Reserve has been listed on Idex. Americans can now buy it. We have lift off

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Reserve the hopium bounce


We're literally on a moon rocket

I'm holding RSR because I have bags but seriously fuck off you pajeet/eastern europoor shills. I see you planning on the telegram.

Americans have a higher iq than you stupid pajeets and won't wander to some literally who exchange to buy some literally what shit coin lmao

You're the one coping Frederick

deluded fucktard please consider the following:

we have enough stablecoins.
- USDT (Ethfinex)
- USDC (Coinbase)
- Maker

Google "USDC Stablecoin Coinbase". COINBASE is rolling out it's OWN stable coin USDC in 85 countries this year and then tell me why they should pump the competing product RSR harder?

"Backing" RSR might as well have been a 4D chess move by Coinbase to gain some control / oversight over RSR kek. Similarly to how BTC Core has been cucked by Blockstream.

Furthermore don't delude yourself. VCs are backing 100s of projects and only expect 2-3 to be hugely successful. So they are throwing shit against the wall and gamble pretty much. You just never hear of the failed investments. My point is: Don't expect Y Combinator or Thiel to cry if one investment goes wrong. That'spart of the VC biz.

delete this!!!!

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reserve will replace fiat and bitcoin as the world's store of value

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where the fuck is the moon in that, newfag??

Ur so dumb

triggered npc pajeet
did no one program you a soul and sense of humor?

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I would like to reserve one suicide.

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No its decentralized and scales better than MakerDAO. Its the only real stable coin contending to replace the reserve currency of countries. Now whether they actually accomplish that is completely up in the air.

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Anyone remember when HOT listed on IDEX?

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It’s LITERALLY a STABLECOIN... lol... god I love saying that

imagine countries and banks agreeing to give away their power to a shitcoin startup. do you realize how much power you have by controlling the monetary supply?? banks and gov's will outlaw this shit in a picosecond.

this is DELUDED x 9999 seriously

Copy paste faggot.
USDC and Reserve have different use cases. That comparison is so surface-levelled. Doesnot even go in depth. You're a gullible idiot to believe that narrative. Read the whitepaper.

imagine countries and banks agreeing to give away their power to a shitcoin startup. do you realize how much power you have by controlling the monetary supply?? banks and gov's will outlaw this shit in a picosecond.

this is DELUDED x 9999 seriously

>banks and gov's will outlaw this shit in a picosecond.
that's what they said about bitcoin fuck face. i mined it anyway and look at me now

>look at me now
you are still here. you gotta have a sub 80 IQ

chinks are fuming....

>you gotta have a sub 80 IQ
multiply that by 3