Why Aren't Millennials Buying Houses?

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Nonononono, das a scam!

Because you can rent.
Also because people don't get married at the same rates.
It's a trend to be a whore and men are just more beta than previous generations.
If you got the money, buy houses and rent them to the Millennials.

>$9,266/month to carry a mortgage


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Depressed earnings . Starting adulthood in debt thanks to student loans. The housing market potentially being a bubble

Take your pic

That's assuming 20% down, and doesn't count property taxes. Probably more like 12-13k per month.

why do you boomers make a thread about this every week? its because milennials have no hope, thats why. Now stop fucking taunting me boomer slumlord scum, i have rice and beans to eat

Add on inflation and that thing did an x30. Better than your normal ogre shitcoin.

Men are more beta because it doesn't matter what you do anymore. Women just whore themselves out and collect child support and government assistance. I'm 30 so I've been able to see that they go from whores to single-mothers unless they aren't able to have kids then they get their shit sorted by the time they hit the late 20's.

My last two girlfriends were those whores that weren't able to get pregnant.

I would only buy Property if I had literal fuck you money. Two digit million net worth. Otherwise it's only dead capital. If I have 2 million why would I buy some property for a million. I can use that 2 million to create 100k passive income yearly and take some of that for rent and live a nice neet life with the rest.

because 100k isn't a lot and you want more.

ay dios mio

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>My last two girlfriends were those whores that weren't able to get pregnant.

Brainlet whose dick isn't working properly.

Are you really that stupid?
The empty lot was sold for 84k in 2003

More is always better but 100k is not too shabby. If you pump the most of your capital in a house there is not much left for comfy passive income.

Because we’re earpy adopters of digital gold rush

Thats a new construction. Couldve been a tear down prior when it was sold in 2003.

kek, this. These are the people who unironically think they're going to "make it" by buying utter shitcoins on the advice of Jow Forumslets.

Only retards buy real estates at these prices. Specially considering birth rates are droping and in the future there will be more houses than people to live on.

this is bait
portland is a literal meme
there are plenty of affordable houses out there

>5,500 sqft house sold for $84,000

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I was hoping to see this so I didn't have to post.

>college debt (mostly retarded decisions)
>some careers you'll find yourself locating to a different market
>owning a house in or near a cucked urban area is a pain in the dick (complying with municipal monkeys)
>millennials are financially retarded

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Point proven
Ever heard of a full rehab rebuild?
They start from the bare bones of the house
Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean others can't or it's not fair market value ya homeless poorfag

housing prices are once again soaring which means the homes are not assets, they are DEBT.
this next crash is going to cripple more ppl and be worse than the great depression by 10 fold.

That's $359,000 in CASH that you would need to tie up in a cuck shack like this and STILL fucking owe $10k every month just to be able to live that plywood cuck mansion.


Even if I had that kind of cash I wouldn't dream of doing something so retarded.

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>which means the homes are not assets, they are DEBT.

Do you mean the house's value is backed by debt? because pretty much everything in america is backed by debt

>plywood cuck mansion.
not even plywood - oriented strand board - a.k.a wood chips glued together with adhesives that off-gas toxic chemicals.

I know you guys cherry pick houses in the united states but in Sydney there are millions of these shit quality unit blocks with 100+ apartments each being spawned everywhere there is a free bit of land or buying out several houses at a time. Each one goes for around 550-600k for a single bedroom and 800-1mil for a 3 bedroom and they are tiny, poorly built cuck sheds that fall apart within 5 years. Houses on the other hand all go for 800k+ for fibro shitshacks in any main part of Sydney. You have to go out west with all the bogans to get anything in the 500-600k range.
Life is hell here. This only happened in the past 8 years or so with things getting excessively bad (e.g. prices soaring $200k+ in a month on a typical home) in the last 2 years. Mostly due to stupidly high immigration (Indians mostly and Chinese), corrupt politicians and property developers and high Chinese investment.
Rent is worse, around my area a 2 bedroom apartment is about $500 a week. I live about 40km from the CBD. Anything cheaper is unrenovated and has stained paint and a 40 year old kitchen and bathroom with dirty carpet that smells like Indian food (no exaggeration and I'm sure a lot of others from Sydney will agree).

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>not living in a van

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its a bubble. no question about it.

But I already have a house. The cheat code is to find a job that allows you to work remotely full time then move to a nice low cost of living area.

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Fucking sick gains right there. Lotta smart people are rich now after buying as much as possible in 2008

>work a job
>minus payroll tax
>minus tax for SS & medicare
>minus income tax
>minus state taxes on all purchases
>buy a house
>pay tax on the purchase
>pay land tax EVERY YEAR FOREVER

gee I wonder

Have you not noticed all the immigrants or are you just stupid ? Boomers won't be caught dead holding these bags they'll just have a third world fire sale.

