We were all in tears by the end of the CoinGeek conference, including Craig

We were all in tears by the end of the CoinGeek conference, including Craig.

Craig's powerful final words from the fireside chat:

This is what BitCoin is all about.

Attached: CryingCraig.jpg (607x631, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:



craig will cry when he gets locked up in prison.

powerful and stiff at the same time. Will attend coingeek Tokyo

The next one will be at Seoul, Korea.


Oh, I got that wrong then. Thanks


his final word "i read the bitcoin whitepaper"

what a shitshow

This can't even pass as cult at this point, but a vaudeville for retarded people.


Attached: boomer satoshi.jpg (956x648, 83K)




Is there an end to this soi faggotry?

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Yes, when craig btfo every single core cucks on this planet

Well how do you do fellow Jow Forums user?

Attached: 13C3EFF2-CACB-40E1-9189-E3E278136505.jpg (640x360, 24K)

>being this much of a braindead piece of dogshit
Never going to make it

don't be mad. you still have time to cash out those btc before eoy or i might suggest you to swap that btc to the real btc, yknow just to get things safe :)

>implying I hold btc

The day can't come soon enough.

Attached: btc_trading_at_zero.jpg (1700x276, 135K)

like poker it's a bluff. tulip trust vested 15 months after kleiman's death

hahaha oh my god there's real actual people at that.
Public, recorded proof for all time that you are a fucking brainlet hahahaha

Kys creg you drunk idiot

How much do you get paid to shill him?

How is it a bluff then? It just means he has access to the coins already and do not have to wait until 2020. Makes it even worse for Core because the collapse can come at any moment, rather than having 7 months of sanctuary.

Attached: Satoshi_kills_corecoin.jpg (1125x388, 63K)

Wait what, is someone paying for shilling the real bitcoin? Sign me in!

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>Yes, when craig btfo every single core cucks on this planet


my master will surely market sell his BTC today r-r-right?

he does have the coins r-r-right?

h-h-he is satoshi r-r-right?

It's already confirmed that he is satoshi, so I am not worried in the slightest.

You seem to be however.

Attached: CSW_discovery1.png (945x1402, 148K)

Stop being a dramatic faggot.
But yes, his speech was good and I warmed up to him.