What are the chances that this will go to $1? $10?
Give it to me straight, Jow Forums
usen mi código ”2666” para que los gringos no tengan todas las ganancias y para ayudar mi mudación a los eeuu
It's literally a scam you fucking retard
How many times
Designed specifically to gather your data. You are mining nothing. You have mined nothing. Just a ticker on some stupid app. Get a stop watch out and start it... WOW! YOU MINED SOME TIME! WHEN WILL IT HIT EXCHANGES??!?!?!
Fucking retard
This probably. Very rare for stuff like this to make it to market and be tradeable/sellable. Its possible but it depends on the staff which I assume are anonymous and just stealing your data.
Quedate en tu tierra pinche negro.los negros surenos de mexico no tienen lealtad.
nice fud but the founders are legit. you think apple would let a blatant scam on their store?
Yes. There are thousands of scam apps on the app store right now
It's a scam. Use it if you want
exactly what they said about btc
It doesn't need to be. They promised both team members and repos being public next week. If that doesn happen it will be scam.
Lmao, except BTC had value. This has nothing. It's just a data gathering scam ran by a pajeet. Congrats, you gave them access to your phone number and everyone in your contacts so they can sell your data and you can get simswapped.
What did you need to give them on sign up again, remind me?
>Full name
>Phone number
>Access request to contact list
But don't listen, yeah, you're """"mining"""" right?
you can join my mining circle with the invite "fuckface"
The only thing needed is signing up with facebook. No contact list or phone number is shared. But again, we will know soon enough.
Now imagine: a group of researches want to try a crypto without ico, just for the sake of p2p decentralisation. How would you do it? The "mining" is just a catch word, it is being slowly distributed. The whitepaper even mention they are building on top of stellar protocol code, it is not a pow coin.
price predictions?
There is no warranty it will be ever going to mainnet, and that if the whole thing is real. Absolutely no expectations; even few pennies after half a year waiting would be a success. Low risk low reward.
actually just a fake facebook acc thats all
guys like you will buy Pi for 10's of dollars while it is free to mine right now..
it is not to late, you get about 24 pi per day but soon it will half again. devs have ties to binance.
biggest communitie is still 'pepeblot' with 2x passiv mining bonus.
who are the devs?
>The "mining" is just a catch word, it is being slowly distributed.
>right know they are known to the first adopters, but they said today in chat, that soon they will release the whole team. it will all be clear soon enough. I can tell you that much they are no indians
keep laughing user. when this shit hits $1 or more, you'll remember this
>use simple as fuck username
>get refs without even trying
Step on fags, not gonna shill my code because I don't need to but you gay pajeets can go eat shit for posting the same shit over and over just to spam your ref codes
If its legit theyd come out
They'd remove the request for contacts etc
It isnt. All they have to do is be open
stay poor
There is no need for sharing your contacts.
At least not at iPhone.
0 because it's literally an unironic scam that is being shilled on here via copypasta by pajeets
The page for the site has NO (Z E R O) of the team members or creators listed.
>devs have ties to binance
Bullshit, the devs are literally unknown and not listed on the fucking site for the coin.
All the social media links for on this coins website lead to dead ends, it's a S C A M
stay poor
hey fags. set your clock forward and watch the pi start streaming in. I got over 150k now.
25% entry bonus ref code: PeterNess