What is the actual Satoshi BTC address?

what is the actual Satoshi BTC address?
ive been looking for it recently and cant find it posted anywhere.

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Other urls found in this thread:


im talking about the BTC wallet with 1.4 million BTC or something like that.
thx ahead of time for posting it.

There isn't one single address


Blockchain analysis estimates over 1 million BTC, which is basically all the unspent coins with a similar mining pattern from the very early addresses.

Attached: satoshi_coins1.png (603x783, 240K)

thanks for this, so then how would anyone know if the real satoshi ever even moved his coins or cashed out a little bit?
still confused about this, thought there was just 1 wallet with all his coins in it

No, Satoshi has never cashed out a single nano-satoshi. Ever.

So he either has adamantium hands... or he's dead. I'm leaning MUCH more towards the latter, not the former. At the height of 2017, he would've had more money than Bill Gates (theoretically, if he'd cash out even a small portion, he'd tank the whole market).

They are locked in the Tulip legal trust until 2020, that's why.

Craig Wright is Satoshi, it's common knowledge by now.


Attached: Tulip1.png (1024x2304, 647K)

There’s some obvious typos in that letter that raise questions user but if this was true, where Is the tx or account w 1m bitcoin?

Lol niggeriffic

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Did you even read the thread?

you would know satoshi is moving coins because coins from the first few blocks would be moving. he has already started, truthfully.. around the bsv fork a bunch of 2010 coins that had never moved started moving, all the btc and bch got dumped but the bsv is still there. it was right before the huge dump to 3k. he is working his way backwards to the earliest blocks, saving the earliest for last (the death of btc)

>a single nano-satoshi

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Did you? The money is in multiple wallets meaning could be thousands yet you respond with a two page document ridden with typos

Furthermore the research is seriously flawed and propagated as truth. Satoshi did not start mining on block 0

>Satoshi did not start mining on block 0
Why would you say that...it makes sense that he did. Sauce?

The tulip trust is the biggest load of horseshit ever devised by a con man. With crypto you have the private keys whether you let somebody else have them or not. What kind of trust would ever be created without moving the coins to an address that the trust solely controls? After the trust expires they can go back to the owner at a new address that they control. You don't just hand over the private keys and leave the coins. The absolute state of BSV cucks. Fooled by a con man just like Trump only because you are looking for a father figure your whole life

as i understand it Satoshi would have had to have the mining software do something very special in order to mine the genesis block. then after that block, using the key to mine the genesis block, he would have been mining normally. so in theory it would have only have been possible for Satoshi himself to mine the genesis block since he designed Bitcoin that way.

i also dont understand how a trust could hold a decentralized crypto to begin with anyways. surely the inventor of Bitcoin, who was against centralized entities of finance would have kept the keys and never have used such a service. it makes no sense to me but we'll know for sure if Craig is full of shit when late 2020 comes around and none of the old satoshi coins are moved.

provide proof of any of the satoshi wallets moving any BTC and i will believe that craig is satoshi.

no, they were locked until 15 months after kleiman's death according to that. which was many years ago. if this trust actually exists and has coins and this document is legitimate it would imply that craig would have had full access to them by 2015 at the absolute latest

a nano satoshi doesn't exist you fucking brainlet.

yeah haven't moved them, been busy making chainlink and stuff

t. satosh'


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those adresses are being watched by thousands of bots, the moment one single coin moves they're programmed to market sell and btc would crash hard

You know he is being hyperbolic right? You aren't THAT dense?

is there a list of the addresses?
i'd like to know just for nostalgia reasons nomsayin

>Dr. Wright has noted that he has agreed to forgo other assets to maintain these assets and has agreed with his wife, Ms Lynn Wright that they will will maintain the Bitcoin at the expense of all other assets he may have a right to.
>that they will will maintain the Bitcoin at the expense of all other assets he may have a right to.
>at the expense of all other assets he may have a right to.
I have read this doc so any times, this is the part that gets me. How can the trustee hand over the BTC to CJW if he has not held his part of the bargain already! Sure it says later on he can loan out the BTC to fund other peer to peer systems...BUT CJW has to maintain BTC at the expense of ALL other assets...that would include SV, would it not!
Also CJW is not referred to as a beneficiary but by name...Come on really!
TL:DR This doc is a hoax, a poorly planned one

Thanks for more detail. I misunderstood with 'Block 0'

kill yourself pajeet

Genesis block wasn’t mined

Fucking idiot. The coins never moved addresses, so Craig would still have the keys as well as the trust. That's how crypto works you moron, those coins would still be under his control, he wouldn't be "locked" out. Do you even own any coins yourself, or are you just here for the memes?

stop shitposting faggot

so there's no "scary Jan 1st 2020 deadline" which is what constantly gets thrown about. I guarantee I have a lot more money than you in both fiat and crypto. commit suicide you fucking faggot and then learn how to read.

Craig not having access to the coins in the first place is not possible since the coins never moved. It invalidates the whole concept of the trust, and proves Craig is not satoshi is my point

>satoshi smart enough to hide his identity
>wasnt smart enough to just buy a shitload of btc off of other miners to hide the ownership
Satoshi if hes alive most likely doesnt even need to move his early coins. He probably has another chunk no one knows about, coins that just look it was another early adopter.

>Craig not having access to the coins in the first place is not possible since the coins never moved.
is english not your first language? it seems we agree but I am not understanding what you mean with the above sentence

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>Craig Wright is Satoshi

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>Humor, specifically jokes, involves cognitive capacities that are often challenging for individuals with AS (autism/asperger's syndrome). According to Gardner and Brownell, researchers who developed the humor measure that I used in my study, flexible thinking is important in understanding jokes. Punchlines in jokes are funny partly because they are unexpected. Additionally, according to these researchers, big picture thinking is essential in understanding jokes, as it allows the listener to understand how the surprising punchline coheres with the joke body. As individuals with AS often demonstrate rigid thinking, a desire for the preservation of sameness, and difficulties with big picture thinking, it seems that individuals with AS would be at risk for difficulties perceiving and producing conventional humor.

Ok numbnuts, let me break it down for you. If you have coins on an address and then give somebody else the private key, you both are able to move the coins. Using words like locked out or having access to the coins is not valid, by definition Craig would always have access, proving him to be a liar about the trust and therefore being Satoshi in the first place

not if the trust was set up by dave kleiman as outlined in the document you fucking street shitter. jesus fucking christ, read a book you dumb cunt

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lmao no, it would just mean he has access to the coins now and can crash BTC at any moment. How mad does that make you faggot?

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i bet you anything that a lot of that is hal finney. only a portion is satoshi
they just mined in a similar pattern

This post literally explains everything. He's going to destroy BTC, but he has to do so carefully to not trigger regulators coming down hard as fuck on him, like assange levels. I bet he even considers it a possibility of him sending a transaction from the genesis block could be considered market manipulation in a court somewhere.

i agree entirely with this and would also drink a beer with you and shake your hand for posting it.

lmao schizo cope

checked and redpilled. Craig is a massive fraud and anyone who believes him deserves to lose everything when BSV crashes

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Who gives a shit about the trust. The original satoshi coins are at the same address which means craig would have them the entire time if he owned them. You don't just delete a private key after you send it to a trust you absolute fucking idiot. This whole conversation has proven just how low iq bsv cucks are

I got in at 60 and exited at 200, why hasn't that crap crashed yet?
The conference ended with nothing new.

They just liquidated it

Sure if you don't understand what a trust is or the ramifications of breaking one, that's exactly what it means.

Satoshi was probably forced to mine early to prevent reorg

It’s quite obvious paper is irrelevant in programmatic money my dear Watson.