My wife and I are coming into about 120k from a medical negligence lawsuit concerning my son, see picture

My wife and I are coming into about 120k from a medical negligence lawsuit concerning my son, see picture.

What I wanted to ask you was should we pay off our house (108k), or my student loans (98k)?

Give your answer and solid reasons as to why.

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What are the payments on your house and student loan respectively? Do you intend to move to another home? What are your major plans for the next 5 years.

the one which has the highest interest rate

Pay off whatever has a higher interest rate


i dont wanna see that shit

Plot twist. OP is a doctor and burned his own kids hand.

Student loans if you plan on divorcing your wife

which has the higher interest rate?

are your loans federal or private?

did your loans go towards a degree people give a shit about (medical) where an employer might pay it off in lieu of a fixed term employment contract?

then he sued his own office, must be jewish

Student loans vary between 3.4%-6.8%, house is 4.2%

Pay whatever has a higher interest rate off brainlet boomer and stop racking up debt on memes like a degree.


Also wouldn't be bad to invest 10k into crypto and save 10k in fiat for a recession.

based and good question

Tried that, never met their terms

Pay off student loans, buy gold with the rest.

How about you save it for your son's education. Or future surgery

We actuate leaning towards house because if I do die she isn’t responsible for that debt.

He is getting another 60k, he is special needs and will always be under our care.

you have to burn this shit, only fire will help cure or he gonna loose his hand

I would lean towards paying off the student loan. It is probably the higher interest rate, and is non-dis chargeable.

You fail to pay the house, foreclosure and bankruptcy are an out.

Sallie Mae on the other hand will follow you until the entire amount is paid, with penalties, to your death, unless you can discharge the federal portion, which may be many years yet for you.

The only thing going for the house is paying it off means you will have equity and could then borrow against it if needed, but that just adds to the debt stack.

House gives you more and better options in terms of income generation. (Rent/Sell) You can also apply for a variety of grants/repayment refinancing/etc with the student loans. If for whatever reason you lose your job or life then you can forbear the student loans. House leaves you limited on options, you would have to short sale or get foreclosed on. Besides you can finish up the student loans in double time if you roll majority of house payment into it.

user, i.... off your student loans

Dude are you stupid? Buy litecoin and pay off both then send your kid to a good school when he's older

Wow nobody saying go all in on chainlink?

Stinky linkies on suicide watch

>paying more than your minimum payments
you don't know how leverage works, do you?

Did you hire a laywer and did you come to a settlement or was this Judge ordered after trial? Jw.

Put it all in crypto you retard

Tell that lil nigga quit fappin so much lmaoo

it does depend on the interest rates. If they're relatively high then paying them down or replacing them with lower rate loans can make sense.

Would fucking kill myself if I had this kind of debt.
How do normies just brush this shit off?

I would say student loans since they seem to have a higher interest rate (and so mathematically you will end up better at retirement if you do that) and also because it sounds like you are in the United States which means you can walk away from a house if the worst case scenario happens but you can't walk away from student loans. Before you do this though find out if there is any way to get the debt reduced, through debt forgiveness programs and so on. Even ring up the companies and offer to make a lump sum payment to clear 100% of the debt in exchange for them lowering the total amount owed. Make sure you are talking with someone authorized to do that. The worst they can say is no.

Put it all in Holochain. Double your money by next year and pay off both your mortgage and student loans. YOLO

Yes, this is after mediation.

Furthermore my loans are in deferment. Still in school for advanced practice nursing degree.

>open the thumbnail expecting something porny
>masturbate anyway

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If you pay either, you are horrible parents, essentially that money is your child's, if your child was an adult, i can guarantee you he would not give a shit about your student loans or crappy box housr payment.
He will inevitably become an adult, and when he realises that you guys squandered the money on a housr you couldn't even keep or on your shitty degree debt, he will ask why didn't they give a shit about me? Why did they not go all in LINK at 1$?!?!? And he will be the first case of intergenerational no linker syndrome.

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flouride and netflix

Oh god

Because that debt is accompanied by income? The fact that you think that owing $100k on a house is torment tells me that you should probably kill yourself anyways.

OP is obviously jewish

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Its fuckin true, he will hate them after he hates life first. They will be saddened and confused, and will see no wrong in their doing. If you spend your child's money on your house/degree, you will lose everything. I promise.

I already said he is getting 60k in an annuity, he is special needs and his best outlook is to be in a group home. We are already looking at our options for his money so the government won’t take it when he inevitably need Medicaid.

We are going to provide for him.

To reiterate my son will never be able to use his money how he would want, he won’t have the mental capacity.

More about which will free more money to pay off the other debt

>Pay student loans
>buy one btc and hodl
>put the rest into trust, crypto or so other method as a college fund for jr.

