?
too dumb to understand hes on your side. this is the level of comprehension skills linktards have, and people still wonder how they are able to be do felusional. btw comparing those 2 things is so pathetic that im sure some world record for delusion was broken. congratz on this
>this is it??? All those millions for a fancy skyscraper, and all we get is a hole in the ground??????????
>what project has a product every single company on earth would adopt RIGHT NOW if it were possible?
There aren't any
>comparing a json parser to a construction site
btw it takes about 4 to 5 months to get to the stage shown in your pic + about 2 to 3 million dollars. chainlink took 2 years and 32 million dollars to make a garbage json parser tht fetches the price ot link. wrapp your head around that one linktard
>t takes about 4 to 5 months to get to the stage shown in your pic
Because it's been done before.
How long did it take between the first rudimentary shelter built by hominids and the first skyscraper?
>a json parser is new
the absolute state of technology illiteracy from linkies
>sergey bots
You have no idea what LINK is or what it does at all do you?
A decentralized one is, yes.
ETH took over a year and a half to develop as well, and it was just a more programmable version of Bitcoin.
And look how that turned out.
Lol muh JSON parser.
You can only pick one, Stinklet. Hell, you have to go through KYC to set up your node.
>you have to go through KYC to set up your node
Except KYC is literally optional.
"We also intend to have an optional identity review available to node operators"
A significant chunk of the """jobs""" are literally a shill discord group from Jow Forums spamming eth price requests.
so SmartContract will be a centralized KYC review?
sounds like a point of failure to me
>so SmartContract will be a centralized KYC review?
Absolutely not.
It’s funny watching a link fudder try and fud with a complete lack of fundemenral understanding of chainlink and mainnet
Why don't they just use tradingview like everyone else?
We made it
For real
lol @ everyone who are disappointed with "only pulling ETH prices". This is why you will be stuck shitposting on Jow Forums forever. Most of you have never incrementally created something of value (which includes your own personality). Stay poor and miserable while the top percentage of men leave you in the dust and take all glory.
is this seriously how you retards cope? just sell your fucking bags and buy back in cheaper. are you all actual brainlets or what? holy fuck the amount of retard on here.
They're obviously fudding.
Nobody smart enough to make basic use of a computer is retarded enough to lack the concept of "time".
>just sell your fucking bags
make me
Huh? You realize people dumped right?
My goal was to buy in at $.80 but it just keeps hovering around $1 and it’s making me anxious. Is this really the extent of the dump or do we have a way to go? I know it’s just guesswork.
Just dca....
I think it will hover for a while then slowly bleed out over the next 6 months unless the entire alt market goes on a massive bullrun. I have my 12K suicide stack and am sitting on the sidelines for at least a few months to see where we go. Mass adoption is still years and years away. Half a decade.
Just give it time. Marines have been trained to hold irrationally through all FUD whether legit or not, but they will start to weaken when they realize they dont even know what theyre holding on for anymore. LINK in its current state is a centralized price ticker and the mechanisms that wouls give the token any value (rep and staking) have no eta, have not even begun to be worked on. The LINK token literally has no purpose for the forseeable future.
I kill this thread now
who is doing these requests tho?
Same, I sold my 125k stack down to a 10k suicide stack and I'm otherwise staying out until some bullish event appears on the horizon again. The network just has too many missing pieces right now to be backing it with an all-in stack.
Obvious bait
1K jobs, so that put's LINK at a corporate valuation of $4 million dollars.
Lmao, enjoy paying multiples so outrageous, that Wallstreet's assholes just puckered up.
stop spamming ethereum
so they're disappointed with lacking network usage you retard.
>hurr durr everyone is fudding and no one is disappointed
unironically get your head out of your ass
If you didn't know the initial release was not going to be full-featured, then you're a retard.
you're actually retarded go read my initial post that you responded to and now went full circle back to
I think you're the one who needs to go re-read.
I know about your initial post, it doesn't match up with your later posts.
Could a jannie please move this boring carp to my filtered posts. Thanks.
Gl with smartcontract where we bet on 2030 btc price and its pulling data from cmc
>Its 2030 and cmc is not there
If only decentralsied oracle solution existed at that time...
jesus christ you're actually retarded sell everything now
>lol at anyone who is disappointed with "only pulling ETH prices"
Also you:
>people who are disappointed with "only pulling ETH prices" are not retarded
You're so dumb it's not even funny. Every node is affiliated with the chainlink dev team, we are centralized right now. It's a back end oraclize right now
But I can already look at eth prices without using a stupid internet coin. I can even scrape them from websites with a simple script. Literally who cares about this shit you absolute moron.
>I can look at them
>I can scrape them
Cool, can you also get them on a blockchain for use in smart contracts?