RSR on idex, hope y’all caught the bottom

It’s flying, fuck I wasn’t done accumulating

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Same here, I got my weekly wagecuck check today and was going to buy a shit ton tonight.


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Why not buy it now?

Still needs to hit a 30% increase to break even for me

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thank the fucking gods for my diamond hands

I'll still sell at 47 sats though to break even, I'm not going through this despair again

not gonna make it, this will break 200 sats eventually

it will 100% break 200 sats

Please tell a suicidal biztard how much this will pump now
are you sure? I'm not falling for this again

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never gonna make it

at least I hope we will never reach 24 sats again and that I break even

why would i buy a stablecoin?

Because it's LITERALLY a STABLECOIN.. that I have made 2 BTC off of in a week lol

no you didnt

Not everyone on Biz buys the top and sells the bottom, just most.

wow... second highest... volume...

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what is the short term target? 200 sats?


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RSR will be the world's store of value

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these bags nearly decimated me but I hate to follow the biz gold standard of buying high n selling low. 200 sats seems possible if the hype train and volume get going

I'm thinking 40 sats by the end of the day, then buy back at 30 sats for the next moon mission.

Short term goal is 1K sats.

refute this, you can't

>muh logic and reasoning determines the price
>muh shitcoins are NOT a speculation and hype gamble
t. you

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Huobi RSR Vs Binance ONE

This should be good

We moon now, the bottom is in

If you don't have a bag of this under 30 sats there is no hope for you...

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Copy paste faggot.
USDC and Reserve have different use cases. That comparison is so surface-levelled. Doesnot even go in depth. You're a gullible idiot to believe that narrative. Read the whitepaper.

RSR isn't just a stablecoin.
They ultimately want to de-peg from the dollar.

And dear god I hope they do it soon. I put about a third of my holdings in RSR last week, with an average buy in of 36 sats.
The other 2/3ds of my stacks is LINK, so the other my stack hasn't been feeling so good, Mr. Stark.

imagine countries and banks agreeing to give away their power to a shitcoin startup. do you realize how much power you have by controlling the monetary supply?? banks and gov's will outlaw this shit in a picosecond.

this is DELUDED x 9999 seriously

I am holding 150 million RSR

Planning to increase my holding to 200 million within the next month just waiting on a wire transfer

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that's not how incrementalism works.

On IDEX you'll never catch the bottom. What bottoms on IDEX dies

> flying
Hit a high of 28 now dropping

>on IDEX

Volume is literally 1 ETH LMAO

delete this NOW

Trading literally started 15 minutes ago.


Hahahahaha this is fucking pathetic again

KUCOIN has more volume than IDEX
IDEX is a shitcojn exchange for nerds for the most part why would it moon now it's a downgrade desu

>why would it moon now
because burgers can now buy the shitcoin

Soooooo, do I buy in or what?

buy some now, buy more later when it dips

do you currently have any positions that are overbought or the top of their range?
Sell those and buy in.
Do you have any positions that have weaker fundamentals than RSR?
Sell those and buy in.

THIS. I dont even have a lot of RSR because of Huobi .1 BTC withdrawal limit with No KYC. I would have bought so much more if it was on IDEX. Now that it is I will be scooping up more RSR.

so... did it just get delisted?

idex just shat itself, you can access the page by

This will be like HOT all over again in a day or so... get onboard etc

Have been lurking and considering buying RSR but been waiting for it to be listed on a burger friendly exchange. All the fud is useless when you DYOR and see the fundamentals RSR has. This is your chance to get in at the ground. You can’t play to win from the sidelines.

yeah this coin is giving me actual HOT vibes, feels good to remember buying 13 million HOT for a mere 8 eth lmao

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still waiting for the chink sell wall on hbg to get crushed

I got 440k at 29 sats and another 200k this morning at 26 sats. Am I gonna make it?

Reserve will replace fiat and bitcoin as the world's store of value.

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kys pajeet

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Come on bizlets there’s still time to buy the top


buy it all brainlets pamp it

This coin will never moon simply because it has a boring ass name