And it’s been dropping by that much daily for weeks
We just gonna pretend everything’s fine and keep discussing memecoins? Just the end of the world here nbd right?
And it’s been dropping by that much daily for weeks
We just gonna pretend everything’s fine and keep discussing memecoins? Just the end of the world here nbd right?
Other urls found in this thread:
end of the world = great for the memecoins
All in meme coins, not really interested in traditional markets tbqh. What impact would this have on my crypto coins?
Doing bad bussiness
Going bankrupt
That's capitalism
its good news, financial market instability makes people look to other alternatives
yes, is this your first recession? this is always how it is right before it starts, nobody ever sees it coming
Basically it’ll prob send them to 0 since tether will probably lose its banking. Nbd right?
At what point does it become insolvent and what are the repercussions
Fuck you and your derivatives
sweetie, I...
Its getting bailed out over the weekend
No retard I was a teenager when 2008 happened. But it seems like most zoomers on this board are blissfully unaware that the worst financial crisis in human history is months away or less
6.4$. Repercussions are the ecb has to bail them out, then the euro collapses and there’s global financial contagion
not really. during recession people have less disposable income so they wont invest in meme coins that easily. it is only when btc is traded as currency (and accepted as one) that fiat crash would be good for btc
I was a teenager too but I'm not such a brainlet that it prevented me from being aware of world events.
This is good. Maybe then Germany will finally pull its austerity-fucked head out of its inflation-fobic arse and allow ECB to act as a lender of last resort as it should.
Me neither retard, were on the same page so stfu
The fuck do you think euro collapses If ecb bails them? Did dollar collapse in 2008?
Sounds good. I got screwed by the 2008 crash and dont give a shit about the traditional system anymore. Let it all crash.
I dont believe you. 10 years it kinda hums along, but this crash will be so devastating, crypto or even just Bitcoin goes to $0? I do believe in a global recession prices would go down despite how traditionally safe havens like gold seem to go up during those times.
Where are you storing your money if you believe crypto is going to $0?
They look for liquidity, so people are gonna sell all their meme coins for the perceived safety of cash. But the smart money is already in gold. Screencap this faggots.
ecb will only bail out illiquide banks. if they are really insolvent they will cut up the pieces and sell them off to the highest bidder
exactly. smart user.
>believing the euro today is anywhere near as strong as the dollar in 2008
Silver and gold
can an user give the source for this?
Google you fucking nigger
Imagine being this brainlet. I gotta find another forum besides biz.
Do you have evidence to prove otherwise?
If DB fails good crypto will pump.
But it probably won't.
They will get a bailout.
Bailout = more money printed
More money printed = more money chasing same amount of resources means crypto goes up.
Either way crypto goes up.
Have sex incel
crypto is fun af!
I'm fucking blind apparently. so when it hits around 6.40 it's insolvent? how soon do you think it will reach that point?
2 weeks max. Plan accordingly
Been hearing about DB collapse for four years now, getting boring rly
have sex
All women are whores
i tried to google without luck, OP how did you arrive at that exact price for insolvency?
The silverbugs have been memeing about deutche bank collapse for a few years now. When it goes belly up PMs are probably going to moon.
Watch the YouTube vid
I know. I own the most silver on biz.
so you're saying zerohedge will finally be right
about time
etf vs physical possession?
He reached deep into his asshole
>not buying this dip
its like you hate money, but this is biz who am i kidding
Have sex incel
Sold most of my silver/gold in like 2013, accumulated pre-2005. Ill stick with crypto. I genuinely believe crypto has put dents into pm being a safe haven. I have thought about buying some silver/gold as I do like it but wouldnt invest all my money in it. I will definitely feel like an idiot if pm goes 20x+, if it goes 10x or less I would still believe Ive made the right decision.
Breh, crypto has given me freedom, vacations, houses, and I currently run crypto related projects as my "full time business". Stocks or boomer pms would not have done this for me. I wouldnt buy into the scare tactics against crypto.
Have sex
won't the government just bail them?
>explain how crypto or even just Bitcoin goes to $0
i want the logical steps on how that happens.
because as i see it, if the economy takes a giant shit, people will be pouring their money into assets that cannot be tracked because the EU will be trying to do back bail ins and confiscations
if you followed zeroheghe for financial advice you'd be poorer today, 11 years after the financial crisis they said go into gold/silver, rather than analzing the effects of QE1 2 3 +.
As a result their readers lost out on the massive gains that QE brought to equity prices. while gold only went up like 40% to 50%
Try having sex then come back to us
This right here.
The only way BTC goes to 0 is widespread quantum computing breaking 256bit hashes, which a soft fork could fix. Or finding some way to exploit SHA-256. In over 10 years nobody has been able to.
