My gf made me give her the password to my credit card and bank account

So she can check what I’m up to. Is that normal.

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Larp, but no it is not.

What a
It should be the other way around.

if shes your wife then acceptable, otherwise no.

And she didnt make you do anything, your just a pussy who cant stand up for yourself

Beta male freak

i will never let another human being know my password to anything remotely important under any circumstances

what do you mean "made me" kek?

No, fren. Next will be location sharing, she'll want access to your email and messaging history (but im guessing she already has this).

> gf
post her tits and i tell you

If she doesn't trust your word, then what worth is your relationship to her

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She already checks my email and Facebook account. I’m posting this from my work computer so she won’t see it.

Larp, but no, it's not. You are a beta pussy for not standing up for yourself and SHE is a crazy person and you should change all your passwords and run.

I'm married. My wife has none of my passwords to anything. no shared accounts. cannot get on my pc or phone etc. this is normal.

it was a shit test and you failed it

>made me
You, sir, are a FAGGOT! And a massive one at that. You are not allowed to post here anymore. Please go to reddit.

I have no idea what any of this means.

I would KMS at this point

You got cucked m8. If she needs money, next time set up a joint account separate from your accounts and feed her a monthly allowance for your expenses (Household food, supplies, clothing, etc...). Then audit her annually.

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>my gf

You have to go back.

>my GF made me
Imagine living this

This goes beyond shit testing, straight to the narcisstic control freak territory. The only case where her requesting such things would be understandable is if she caught you fucking other girls into their pussies behind your back. No, talking to them does not count as infidelity, no matter what she might want to gaslight you to think.

Even then, you should not give in to demands like this, even if she has "reasons". If there's your infidelity involved, you will have to work on the broken trust issues in a way that both sides have dignity.

Holy fuck you guys have problems.
My husband and I don't even check each others phones.
You both need counseling. She's a control freak or you did something horrible to make her distrust you.
You are the man. You're supposed to be the leader of the home.
My husband controls all the finances but I budget food and make meal plans and look for ways to save money.
Sorry your shit out.
Clean your room and wash your dick, bucko.

*Her Back, of course..

Tits or GTFO

Stop replying to this shitty LARP you faggots.


That's abuse, user. Tell her to trust you or trust the fucking door.

no its not normal she could have just asked for the billing statement

>Everyone is an incel like me

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Surprisingly based

Well she caught me going to the strip club last weekend and has been mad ever since. That’s when she demanded the passwords.

Shut up faggot. It's a relevant.


It's a relevant what? Or did you mean irrelevant.

You're an idiot.when you go to places like that you inform your partner.
How are you supposed to build trust when you're sneaking around with whores?
Fix your life or break up with her.
Fucking degenerate.

>letting gf wear the pants
Literally never gonna make it


tell her she became fat and you don't get a boner anymore. you just wanted to know if it still works

Of course I did not tell her before going to the strip club. That is the whole point. If I told her before she would not have let me go.

My gender reveal was relevant.
He's asking if it's normal if her to do it and I can say even women who are loyal and good wives would think it's a messed up situation.
Unless it's an exception like this, I stay an user while posting.

Kek your relationship is over.

i send you 0.1 btc if your gf post picture with your id EQbunJpC with timestamp nonshooped. dead ass serious because I am 98.88% sure you are lying. Why you would lie on the internet by making up ridiculous stories beats me

When my man had his bachelorette party I told him to go to the strip club with his guys and have fun. I also told him to go to Quebec to avoid the fatties in our city. If he's gonna go and have fun as a man, as his last night of freedom he should go to the hot chicks and enjoy the experience.

1)Why did you go in the first place? Someone's else's bachelorette party?
2) Why are you so scared of your woman you have to hide it from her?
3).Had she gotten fat or unattractive recently?

Ok. So, tell that even as you're sorry you did that, this is not acceptable way to deal with it. For multiple reasons:
- If you don't actually work on the broken trust, she won't begin to trust you again. This passwords bullshit is a crutch that doesn't actually solve anything and you will then end up both being bitter. And you without your dignity.
- If a lack of pricacy is something she requires to have a trust again, it has to go both ways.
- There has to be a moment in future when this shit is past that is no longer used against you. It might take time, but it has to be coming at some point. If not, you should just break up already.

Also this. Do you even want to be with her If you'd rather go to strip club behind her back?


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Wait a sec... not all women are whores?

We all have the potential to be whores and need to keep ourselves in check, as do the men we're with. Just being honest.

>We all have the potential to be whores and need to keep ourselves in check
Confirmed, ALL women are whores

rude af and mean af based but not really redpilled

someone has to post tits or gtfo

Nice try roast

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These are your options

1) stop messing with whores, pick up your balls and set up boundaries. Try to win her trust. Get counseling. Without the above you guys will not make it. you're not even engaged or married and are already having serious problems.

2) if you don't pick up your balls her attraction will fade, her respect for you will be lost, and she's highly likely to cheat on you. Especially if you're messing with whores, the jealousy and anger will drive her to cheat in revenge.

If you don't love her and it's too much work to fix, break up with her and stop wasting her fertile years. Take some time to be single and grow up, and then try another relationship in a few years.

Best of luck.

Jesus Christ man get it together. I have no respect for men in relationships who go so far as to share their email. Creeps me out, like I want to talk to my buddy and I have to interact with a hive mind.