Who else almost fell for it?

Long-time lurker, I like researching projects which get shilled here because some seem like genuinely solid investments.

Then I stumbled across fantom hahahaha

Absolute trash, sorry if you bought the top but you’re seriously best off cutting your losses here (maybe another pump if cz gets things going)

FTM is probably the most vapid, plain, unexciting cryptocurrency I’ve seen in 2019. It’s honestly laughable

Their DAG scaling proposition is flat-out unreachable in practical, real world conditions - they MIGHT achieve high hundreds, 1k tps max

I’ve been coding for 15 years, in crypto for 7 and a half. I’ve made a fortune on btc/eth and dash back in the day

But this is straight dumpster fire, honestly

Attached: DD3AB75C-9454-4738-B641-B4E97D39FD5F.png (1600x1600, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't you have a street to shit on, Sanjay?

as soon as i heard its programmed in Java, i knew it was a red flag

hey fag im a coder my self
explain to me how "Their DAG scaling proposition is flat-out unreachable"

There we go, I didn’t expect any other type of response.

Shilling on this board has gotten better, some of you are actually able to construct coherent sentences without making some racist Indian / Chinese reference, talking about a females ass or telling out some random $ number

But at least we still have the low-IQ’s

I’ve been coding for 30 years, in crypto for 10 and a half
Fantom will flip eth

You have to go back.

Most solid crypto investments in your opinion?

> conveniently leaving out GO, Rust for the FastVM and python support with EVM.

Imagine being this much of a street shitting brainlet pajeet

op probably bought bancor

In what time frame? Lol. Because you could be making that statement based on 1000 years

How do you guys buy coins with paypal? I got a few bucks in it and all the sites online seem scammy.

just use your credit card like everybody

thanks just bought another 100k, your post is full of plotholes OP

Nice try but these hands will not sell to you poojeet.

lmao kek, old Jow Forums is coming back

Attached: HEILNANO.jpg (640x426, 48K)

Let the newfags keep buying. We all have to learn crypto the hard way. Anyone who's been on biz more than 6 months can tell this is a pnd the shilling is completely forced and inorganic.

Binance is bullshit. But it is good bullshit to get a stack!

Biggest pothole being Andre still actively working on the project, writing tech papers and saying mainnet is ready for Q3

Why would he be wasting his time on a scam. Perhaps the project was struggling at a certain point but that certainly doesn't seem to be the case anymore

Long-time lurker, I like reading posts here because some seem like genuinely solid people.

Then I stumbled across OP hahahaha.

OP is probably the most vapid, plain, unexciting poster I’ve seen in 2019. It’s honestly laughable.

OP's goals are flat-out unreachable in practical, real world conditions - they MIGHT achieve one, two max.

OP's been larping for 15 years, in biz for 7 and a half. He made some decent posts back in the day.

But this is straight dumpster fire, honestly.

I ran some tests
I literally cannot disclose anything else, it’s pretty sensitive and I don’t want to jeopardize anything

5 sfxdx.com developers, 3 offscale.io developers. Quan Nguyen, Peter Badenhorst, Anton Neil, Andre Cronje, George Samman (who worked on the tokeneconomics for Hashgraph), Alex Kampa (Sikoba.com), Michael Kong, University of Sydney and Yonsei Universitiy Professors, postdoctoral researchers, PhDs, and undergraduate students (middleware research and developement) this is the research and development team currently.

Of course you can't

Attached: CgyjJi3.jpg (1838x2048, 157K)

Most of the ones shilled here are absolute garbage

The r/r’s across crypto as a whole is really messed up, you can use that to your advantage

Btc/eth are still the most solid by a long shot, I hold some bsv as a contingency (I don’t think csw is satoshi, but there’s a big upshot if he turns out to be)

Small bags of link, iota and nano


Attached: IMoER5i.jpg (600x339, 65K)

What about link my friend

>I’ve been coding for 15 years, in crypto for 7 and a half.

You are nothing compared to Andre and the team

Attached: x5gz5quth8r21.png (772x693, 750K)

Care to elaborate?

