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Other urls found in this thread:


Unironically, BSV will never get past 200$ again


Here's why it had so much volume in china. read the thread

Lame and cringe

That turned out to be fake news spread by core cucks

Yes, chinese are stupid and they buy up whatever they read via spam emails and never check news sites or discuss with others. Pretty sure thats just corecuck cope.

I refuse to believe there are Jow Forumsnessmen who are pro-Craig

give it a few weeks to shake out unbelievers and top buying normans

Im pro money lol

I'm really surprised but I think Craig being cringy kind of ruined the pump. What a retard. I'm still holding some I guess, but I'm regretting not taking profits at 240 range

There are plenty but stay delusional.

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Bsv to 400 doller yes

Buy while get hot!

big yikes

you can tell by how the threads came out of nowhere and these new posters do not match the board culture at all. There's a reason why these threads seem like a bunch of Facebook users talking to themselves

Attached: Screenshot_20190531-135118_Twitter.jpg (808x2761, 800K)

Yikes, my dude, bsv holders are really taking the piss out of you


Craig Wright edited old blog posts to link himself to the Bitcoin whitepaper.

Craig Wright faked PGP keys.

Craig Wright forged contracts and emails.

Craig Wright faked threats.

Craig Wright faked a public key signing.

Craig Wright faked knowing how to code ASM. Craig’s Tweet.

Craig Wright backdated documents to the ATO. “Craig Wright, has admitted that he backdated these invoices.” Fined $1,893,714.50 penalty.

I'm pro-BSV, but Craig is going to ruin it. It's objectively the best Bitcoin, but no one give a shit about the code and it will fail.

butthurt chainstinker detected

nah, I'm mostly done browsing biz anyway. I'm just pointing it out as an observable event.
It's actually very strange to see the exact same thing happening here that happened to pol.

The volume wasn't from China though, it was from Korea.

>mfw closed my bsv short today with $6k profits
thanks based chinks for the fake news

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chinese use korean exchanges. Same way that Americans use certain exchanges for certain alts

That's why I said pro-Craig. I'm not touching bsv with a ten foot pole because of this grade school drama we've witnessed. I'm not here to argue btc vs bsv, just blows my mind faggots actually defend him/unironically think he's satoshi

>chinese use korean exchanges
Why don't they use chinese exchanges when one of the biggest bsv exchange is chinese?

>happened to pol.
What are you referring to?

Imagine clinging to this cope narrative even while BSV is at 190.
I mean, "muh Chink fake news" was an obvious cope a few days ago (seriously, imagine thinking that a billion in volume in one day was due to shitposting on Weixin), but it should be even more obvious now that there was no dump.
Stay poor in your little fantasy land, cucks.

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So why doesn't he sign the wallet. Literally all he'd have to do is send one btc from the genesis wallet. Who are you trying to convince? He claims to not care yet spends every waking moment trying to convince everyone otherwise.

Also, there's plenty of other coins to make money off of. And I'm not particularly fiending for money after making 600k off eth last bullrun. Watching this whole shitshow unfold is retarded.

BitCoin (sanjays vision) 6000000$ EOY