They said the money would make me happy

They said the money would make me happy.

I got the money, but I still don't have a gf.

What's the point?

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What's the problem? You have money. Go pay for whores.

money gives you free time
now use that time to improve yourself

I made it in 2017 and was miserable for a year until I started trying to improve myself

You can take a plane to anywhere in the world tomorrow and you still fucking cry like a faggot
Turn off your computer and go outside

The point is have sex

gf and even sex doesn't make you happy either.

what works is getting mired and doing the work/project you like

Have sex incel

this. go for it user.

Whores won't fulfill me emotionally.

I have no free time because I wage so hard.

Where would I go and what would I do there? I travel a lot due to work and whenever I'm somewhere I pretty much leave the office, maybe go to a restaraunt by myself then head back my the hotel and get drunk alone.

gf isn't as wonderful as you think. wealth is, you can probably even buy a third worlder gf.

buy one


- Go outside
- take Vitamin D3
- NoFap
- NoPorn
- Start lifting weights
- If you‘re skinny, eat more calories
If you‘re fat, eat less calories
- 10 Minutes Meditation every day

Thank me later

do you want to suck a cock?

take the money and do the needful fren

donate some to us poor chainlink bagholders who lost everything we ever worked for our entire lives yesterday at the mainnet dump

Jesus, turn off your computer man. YOU ARE DYING FAGGOT, TICK TOCK

Go get a hooker idiot
>whores won't fulfill me emotionally
Make it a male hooker, faggot

Kazakhstan. Or Siberia. Go somewhere remote where people don't know English. Explore it. Try new food. Go fishing. Just do something crazy. If I had money I'd go to some crazy places where it's hard to get to just to escape from society and pressure. Be creative.

>They said the money would make me happy.

Actually, they specifically said that it wouldn't, but nobody believes it for some reason.

Why isnt gf good?

Seems like a lot of work.



Who says this?

>Seems like a lot of work.
Wageslaving is easy, a guy tells you what to do and you do it. Being free and not being a degenerate when you can so easily be one is fucking hard.

i have no friends

>Seems like a lot of work.

Listen. Life is pain. Thats the truth, nothing else.
Do you think having a gf is not work? Ask yourself why a girl should be with you if you are someone who can’t have some discipline and habits.
Just start with one and add another every month. Start with no alcohol, no drugs and so on. What fits you best. If you don’t see improvement in something with time, then find something else.
In your case I would start with hitting the gym. Good luck

money means wife, health etc, you have to be sure to show your gold, dont be modest, the shines and glosines of your metals and diamonds will do the job like magnets.