Their derivative book is 50 tril. The ecb just gonna print 50 tril euro?
i think zerohedge are right in their criticism, but the market doesn't correct when they expect it to
tfw loaded up on VIX and shorts in 2016
>electronic currency
what happens if they don't then?
that's their total notional value right, and a lot of that is going to cancel out
why would the ecb have to cover their entire notional? if db had 50 trillion net exposure they would be fucked long time ago
they even have to print 3x of that amount to peace the markets
bend over
>Never heard about a technological marvel called battery
not saying you're wrong, but explain please
covering all the potential losses of counterparties?
poast stacc
>technological marvel called battery
what is this crazy contraption?
preventing panic basically, read up on it:
ray dalio - big debt crisis
> Fiat goes to Zero
> Hurr durr, your crypto goes to Zero too
wow you obviously don't understand the Genesis Block significance. Bitcoin was born out of a Financial crisis to curb central banking instability.
thanks, ray dalio is great
Greeks will pay for it
That’s how EU works
what fucking world do you live in where the free market liberals would ever violate the sanctity of property rights?
They've never even feigned anything along those lines, unlike the US, that has publicly consider not paying their debts.
That would truly FUBAR the economy.
Currently the economy functions as a shared mutual story, as an ideology, basically as a religion.
A crash is when people lose faith in the benefits of the economy, en masse.
Anything that undermines the tenants of this liberal capitalist free market system, would destroy the only thing binding together civilization.
It's a device that lets a machine run even when there aren't any electricity coming from a wall socket.
bloomberg bullshit reader spotted
i've been all day on Jow Forums but so far your post has been the most ignorant and stupid. congrats.
I only listen to real journalism like cnbc not some basement neckbeard named tyler
and gets the electricity from
eth, mean, ether.
Merkel will just bail them out. This would make her look bad and she wants to stay in power forever.
>This would make her look bad and she wants to stay in power forever.
I'm not up to date on german politics but didn't she just recently announce her retreat from politics after the next elections?
also kinda related:
the FUCK are you on user, cause you would be making more money off of that than whatever investments you have right now.
Bitcoin was invented with the Great Recession as its inspiration. Truly would be the crowning moment if it performs well during this
Are you saying the whole grid will collapse? Well, in that case the price of bitcoin, or anything at all, is the least of your problems. You'll need to focus everything on survival.
Bitcoin wont perform well because its not fucking usable when everyone's making transactions simultaneously. Bitcoin will go down like everything else in a recession. If we had damn near any other coin leading the pack, then we'd see crypto skyrocket.
>there aren't thousands of other cryptos to use as currency
My God we are doomed
People aren't going to spend their BTC when it's skyrocketing. You won't bee seeing a flood of transactions from the regular buyers.
if any of those coins got even 20% of btc network they'd show how terrible they actually are, you are braindead and i dont even hold btc
My take is this: if deutsch bank becomes insolvent, the EU WILL PANIC followed by another European bank picking up the reigns for the Euro and Germany losing its control status for the Euro. Deutsche Bank has fucked up bigly before but this time the EU will give it the axe. This will likely bring inflation in the following years and an immediate massive devaluation against the dollar, but otherwise nothing is going to happen besides a bunch of middle class investors losing their fiat money, lower class paying more for bread and eggs and absolutely nothing happening to the upper crust.
>tl;dr €
If the fed goes with another round of QE, you best believe BTC going to the moon. The only problem would be the USD it’s priced in would be worthless
Some of them work rather nicely, user.
I agree that 75% of altcoins are pure shit, but that doesn't mean that BTC should be the king when there are others that make for great replacements for pocket money.
holy shit no, if DB collapses italy collapses with it and with italy the euro
What “PM” stands for ?
you dont get it do you, they work nicely cause they got shit network load. As soon as they see even 10% of btc usage they'd congest like the shitcoins they are. Crypto cannot be used as a proper currency
Why even think BTC would be worth trading for dollars at that point?
If Bitcoin is worth a million dollars but a loaf of bread is now $100....would you trade one BTC for ten thousand breads?
Not just zoomers. 99.9% of people are going to be completely unaware until it hits them.
This is the plan, it's how the system wants it to be.
You can trade fractions of Btc more easily than any other currency. It's the one of best properties of Btc.
Lol how you short them for 20x+ then ?
Im not saying to convert back to dollars. I’m saying that if dB fails and qe happens, that may be the moment people would rather hold BTC than usd and we see mass adoption
There's no way out beyond more QE. They gonna raise rates and kill real estate? No.
There are plenty of cryptos that are designed with high network usage in mind, I just haven't done any name dropping in order to not show favoritism.
Remember MOONcoin? Perfect example of a micro currency that handles thousands of transactions per second. Stellar works well, Burstcoin is able and so are lots of others....
Besides, how many people would need to use one network at once? With electronic fiat dollars there are multiple networks/banks that have their own sets of users. If VISA suddenly took on AMEX network loads, the system would grind to a halt with traffic.
Multiple crypto networks = multiple fiat networks
no good solutions available, whatever happens it will be bad