It'over for me

I've deleted the usb stick where I saved all my wallets by mistake. I had around 2000$ in BTC, Nano and Link.

Yes, it's not much, but I feel bad, anons. I think I'll get depressed. I'm a young wageslave (500$/month). I think it's over for me. Thanks for reading me.

Attached: depress.png (284x177, 8K)

idiot. tried recovery already?

use a recovery tool on that shit, mate

In computers deleting file means only, that you don't index it anymore, and it can be overwritten by another file. Try to recover it.

>he didnt write down the private key on paper

Fuck sake user

You can recover user. Even if you can't get back the data in the usb, you can learn your lesson and buy a hardware wallet. Put your seed phrase in a security deposit box inside a bank.

It's not truly deleted unless you overwrite it

fucking hell, look up on your browser what a recovery tool is, fool.
hopefully you haven't moved anything in your autistic rage

Tried Recuva but nothing. .dat files just vanished. The usb was overwritten by a Ubuntu ISO file.

Recuva is shit. Download some real data recovery software, not just one.

Where the hell are you working for 500 a month? Even shit like N̶o̶s̶e̶c̶o̶c̶k̶ Walmart starts at like 10/hr now.

What's a good recovery tool that won't give my computer nigger aids? I have an old hard drive that should have btc on it but it failed. Now it works but I can't find the dat file. Also no one has jacked the coins yet because I can still see it sitting in my wallet. This was from 2016.

Lets all review the lesson. You need multiple backups, and you should probably test that they still work.

You probably have a year before the market goes parabolic. Don't give up now faggot.

I have an old dead laptop hd, I know there is 0.01 - 2 bitcoin on it from 2011 but cant get it spinning. I bought every external laptop hd kit, plugged it in with power, nothing. Still triggers me.

Download Sergei Strelec Boot English version. It has many tools.

Looks interesting. I'll research some more and maybe try it. Thanks user.

>that won't give my computer nigger aids? I have an old hard drive that should have btc on it but it failed. Now it works but I can't find the dat file. Also no one has jacked the coins yet because I can still see it sitt

which one?

bring it to a data recovery center - you'll pay a lot but they could do it.

>He didn't buy a HW
>He thought he was smart

>Recuva is shit. Download some real data recovery software, not just one.
You will never recover anything that has been over-written.... One pass is all you need, despite the misinformation on the internet.
He wrote an ISO image over his USB stick...One continuous write, no fragmentation. He's rightly fucked.

>I have an old dead laptop hd, I know there is 0.01 - 2 bitcoin on it from 2011 but cant get it spinning. I bought every external laptop hd kit, plugged it in with power, nothing. Still triggers me.
Buy a working identical HD on gayBay... everything identical, including versioning on the logic board (not just the model number).
Swap the logic board to the non-working one first to rule that out as a failure. It is just some Torx screws, one is usually under the foil sticker, and there are spring-loaded contacts on the underside of the board for connectivity to the HD internals that touch when you line it up, so make sure the screws are secure to insure connectivity there.
If a logic-board swap doesn't work, put the logic board back on the working one, and swap the platters. It isn't rocket science, and you don't need a gay ass faraday chamber/clean room and shit like in movies. Just go somewhere clean and as dust-free as possible, get some gloves, slide the lock on the side where the magnetic arm is located and swing the arm back to the reset position (don't fucking scratch it on the platter), take a torx screwdriver to the middle of the platter, gently lift the plate(s), and drop them into the working HD chassis you have prepped for the transfer. Gently and carefully and slowly is the key, and you'll have a shot at getting it working. In honesty, I've gotten failed HDs to work with platter swaps even when man-handling them and fingerprints and shit.

2k is nothing. Start over and don't be such a dumbass next time.

I lost my wallet to an ICO worth 123k. I had been saving for that ICO for months and was earning only 10.13 an hour at that point.

>one is usually under the foil sticker,
I meant this for the platter-swap part. No foil sticker hiding a screw on the underside where the logic board is.

none of this ever happened
subtle beg thread

Wtf man, I don't even ask for it.

Very nice, saving this in a notepad. I bought a replacement hd when I was doing testing, will check it then try to pick up another on ebay. I have two dead laptop hds. Can test with the less important one first.