Student debt has higher interest, you can't get rid of it through bankruptcy.
If you divorce she can take the house and make you pay for it.
Without student loans you can save/invest/pay further debt easier.

first you steal his money like the greedy jew you are, and now you're making fun of him and calling him a retard? what a piece a shit.


You also better set some aside for fuck pristitute as well, im serious, just because he's fucked up does not mean he will not know what women are or sex is. He will want to spend some, and you should ket him, just because he's retarded, does not mean he cannot make his own desicion$. Maybe everyone thinks that because they are too busy milking their disabled children for their money.. if that's your outlook you might as well murder him and put him out of his misery.

What happened to your son?


>or my student loans (98k)

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Student loans have higher interest, are non-dischargeable, you don't get equity in them, and if you ever split this money won't go to your wife. This is a no brainer.

You ever put a flashlight to your fingernail to see through it? They were trying to do that to find an Vein to place an IV and use the wrong light source.

And that made him a potato?

This op. Divorce rates for couples with disabled children are indeed significantly higher, this is not sacarsm anymore guy. Play your cards wisely.

He was born with something called L1CAM syndrome. He was having a shiny malfunction when we went to the ER where he got his burn

It's leverage. Sophisticated finance. They think they're smart. They don't intend to pay it off. They can higher percentage returns by using other people's money. Presumably they also own assets worth even more than the debt that they otherwise wouldn't be able to own this early. Then they can capture a lifetime of growth in that asset (instead of half a lifetime) while the USD inflates away the payments of the fixed rate debt.

It makes sense if the rates are low enough and if you're buying a growing asset. Would you take a 1M loan at 1% interest? That would be $10k per year. If not, how about at .1% interest? That would only be 1k per year. The is a point on the interest rate spectrum where the debt is cheap.

I'd say under 3% is a keeper, over 4% get rid of it, 3%-4% is the grey area, but you can decide for yourself.

You are able to afford the mortgage and student loan payments now, right? Why rush to pay them off? I would spend $40k each on Amazon stocks, Bitcoin, and Ethereum. The potential upside within the next 5 years is well worth the risk.

if she actually had that talk with you then thats weird and creepy as fuck, unless you have like 4 stage cancer or something

isn't that your son's money?

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The whole thread is stupid.

Pay off the house.

Sell house in 5 years for 20% to 35% more than you paid.

Use profit from sale of house to pay off student loan and buy a cheaper home.

IQ > 150

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Loans are in deferment. My income stands to grow but i’d Like to snowball the debt and have more purchasing power to take care of my family sooner

Get your studen loans.
You can apply bankruptcy for home but not for student loans.

Then buy at least 10k LINK. Sell in one year.

There's no prize for paying your loans off early. Sure you save on the interest, but you could dump it into an investment and be able to make more than 4 or 5% a year. It's money you didn't have, use it to carve out a better future for your son, not an easier life for yourself.

Buy that kid some oven mitts and then put $119,980.00 into doge coin.

And that was worth 120k.
The best thing that could happen for you was having the doctors have an accident on your retard son who you don't need to spend the money on
Bet you LOVED being able to sue on his behalf and keep the money. take your 120k and put it in btc.

I like how you think.

If he was a doctor who wound have student loan nor any mortgage left.

Actually worth 275k, but between son and attorney that is wife and our take.

maybe fix your fucking son?

So what exactly was the reason? 120k of pain and suffering? having to miss work to take care of him even though your wife was already on mat leave? fucking america

Called a never event/ sentinel event. He can’t use that hand anymore

Honestly dude I would just split it out into different types of investments. Decide how much you want to put into high risk (btc) and low risk, and maybe spend A little bit to curb some of the high interest rate debt. I would recommend talking to a financial advisor about it over a bunch of trolls on a Mongolian basketweaving forum.

It's a good thing he was never planning to, your house is worth a lot more than your potato son's hand

looks fine to me

Only perspective anyone has brought is that my wife might divorce me. Buy it’s pretty unlikely. Even if that was the case convincing her paying off MY DEBT, would be best for us.

you put everything into a trust that only your child can cash out at 21yo.

What you should be thinking about is the wellbeing of your son if say, you and your wife die in a car crash or something. I suppose you can argue that paying off your debts now will benefit him in the long run. That’s why I suggested a diversification between high risk/low risk/paying off debt. I would only worry about a divorce if you feel that your wife doesn’t really love your son, but I don’t get that vibe from you.

>it’s pretty unlikely
flip a coin. that's how likely it is. how many previous partners did she have? more than 5? you're in the 60%'s now.

> using pussy to avoid any responsibility
who would've known

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Unironically buy bitcoin, wait a few years and pay off the house, student loan, and have a few million in cash

This may get lost in all the replies... but....

it makes absolutely no sense to pay the student loans first when you can secure an asset in the home which can be used for future loans and general stability.

>Pay off the house
>Rent it out
>use rent income and home asset to pay off a second comparable house.

worst case, you can always sell one of the homes and pay off student loans