Bnb as well, small stack

Honestly was a little refreshing seeing all these sub 100-IQ threads, it’s an easier read than serious conversation
Yes, I just hope I’m able to stop some people from losing more than they can afford to

What a well-thought out, rational response. Brb going to buy a stack

Mentioned it elsewhere, btc and Eth are still my biggest holdings by a long way (I do hold some link)

If I didn’t have as much money and was still looking to ‘make it’ - I’d have far less in btc/eth and more in lower caps like link, also a portion in shitcoins

>in lower caps like link
lowkey link shill hahahahaha exposed

so is nano a good buy? will they have the super tps?

I would if I could user, I really don’t want to see people lose money

I saw mt.gox, bitstamp, poloniex - someone I was acquainted with was seriously damaged for a while after the bitfloor

I mentioned above I have some money in some promising mid-caps (link being one of them)

I explicitly mentioned link because the user asked

>I literally cannot disclose anything else, it’s pretty sensitive and I don’t want to jeopardize anything
what an awful FUD attempt if you can't even name the flaws

stop trying, you mentioned link twice in just a 2 sentence post

how does it feel being in crypto 7 years but still being poor? (i know you are because you're still posting here)

I’m not inclined to say whether nano will achieve what it sets out to or not

What I can say is I did some due diligence and it looks alright, enough for me to pick up a small bag

Seriously dyor though, it’s nowhere near guaranteed to succeed, but in a space full of vapourwave it certainly has potential

OP confirmed for linktard still seething over the mainnet dump literally everyone was telling them to look out for and are taking their frustrations out on other altcoins that aren't reeking of shit or blatant PnD.

Java isnt going anywhere, just like C, its in everything, its legacy tech at this point, will always be used

t. MsCS holder

>(I do hold some link)
>more in lower caps like link
>also a portion in shitcoins
mentions link twice, says that more in link than eth and btc, doesn't name any other mid mc projects and also no shitcoins

yeah stinky linkies aren't the smartest people here

Raised 40million for a clone of Hashgraph...hows that for starters

This is the first time I’ve made a thread in about 6 months, even people who’ve ‘made it’ get bored - arguable more than when I wasn’t wealthy

Refer to my answer above

I hold around 6 mid-caps like link, I honestly consider it money lost already. If you really think I’m link shilling then that’s not my problem

Funny how user who cant prove anything says high hundred to 1k tps while Andre puts out an article saying they have solved the scaling past 70 nodes problem and will most likely launch mainnet with about 20k tps and will achieve more in the future with optimization. Even said that with side dag structure scalalibility is pretty much unlimited.

>I hold some bsv as a contingency (I don’t think csw is satoshi, but there’s a big upshot if he turns out to be)

So OP holds BSV "(incase Craig is Satoj)"
This is laughable

Craig is not Satoj now piss off back to your shanty hut in Mumbai pajeet

Here you go Mr. Fortune, prove it or go away


Only more midcaps if you have less money, I mentioned iota and nano as well, please read above

Yeah I'm sure they had access to all proprietary, secret hashgraph code. They just fucking copied it. How brainlet are you? Fantom is developing proprietary code which shares a similar architecture, just like you can have multiple different blockchain structures, consensus algos, etc.

Because it's literally the only coin worth holding besides BTC and ETH. Everything else, and especially FTM, is a shitcoin. 6 months from now you will never hear a word about this project.

Lol, no

see? its easy to see through your bullshit

>link the only coin worth holding besides eth and btc
hahahahaha my fucking sides

Raising a lot of money during ICO is bullish, it means a significant amount of money went to devs instead of chinese whales buying up some low cap shitcoin and then pumping it on a promise.

>man states he’s acquired a considerable sum of wealth (not a ridiculous amount btw, but comfy)
>random person on internet wants man to prove it by sending them money
>man refuses to give random person on the Internet money
‘See? I knew you were larping’

you know, smart people don't waste their time fudding scamprojects unless they want to buy in or they're getting paid for fud

>link is the only coin worth holding besides BTC and ETH
ahahahahahha the cope is unbelievable, dont worry your memecoin will be back to its ATH in 8 months (which FTM will be $1 by then)

This desu.
LINK is a technically retarded and overvalued as fuck project. The only way was down. I'm just sad money forehead didn't roll out margin trading and LINK pairs so I could short this meme into the ground where it belongs.

I’m on my phone.

Can some anons please screencap this thread I can tell it’s not gonna age well by 2020.

Checked and thread cap'd