Femanon here

I buyed the dip today did you? ;D

Attached: 7ECF1975-2D06-4FB7-8E6E-C221D8112CF3.jpg (1932x1836, 1.89M)

Show tits to improve Jow Forums luck, cutie

u have fat face. is ur tummy fat too? u all in bsv?

> tfw no fat ugly gf

Shut the fuck up, chunkers.

No sweaty bsv is a scam I hold link and BTC

so fat i couldnt fap

Have sex incels

all women are whores

Is she asian?

Have sex
I’m white

wat bout u tummy. fat or flat?

its not the 15th. Also, that marker is photoshopped on

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

i apologize for calling you fat, but you really should take care of your diet femanon.

Have sex
This user fucks

WtF is this?

Attached: 143F4DE0-C4DC-400A-9E74-A0A6DA71459B.jpg (559x1207, 504K)

>BSV is a scam

GTFO here brainlet

Thanks I appreciate that XD I do need to loose a few I agree with that much nicer way to put it

even your ID is telling you to do keto

How stinky is your linky

Shut up creg
I’ve thought about it can you redpilled me on it?

25000 linky after selling at 1.3 and buying back at .98 XD very stinky

You know what is STIFF? Definitely not your ring finger. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with it?

no just count calories you lazy cow

She is a little overweight but not horribly, and she looks healthy and clean. In other words, better than most of you posting. Some of you would probably faint if she said something nice to you.

>no other picture besides the OP
>types in forced XD to mimic a girl
>timestamp is for the 15th of May
>photoshopped writing on the tag
god, this is why i left biz.

You guys are honestly the dumbest fucking board in existence.
Im surprise the man behind OP doesnt just post his LINK address and ask for link handouts since he has all the thirsty virgins here by the balls.

Also, if you fucking faggots are into femawhores doing this shit just browse /soc/. literally 10 of these types of girls in the catalog as we speak

Attached: 80deefea-s.jpg (430x636, 73K)

Buy condoms to use with bf while you drip Tyrone's gluey spunk.

Attached: 1355_JKOvu6Hh.jpg (740x900, 115K)

thoughts on chainlink?

thots on chainlink

pixels etc been here for 28 yrs etc..

Attached: gtfo.jpg (500x443, 72K)

>15 may

you mean fatanon

>Have sex
What are your rates?