I will not sign the genesis block because CODE IS NOT IDENTITY,,,,,,,, WANKY WANK WANKY

I will not sign the genesis block because CODE IS NOT IDENTITY,,,,,,,, WANKY WANK WANKY

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fake quote

>Fake quote
Poor soul

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he is not signing yet because he doesnt care if you believe him or not. pretty simple


Croud funded assassinations when ?

Read the whole transcript, he is bitching how SJWs are trying to throw out hundreds of years of legal law as now irrelevant because in their minds it was created by "white males" and actually saying no, that is bullshit there WERE minorities involved in the basis of these laws. It's actually a defense of western civilization that is under attack by modern SJWs.

>“I don’t know about you but I find that important,” he continued, still yelling. “I find this whole world, a thousand years of common law, important. I don’t think ‘code is law’”—it’s unclear what he was talking about here—“is good. I think it’s shit! I think ‘code is law’ is the lowest attack on modern society, the biggest social justice warrior attack, trying to rip down everything we have that is good. It’s really about taking away everything we’ve built over hundreds of years and going, ‘Oh, it’s just, white males.’”

>He paused, revelatory: “Well it’s not, I’m sorry. Western Culture isn’t white males.”



Nah, he's definitely a SJW himself

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>He had to go to Harvard to finally dispel this myth.

yes private keys are no proof of identity they are just the next best fucking thing you asshat!


bullshit from his performance so far you can tell it's the only thing he cares about

Guys, guys listen!
I'm Satoshi!
I swear!
I'm Satoshi Nakamoto creator of Bit Coin.
I don't care if you don't belive me.
But listen I'm Satoshi. If you don't belive me you gonna be so sorry!
I will bankrupt you!
Because I'm Satoshi.
And Bit Coin is turing complete... Yes it is. I'm not gonna prove it you just have to take my word on it!
I made Bit Coin. You will fucking listen to what I say!
I will not prove it because I don't owe you anything!
I don't care if you don't belive me!
Honest to God! I don't give a flying fuck.
But listen here! I'm Satoshi Nakamoto. Do you understand motherfucker.
I will bankrupt you if you don't listen to me!
But I'm not gonna prove shit because I don't care if you belive me or not...
I made Bit Coin it's mine! My intellectual property and you may only use it the way i see fit!
If you try other forks I will bankrupt you motherfucker!
I'm Satoshi. I can't prove it but I am.
Satoshi Nakamoto motherfucker!
That's me.
Don't belive me! See if i care!
You will be so sorry.
Sanjay's Vindaloo is the real Bit Coin!
The original.
We introduced new opcodes that make no sense.
I can do that because I'm Satoshi!
No I will not prove it!
No I will not sign.
Fuck off!
I don't owe you anything!
I'm Satoshi!

>I'm sorry. Western Culture isn't white males. Augustus of Hippo was African. Sappho of Lesbos was female. That's Western culture. It isn't just a whole load of guys in white for the last fifty years like bloody Harvard's been teaching us.

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Funny stuff Greg ;-)

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>spends every waking moment trying to convince retards he's satoshi
>he doesn't care if you believe him
pick one

Kek. Then why is the favor going around sueing everyone that doesn’t acknowledge him as SN creator of “Bit Coin”

SN only refers to it as Bitcoin. Nuff said

>read in the voice of Rick Sanchez

He's right, though. Imagine if court houses dissapeared and code meant you were guilty or not. Socialists would attempt to round everyone up based on twitter polls and execute them "for the greater good." No, seriously. Maybe not Americans, but so many countries did communism and they killed +100MM people last century. Not me, though, I'm too smart.

However, CSW is unironically arguably the most based man in all of Bitcoin, when it comes to the plumbing of the core protocol and when it comes to economic predictions relating to Bitcoin without the "gambling" aspect.

I don't care if you don't believe me!
I'm Satoshi! Motherfucker!
You buy, you hodl, anything at all, I will bloody bankrupt you!
I don't give a fuck!
You don't have to believe me!
I don't give a fuck!
I don't care about you!
I sear I don't. I really really truly don't care.
I'm Satoshi! Do you understand motherfucker?
Have a nice life!

He doesn't actually. It's the core shills who spend every waking moment trying to say he is NOT satoshi. The only thing they think about is him.

yes core shills make 50 thread per hour about it... sure...

btw lemme show you how i try to get by on this fucking shit infested board...

