Why do some attractive women choose to wage cuck?

Why do some attractive women choose to wage cuck?

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They don't want to suck dick for money.

damaged goods, they can't hold a guy for long

Sweet Vishnu look at the toilet on this biche

They're dumb, they don't know how much money you can make kissing guys

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Nice ass implants, you’ll attract the right type of “ayoo, lemme holla” types with that aesthetic.

They don't want to fuck old Arab men for money?

But they do, fren. They also take ‘donations’ in bitcoin for letting their clientele mush their muffins.


We probably shouldn't be in a society that pressures women to consume and sell their bodies when it's possible for them to do more productive work and earn us money.

I know a girl that was married but divorced her husband to go get an apartment and work a job. She said she got tired of dealing with the in laws.


Fat mexican piece of shit

I'd pay a cute girl 500 dollars just to make out with me.

All women are whores

You're my favourite post here. Laff errytime.

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maybe they have one of those rare unicorns who have dignity and self worth?

It was funny the first week

Cause looks don't last.

because they didn't buy matic

cause they can climb the corpo ladder faster than any 'qualified' wagecuck even dreams of


You don't see Asian woman displaying slutty behavior.

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You are absolutely out of touch with reality.

Kardashian Butt

Because emotionally conning men is emotional labor and it's more tiresome for some women than other women to go around sociopathing so much.