Society doesn't function without people paying taxes, suck it up wagie. Putting your money towards actual ownership in a home > throwing your money away on rent

literal garden shed

It couldve used the existing structure and been a top up. The age would still reflect the previous foundation.

My mortgage is now £470 a month

Feels good man. 2 bed house

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I could have bought a house and NEETed my whole life. fuck chinks and boomers

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buying homes is for retards

> buy house
> 800k
> HOA fees
> property tax
> mortgage payments
> insurance
> maintenance
> pay 6% to sell when you need to move

> rent
> put $ into stocks and crypto earning passive income
> landlord has to fix broken shit
> move out when you want for free

The only thing keeping me from buying a cheap plot of land and living in the countryside is the near impossibility of getting broadband internet access. Once SpaceX has Starlink operational though that changes everything because I'll be able to get good internet access pretty much anywhere in the US.

If you're paying $800k for a house then you deserve whatever comes to you. There are plenty of second and third tier cities in the US where you can buy an affordable house under $200k. The problem lies in everybody wanting to move to NYC, DC, LA, ATL, SF and the like.

Seriously, you dont have to move to rural east bumbfuck county nowhere to get an affordable house.

>Not getting a job online and then just fucking off and living in a poor country, circumventing the boomers' faggotry altogether

Get on my level

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Why does this triggered millennial poorfaggot keep making this thread?

renting sucks but ironically enables more freedom
imagine spending 800k on a cuckshed, essentially turning you into 30 year wageslave unable to move, having to accept all the shekelstein's tasks and salary cuts if you don't want to end up on the streets

>Seriously, you dont have to move to rural east bumbfuck county nowhere to get an affordable house.
You either have to live in bumfuck nowhere, opiate country, meth country, or a mixture thereof to buy a decent home for $200k

Living in a van is cheaper and you are not making them richer

That was a good god damn snag in 08.

I want to see boomers suffering and begging before I buy

>$610 AUD for a 2 bedroom apartment

Jesus fucking christ, in Canada it's $1400 AUD for a 1 bedroom 3 hours from Toronto.

>its a boomer making these posts

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Not denying that Sydney is fucked, but you showed a pic of a suburb that is a 5 minute drive from the ocean, and a 15 minute drive from the CBD.

just wait for the next crash and find a nice fire sale, it's coming

Even 200k for a middle of nowhere house is a bubble

In a couple years you won't.

The only way the prices will come down is when more of them get built. So you should be happy they are baying up single family homes to tear down and build large multiunit condos.

It's a stupid idea to remain in the United States. The United States will collapse within our lifetimes. Take out student loans, get your degrees, and get out. Countries are only as good as its citizens. The citizenry of the United States is rapidly being replaced, what do you think will happen when Pablo and Margarita are the majority? Yeah, it will look like South/Central America. They do not integrate and assimilate.

You do realize that your rent includes (indirectly) the cost of the landlords taxes right?

And then you also pay taxes on your own rent on top of it.

Second housing market crash when

>pay 6% to sell when you need to move
This is the real scam. How are people still paying more then some hourly rate for realtors? Realators should be paid for their time showing houses, writing up contracts, etc. Not on the cost of the house.

Might as well buy a plot of land and build your own cuckshed these days, might save a cool 200k in the process

>bash boomer with a bat
>says it does not feel good
>I say oh it felt OK to me
>bash the boomer again
>this pleases me

People will balk at paying them for their time, rather than rolling the cost into a loan where the only thing they're paying attention to is the monthly payment.

The agent does provide a value, the entire process is a complex nightmare to normies with no experience in it.

Soon. Couple years at most.

I thought I was the only one on biz

Depends on the location and how much of a shitshow the house you're trying to sell is.

Commission for prime real estate that sell quick in places like NYC is usually only 3-4%.

Split 50/50 between buyer's and seller's agent. Then the brokerage get a cut on both side. The agent himself usually end up taking about 1.5-2% home.

Then you have to realize that real estate agent are independent contractors, they pay their own taxes and have absolutely no benefits of any kind.

The vast majority of real estate agent make shit money.

>run away to.... oh wait every other country is a brown infested shithole

>he thinks society needs excessive taxation to survive

little nigger statist, what's uncle sam's cock taste like?

Realtor here. I have trouble getting deposits on time from buyers FOR THERE OWN FUCKING FUTURE HOME. I couldnt imagine chasing them down to pay me.

This. My first 2 years in it I made maybe 70k US total. Good news was i was able to write a lot of it off on gas, Clothes, etc but Compared to how many hours i was working (about 9-10 a day) it wasnt great. now im a Broker so i make 100% of what i close. literally only work on 2-3 deals at a time now for about 75 a year