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Nobody cares about Satoj besides BSVschizos. They are the ones making threads - almost never is a thread denigrating him being made unless it's some reaction to mass spam.

lol there are many, and there have been for a while. At some point there were like 50 pajeet threads and vishnu threads started every day just to denigrate Craig. But they never get traction anymore because we converted this board to a BitcoinSV board.

Deal with it coretards, you are losing control of the narrative.

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i don't know about any narrative other than you are fucking stupid to follow the aussie conman and kindly fuck off already with your shill threads.

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Actually jannies banned Vishnu and honkposting. We're they paid off? Who knows....

Found the assblasted coretard

Based jannies for once

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this faggot will go down in history as the biggest faggot ass con man that the crypto industry ever has seen in its early years save Dan Larimer and of course Justin Sun. i hope all these scammer faggots get AIDS and hurry up and die faster. so sick of their bullshit.

the private keys to the satoshi fortune are the only thing that matters, get real.
money talks, and creg satoj is such an obvious greedy money grubbing faggot that IF he did have the keys to the satoshi fortune he would have already squandered it away, make no mistake.
craig CANT control his greed, thats why he wants everyone to believe hes satoshi and hes suing ppl JUST FOR MORE MONEY - its all about the money.
craig is being PAID by Ayre to push the fraud that he is satoshi - its that simple, its yet another BTC fork scam and this time, the SEC will make these scammer niggerfaggots pay the price.

and another thing, when craig tells all those lies hes going to tell in court, hes going to be caught, just like he spent 2 years on twitter lying his ass off weekly and getting exposed EVERY FUCKING TIME. the literal faggot (craig) is going to fucking prison and BSV will fade from crypto existence as the scammiest fork ever created while ETH flips BTC completely.

welcome to the party, now put your mouth on that hashrate!

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1 satoshi trove is all speculation we don't know how much satoshi really mined or if he kept the keys at all
2 it's 5% of the total supply btc will endure
3 if satoshi wanted us to know him he would use
DE4E FCA3 E1AB 9E41 CE96 CECB 18C0 9E86 5EC9 48A1

Well fuck you, both me and my boyfriend voted for Trump and are as altright as one can be.

Your sexual preference SHOULDNT have anything to do with your, well, basically anything else. Where you like to put your peepee shouldnt be the thing defining you.

putting your dick in another mans ass is just fucked up though, and shows a total lack of intelligence

I literally don't even own BTC because I don't think digital currency has a place. There is no such thing as "core shills"

Everyone here is tired of paid BSV posters coming here and shitting up threads. Nobody is interested

>I don't think digital currency has a place
wow are you a fucking boomer?


Uuuh yeah my dad is totally a millionaire austronaut, but I don't feel like giving you proof cuz idc what you think lol

Currency is a means of exchange. Contracts essentially allow barter to happen. Digital currency adoption will likely be impeded by its own volatility.
If censorship steps up a bit, then I can see digital currency being adopted more aggressively, but as of now I'm not too worried on missing the boat. Stablecoins will have their place, but it will be years still before it's time to buy BTC, and that's still iffy.

you do realize that volatility is inversely correlated to the size of the market... when btc will be at $350k it will be about as volatile as any national currency or less.

>Stablecoins will have their place
about that, which ones are you thinking? and i will tell you if you are an ignorant boomer fuck or just plain deluded.

that's actually a good point.
I will start dca'ing btc now as a hedge. I previously did not simply because I was more concerned with LINK, but I got tunnel vision

I don't know which ones will be around, and I personally think that any pegged to the dollar will eventually fail. More of a temporary measure. So long as the fed reserve exists you can't count on the dollar for much

dai is pegged to the dollar but in an actual non boomer tier crypto way.
here is a pro-tip for you: any crypto that is backed by anything is bullshit snakeoil scam fucking bullshit. worse than any fucking fiat ever in history.

probably. Everytime I think of what we would do for actual currency, it comes back to something like bitcoin. Not backed by anything preexisting, secured by effort/buy-in in the form of POW.

Maybe this is it?

>There is no such thing as "core shills"

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I hope you're getting paid overtime, little guy

core doesn't need much shilling but it has armies of paid fudders.

Decent b8

>Where you like to put your peepee shouldnt be the thing defining you.
Yet that's how every faggot defines themselves, flaunting their debauchery and expecting asspats for it and demonizing anyone rightfully disgusted by it.

