So mainnet launched. Nothing new came out just re-used slides made into a written paper. No partnership announcements...

So mainnet launched. Nothing new came out just re-used slides made into a written paper. No partnership announcements. Only 3 nodes (muhmuh decentralization lmao), KYC to run a node. LinkPool launched. No product. "hoping to get it running within the next few months". And yet you're still holding as this bleeds out because you "believe" in this man who has delivered absolutely nothing of value and continues to disappoint. You'll regret it in a few months when the market bleeds out and takes all your profit. Just smart biz.

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And Jow Forums is going to miss out on the huge EOS pump tomorrow.

biz is going to miss out on everything and then sell at the bottom as always.

Wait a minute there nolinker, you're telling me that

>despite hating LINK you monitor the price religiously and make a thread as soon as there is any movement
>develop novel and intiutive FUD plotlines using the most up to date information you constantly seek out
>dedicate your creative energies to editing maymays with LINK branding
>have LINKtrader, GitHub, Gitter, pivotaltracker bookmarked so you can keep up to date with the project you hate
>actively participate in a LINK discord or telegram group
>know more about LINK than any other project, even more than stinkylinkies themselves

Wait is this "KYC to run a node" real? I thought it was bullshit fud.

>Ay tone are you telling me the nolinkers aren't actually nolinkers?

Attached: aytone.jpg (800x450, 188K)

LINK is closer to its ATH than most coins. Besides BNB, it was one of the best performers over the last year. LINK holders (aka Jow Forums) has done better than the entire market.

>>despite hating LINK you monitor the price religiously and make a thread as soon as there is any movement
Lmao this debunks the swinglinker

see, this is your typical biz retard. hes emotionally attached to his investment and will watch it bleed out knowing full well that in the near-term there are few things to look forward to. he'll watch himself lose 50% then ask himself why he didnt sell when he KNEW it was going to bleed out and instead acted like his "iron hands" were going to net him a higher return over simply classifying him as a mongoloid retard.

yes i do keep track of the project, because i know what it might be worth one day. right now its a piss poor joke to hold a "token" that cant do anything and is valued at $1. but you do you.

link team has a listing service (probably aiming to have enterprise nodes) that have technical requirements. They also give a chance (optional) for node's to do a kyc and get a sibyl protection status so the customer knows that node was identified. That's it.
Other listing services will have completely different requirements.

Why would EOS pump tomorrow...

Have sex incel

NoLinkers are newfags that bought at $1.40. They were hoping for a quick short. The Link marines were always aiming to hold. Everyone already knew there might be a subtle dump. Its actually crazy that Link has been staying stagnant at $1.

Incel confirmed.

Same happened with BTC during last bullrun. Normies flooded in during the run, bought high, got burned, then had a grudge against BTC and tried to "get back" at it due to their bad timing by FUD and shorting the fuck out of it. They were emotionally invested.

Exactly same as OP whose kindergarten tier FUD screams nu-linker that got burned at $1.40 after he came over from reddit and now hates LINK.

Meanwhile most buy in averages for anyone who has been in more than May 2019 is $0.20 topkek


I don't know why anybody would trust Sergey to deliver a great product. Ultimately his project is worth 350 mil and he still hasn't released anything substantial. Imagine a real company having a market cap like this despite having no product, it would be totally ridiculous.
Sergey basically already considers himself retired, you can tell by his slovenly appearance and recent weight gain. He is eating great food and taking long naps, living a neet lifestyle funded by other neets hoping to make it off his slacker project. It would be incredibly based if he wasn't so pathetic as a man. He has no drive or desire to build a legacy or an empire, just the same plaid shirt and boring powerpoint presentation until his neet army finally smartens up and dumps his coin. Then he can finally die of a heart attack over a pile of empty fast food bags


it was all a meme

I'll spoonfeed you because of the dubdubs.

1) the developers of EOS are going to make a "big secret announcement" tomorrow.
2) EOS has been listed on Coinbase, not a rumor it already happened.
3) EOSdap, EOSpay, have been registered, could be nothingburger, could be major.
4) bought 10% of their own stock back.
5) Peter Thiel, the co-founder of PayPal says it's going to be huge (but he's also a major investor in so whatever).

Swing your neck on a rope you greedy swinglinker rat.

> Comparing link with btc
> unironic topkek

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>t. Swinger who sold at 11k sats yesterday