He's right. Western Culture isn't just white males. Western Culture is everything that has gotten us to where we are today. It was Sappho of Lesbos, Hypatia, Marie Curie. It was Augustus of Hippo and so on. But it was also the oppression, enslavement, and destruction of rival nations and certain social groups, the wars, the treaties, the rise and fall of the conquering civilizations themselves as women in particular were cyclically given more rights and destroyed their nations from within. Western Culture today is the sum of history. Again, everything that happened got us to where we are today. When this civilization collapses in accordance with the cycle of giving women more rights, it will open the way to the next stage of civilization whatever that may be. It's all as it should be.

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i think western culture today is pretty much netflix

Sorry but Craig is not based neither anti sjw. He is actually a government loving cuck

Well the beginning of the end of the west and western culture was when women got voting rights.

Who is more retarded, Flat Earthers? or people who believe Craig Wright is Satoshi?

Craig is Satoshi, get a new script from your handler.


That jew was so up his ass all night lmfao.
It's like he smells money off of him and had to follow him everywhere.
Kept bugging him non stop and kept interrupting others who were trying to talk to him and get his autograph.

I swear, I could see his nostrils flaring as if he were huffing the air trying to breath in potential money.

>there are people on Jow Forums who unironically think Craig is satoshi

People who believe in the Holocaust are one step above Craig shills

That's cherry picked western culture you absolute faggot.

But I respect that you like agustus. He's a based friendfu to all.

Also, don't jews and asians dominate admission rates to ivy leagues? Oh wait, they do. White privilege is a fucking meme

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lmao why am I not surprised by this

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it's a tough question user

>did you create bitcoin?
>thank god we don't have to deal with pesky things like proof
>yeah that's nice isn't it

The proof is in his work and his knowledge. But you are too low IQ to to understand any of it, which is why you are paid minimum wage to spread FUD against your employers' political opponents on anonymous imageboards.

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You must be a low-IQ tech illiterate yourself. CSW doesn't know programming and uses salesy technobabble.

>The proof is in his work and his knowledge.
he hasn't shown any actual contribution autistic sperging about psos is not a contribution to crypto. his knowledge is not even questionable he has proven enough times ha has no idea wtf he is talking about that we can discard it by default.

try again shill!

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u mad? kek

That fag doesn't even understand what Turing completeness is.

inb4 the bald fag's technobabble

oh please do tell what do you think turing completeness is! i'm gonna enjoy this. i only code since i'm 12 yo and that was a long fucking time ago.

anyone can steal private keys. are we supposed to believe someone is something just because of possession?

Sure thing faggot, I created a copypasta specifically for brainlets. Come at me

>the Turing machine is like a simplistic programming language
>Turing completeness means something can act like a Turing machine
>one of its features is infinite loops
>without infinite loops you can't craft powerful algorithms and solve complex problems
>CSW doesn't know this because he never programmed
>CSW thinks this is no biggie
>literally changes the meaning of the word to fit his sales pitch
>promises to kill dapps with impotent garbage
>promises to kill crypto with lies

the only thing you can prove is possession of keys. it is no proof of past possession or identity strictly speaking. that is why there is absolutely no reason for creg not to sign if he can. he could wiggle out of any litigation. on the other hand possession of keys makes it very very likely you were in possession of them earlier as keys are privately held secrets. so pretty much everybody would assume the identity. it's a good start and on the other hand if you can't sign there is nothing to talk about. tht's step #1.

nice, altho i would just said "if your shit can't emulate subleq it's not fucking turing complete fuck off asshole good bye!"

not fake sweetie

There is no such thing as an infinite loop in the real world.

infinite loop is a theoretical construct like you know a turing machine

The computer doesn't know in advance if it's truly infinite. It's up to the programmer to make sure that it stops in certain conditions. The thing is, infinite loops MUST be possible if you want to create advanced, rich algorithms.

You know why he’s using the court system to determine he’s Satoshi? Because you only have to convince a jury/judge that you aren’t Satoshi. He can forge all the evidence he wants. Also consider that the jury will be made up of people who don’t have a clue about bitcoin.

Oh now he went to Harvard

evidently. but for smart contracts all you really need is halt if a condition is not met. because with that you can make a script that only finishes if all conditions in the contract are met.

So you are admitting that a turing machine can't exist, and that nothing in this world is or can be turing complete.

Thanks for your idiotic opinion.

>sophistic ramblings
No arbitrary loops - no Turing completeness, deal with it.

i said you can pick either three are infinite loops and turing machines or no infinite loops thus no turing machines exist.
you just can't fucking cherry pick as you please.

oh man imagine believing this. if you believe this you are likely trapped in an infinite loop